Modern cars with good interiors



Land Rover Range Rover Velar

>this is unironically considered good


im all for simple and utilitarian interiors, but that does NOT look appealing
pic related is what i would consider spartan but attractive

>dials for the ac

get the fuck outta here

>he doesnt like dials or sliders for his AC system
neck yoself

I'm not really gonna even bother posting stuff in this one since its going to be a shitfest of
>no MY plastic shitbox with leather bits is "good" YOURS is cheap
till it 404s


What makes an interior good comes down to much more than build quality. I wish more people understood that.

Sorry chief, I still think it looks like shit.

This, on the other hand...



>Unironically preferring gook-trash over a GT86

>unironically liking the gt86


Dude, I love the 86s, (and I could hardly care about interior aesthetic), but honestly could you say that this is the best out there? I get the minimalism, utilitarianism, and build quality aspects, but its not exactly an "appealing" design

How fucking stupid do you have to be to assume """""""gook"""""" cars are still bad?

He's a retarded racist tripfaggot that shitposts the exact same shit every time.

>muh audi grille
>gookshit stole muh ///M engineers

Funny thing is, Audi started outright COPYING Hyundai.

>No guys, gook trash is good

>build quality aspects

"""""""gook trash""""""" is actually good lol

sperg more

>sperg more
its a quality effort by Kia to produce a performance vehicle? Pull the massive cock out of your ass and applaud the effort

>posts picture of minor wear to the most used part of the car
holy fuck you're retarded

build quality =/= aesthetic

>its a quality effort by Kia to produce a performance vehicle? Pull the massive cock out of your ass and applaud the effort

Mate, I acknowledged that the Stinger is a great car. I'm just mocking his shitpost.

build quality is synonymous with fit & finish
build quality is a subset of aesthetics

>""""""""Actually good""""""""
>Trash forced induction engine
>Autotragic only
>Profile stolen from a 4-series GC
>Taillights stolen from a Charger
>Rear end stolen from an A7

>>Autotragic only

>build quality is a subset of aesthetics

I see we have someone w̶h̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ experienced in film/theater here.

>>>Autotragic only

>>>>Autotragic only

Not an argument, suck my shit.

It is an argument you dumb faggot.
The transmission options in those cars blow dick, but at least those cars aren't unoriginal piles of Korean trash.

>Actually fast
>Good interior
>Good build quality
>Original design

Hellcat Charger
>Actually fast
>707HP with a warranty
>Original design

>Actually fast
>Original design
>Good interior
>Good build quality

>Not actually fast
>Not an original design
>Cheap interior
>Shitty gook build quality

its a good thing we're talking about interiors and not theater then

>Fisher price my first interior
It's udder dogshit, I would know because I own one.


whats not fast about the stinger
i'll wait dont worry

>365HP (largest engine option)

Hellcat Charger


>503 HP

I'm not a big fan of Korean cars in general but you're a motherfucker and one of the worst trips in Veeky Forums please end your life

so you're bench racing. good to know, kill yourself

>No, just because it’s down at least 200HP doesn’t mean anything!!!!!1!!1!!!

>The transmission options in those cars blow dick, but at least those cars aren't unoriginal piles of Korean trash.
Backpedal harder faggot.

My 2001 Mustangs steering wheel still looks brand new, thats fucking trash


kill yourself

Don't reply to him. He's one of those autists that spend hours online hating cars he doesn't have to buy or drive.

I once spent hours with him and it was a waste of time.

>Assmad shills

>nothing to say so he doesn't even quote anyone

literally obssessed lol.

m-m-muh audi

delet THIS

>Actually asking to get BTFO

what did he even mean by this lmfao? cuck is so angry he cant even type. jesus christ,.


If you don't like copycat cars from emerging brands, then don't drive one. It's that simple.

You're not impressing anybody with your online autism.

>You want me to get my main
what did the brown polygon man mean by this

>this thread


my main has lvl 99 wc

>every modern car has some LCD touchscreen shit
>there will never be a new car with purely analog controls

the day of /comfy/ dashboards and center consoles is over

They look good from design standpoint for the most part, but once you're in one irl they feel cheap. More plastic as usual.

hyundai is copying bmw's interior now. Wasn't enough to make them look like mercedes now they have to steal another companies interior. If it wasn't for poor people with no sense of self identity that just copy what they see people with money do, aka larping as upper middle income/rich they would not exists.

What is happening?! Ford finally learned to make good looking interiors?!

What is this beautiful interior out of?

they hired Amko Leenarts, a Dutch designer.
He also was the head of Interior design at peugeot. Not surprisingl the interiors are the only positive to mention about the recent gen of Peugeots.

>Tfw BMW M3 and the Giulia Quadrifoglio are offered with a stick

Not too much tech, and keeping it clean.

He is rather good at what the does,

this is a production model Peugeot 3008 from his hand.

It’s just so enchanting.



> poorfag detected

If you don’t like it, then keep running in the 90’s.

Why are Ferrari interiors so shitty?

Their seats have minimal padding, the horn button is in a retarded place on the steering wheel, the center console is so small it's a joke, and overall the inside feels so much cheaper than the outside.

Lamborghini, on the other hand, makes a wicked cool interior.

No they aren't you retard.

Back to your cesspit.

>Modern cars with good interiors
>0 good interiors posted

>FRS climate knobs
>disgusting controls on steering wheel

Clearly the worst 86 interior.


I got dem knobs. Also physical buttons on wheel for stereo

Let's go back to having 100 buttons.

This actually looks somewhat comfy. At least in that picture.

if you're 12.

my 2018 Mazda 3 hatch has it.

Can you get more buttons on that steering wheel?

>upper middle/rich

If that's what you call wasting your money on trash german cars. Only owned by retards that would post on /pol/ if they were in the 14-21 age group

Why does it matter, you will never own one.

Honestly though, I dont see a difference in any of these interiors. The least important part of the car unless you're a soccer mom.

not sure where you're seeing that but why should you care anyways