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Alexstrasza Edition

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I stole the quest with Curious Glimmerroot, managed to complete it before the mage did thanks to Lyra, and also milled the quest reward thanks to Lyra. Still won though.

Leave Lyra on the board for longer than a turn and you're in a world of hurt

Secrets are easily my favorite mechanic in the game. I like how they make the game a lot interactive. You can't just do what you want with them

>that one minion that sileced your other minions.

I still have to understand the purpose of this piece of shit. It wouldn't even work in Purify priest since you can't play it after you buffed a minion.

Based Blizzard pissing off the whales

>blizzard fixing the quest rogue problem


It was designed as a counter to freeze mage. They play Frost Nova, you can remove the freeze effect and push for lethal.
In reality it was a bad card.

Lyra is the most fun legendary in the game

It was a good card, the problem was it wasn't released in the right set

I didn't play before that card was introduced, but was Freeze Mage that big of a problem that it warranted printing it instead of some anti-secret? When I started playing Freeze mage was pretty niche.

I like Alexstrasza more. Such a unique and versatile effect

Yogg called

fuck them and their stupid dumbspells

It's only used in freeze mage, which is cancer. If freeze mage were gutted alexstraza would be more fun

post nerf yogg throws a couple of random crap before sudoku himself. not fun

There still hasn't really been a meta where that card would be good. Whatever set it fits in, hasn't been released yet.

Freeze mage was basically always a viable deck, and before Naxx there was zero counterplay to it. Loatheb proved way more useful than any other card really.

Who's saving gold for WILD PACKS?
I sure am.

>freezes minions all game
>gets instakill Alexstrasza pyroblast combo turn 11

>implying you'll be able to buy them with gold


Who is the champion worth voting for?

It lets you do heroic KT without a freeze mage deck


Just died to an OTK Druid, please tell me that's not common again.

You mean Malygos?

Yeah, the Aviana+Kun one. I hadn't seen that in months.

I've never played against it, that's how common it is

Come in. That deck isn't that powerful

i voted for a random chink. i don't care anymore. another one pack pick probably

sniff me



Anyone watching the Wild tournament?
Another match lost because the guy went into an animation-heavy turn and didn't do shit until the rope was halfway burned.

Is there any kind of super cut or highlight of the Q&A stream? Don't feel like sitting through 2 hours of ben brode

>the rare pack economy crashed

Just fucking kill me.

>rare pack economy
wtf is that?

Older players bought and saved packs before they rotated, making them special since those packs will never come back.

Stupid autism


that is an economy though. just hoarding

Economy implies trading, exchanges, etc. which will never happen in this game

What's the best priest archetype atm?



Some (like me) did it as a memento, since we didn't know packs were coming back. Some people thought it would make their account "rare" and they could sell their account for more money.


something like this?
or control with dragons?
I thought silence was too much reliant on draw

this wild tournament is making me nostalgic desu

Priest right now is inconsistent at best. Most decks rely either on Lyra to carry them, or to combo out with inner fire/divine spirit.

I'd say it's the class closest to a 50% win rate right now

Holy shit
>druid has trash hand
>still almost wins
Savage roar is broken

What are you guys playing in the new season?

Control priest, but I'm not trying to climb at all. I just play whenever I feel like it, which happens to be today.

Only the most patrician deck in the game, Burgle Rogue.


I don't like his deck seems like if hes running valet and potion he has no fucking card draw in a freeze mage deck

That was a bullshit win

>tfw you draw rag after being at 1 hp for several turns hoping the druid doesn't topdeck his second swipe

that boy is thicc though


so this is the power of wild pros...............

>Priest hero power with a deck built around buffing
>hmmm better keep my shitty 1/1 alive

seriously this is basic knowledge on how to play the match up

betrik will still win this one. screencap this post

>decide to roll secret mage

>enemy casts a spell, interrupted
>enemy summons a minion, copied
>enemy hits me, frost shield

There are people who forfeit when I interrupt their first spell. In ranked.

nice 1 dmg face fgt

It's fucking bizzare his hand was perfect and he still lost.

anybody ever notice brian twitches his hand a lot? i wonder what that's about...

>play against secret mage
>he plays mirror entity
>give him a doomsayer
>he plays counterspell
>play a secret from hydrologist

The thing with secret mage is, you can't have any real expectation what the secrets are. Most secret mages play them as they draw them, plus there are randomly generated secrets which you couldn't possibly play around.

Facing against a secret mage just feels like a lottery. More often than not, if they counterspell your board clear or removal (and let's face it, most board clears in HS cost 4-5 mana or more), you are so far behind the curve that you might as well concede.

>The thing with secret mage is, you can't have any real expectation what the secrets are
Who would've known.

GG bertik

Seriously. Who the fuck doesn't bring SW:D?

so that's why didn't shadow visions earlier. i was getting pretty triggered

i love this pic

Most people suggest taking Mana Wyrm, but in my experience the enemy is usually smart enough to focus it or off it before it gets too big, and that's just a waste of a turn, so I thew them out. Sorcerer's Apprentice too. Firelands Portals, Fireballs, and Primordial Glyps cover all the damage I need. Kabal Crystal Runners and Ethereal Arcanists are the heavy lifters, and Kirin tor Mages and Kabal Lackleys ensure free casting, and Arcanologists ensure a steady inflow of free spells.

But there are games I won without placing a single unit.

Get out.

I mean, to be fair it does go against the normal strategy in which there are a limited number of secrets you could reasonably expect your opponent to be playing.

Well, not quite. If you play against a good player, you can expect certain secrets before your expected power turns (depending on the class), e.g. a counterspell if they feel a board clear is coming or a mirror entity once pally gets to 8 mana - things like that. You can half-guess certain secrets.

In constructed people are often bad or don't pay attention, like playing counterspell when you have the coin for example. You have no real expectation of your opponent (especially once randomly generated cards hit the table), and so you can't realistically play around anything.


wild is fun

Enjoy it while it lasts user. Soon it will be brimming with standard decks with 2x belchers.

well now what do i watch?

Get out.

Boku no Pico.

Boku no Zeriyah

im not horny

Does anyone have the picture of /ourguys/?



me on the far right

when did /hsg/ start to die? thread seems so dead for a """big""" game

was way more active years ago when i used to play hs

dumb frogposter

Hearthstone started to official die after TGT

/hsg/ started to die when Shadowverse came out

>/hsg/ started to die when Shadowverse came out
>implying anyone cares about shadowverse

What's this wild pack thing all about? Why do people care about getting back cards that are only usable in a joke mode?

>Hearthstone started to official die after TGT

u guys wanna do some HS roleplay?

>wasnt here for TGT

TGT presales gave hearthstone the biggest profit in a single month the game ever had

TGT was the most disappointing over hyped set

it was so bad Blizzard rushed out LOE 2 months later, then for 6 months nothing happened until Whispers and rotation came

sure, heads or tails? *flips coin*