/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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AST and WHM are bros. SCH can go fuck themselves. ha ha

xth for foxlanders

Is there a linkshell or FC or anything? It gets kind of lonely leveling with no general chat here.


Playing pvp as BLM and every game we end up getting rushed down and the match ends in less than a minute. What am I supposed to be doing

Daily reminder:
Critical Hit: Every 108.5 points grant a +1% chance to deal critical damage. This also increases base critical damage by +1%.
Base chance of critical strike is 5%
Base damage of critical strike is 140%

Direct Hit: Every 37.5 points is +1% chance to deal a direct hit.
Base chance is 0%
Direct hit damage is 125% always

Determination: every 134 points increase the potency of all your shit by 1%

S. Speed: every 66.3 points decreases GCD by 0.01. The first drop, however is at +17 for 2.49

Lv70 "zero" is 364 with the exception of determination which has a "zero" of 292

Elliot is taken

Being a BLM doesn't mean you're losing.
Kind of sounds like your team doesn't have any healers or you're playing against coordinated groups.

STR > Critical Chance > Determination > VIT > Skill Speed > DEX

is this still the dragoon skill priority in 4.0?

Standby at Limsa tree for those who want an LS invite. Just send a tell or something.

No I just need to know what im supposed to being doing as BLM

Keep me out of these shenanigans!

What are the different healer mechanics in this game?

AST has the random deck stuff, what about the others?

Midlander check, post midlanders

Evens: SAM
Odds: RDM

God I'm retarded. Can't fucking settle on something and I can't decide which one I even enjoy more

Yes, but they're multiplicative so you don't want to be doing this unless you absolutely have to.

WHM is the most basic iteration of healer and easier than AST to play. do not play SCH.



Stop posting EB'd catboys.

Do cute pure midlanders even exist?



That's fine, just sometimes in pubs you end up stacking those and I was wondering if it was completely wasteful or just kind of wasteful.

Don't involve me in your retarded circlejerk, I'm happily EB'd.

Yes, that plate belt is its own item in that screenshot, not a part of the chestpiece of legs, you could make some interesting combinations with them. A lot of the 1.0 era gear sets look a little awkward now without belts being a thing, like the long robes and Kecks.

Screenshot attached with one of those weird leather belts with the side pieces. You've probably seen the icon for them in game but I don't think any armor set actually uses them anymore.

be my husband

right here


I've noticed a lot of friends right now are doing midlander or female au ra fantasias, much temptation abound

isnt that the Elezen bitch in Silk

Catboys are dumb.

cats probably. i don't even play them


fuck you


Selene is literally garbage and if you're using her in her current state you are a fucking moron. And it was like this during 3.x too.


They did.

I remember camping for that Kokoroon mail (back then he had a 15min or so repop, copperbells weren't a dungeon but an open area) because it looked soooo good. Then, in 2.0, it was remade (both in stats and looks) and it was so bland. I was disappointed.

Same f or the GM armor which was much better back in 1.0 (I forgot the name of the set, players can obtain the exact same gear except it's white).

Forgot to mention, this is on Odin.


Not late!

AST is actually a bit easier to play because you got so many strong insta cast abilities while if you play a WHM you have to actually think a little before casting

Most favorite primal to fight?

just beat Lakshmi for the first time. wasn't that bad at all, I can see why people prefer the EX version over the basic because it's actually challenging. still not sure which primal is my favorite to fight.

I generally agree, but it's another DPS increaser you can add in if needed in fights that don't care enough about healing to make Eos abilities significant, like Faust type fights.


>tfw guy bitching about early pulls in a hunt LS
>everyone calls him retarded for an hour
>finally gets kicked
does anything trigger people worse than hunts in this game?


What stage are scholars at now?

>grinding PotD

Wait so is the forced DC always at noon every day?

I think Susano was really fun to fight and so is the Royal Menagerie. But my favorite primal aesthetically is Ravana.

I still like Titan Hard the best.

if you mean Simonne they're a highlander now

Ala Mhiggers can't even do their own anthem right HAHAHA

When will I be able to join the empire? I'm sick of these eorzean characters and I want to kill Lyse.

Zurvan and Thordan are my favorites by far. They're just great.

>lakshmi ex is challenging
it's literally the same fight but with a "press this to not die" button


settle down hitler youth


Reposting because old thread died.

Rock breaker on a large pack
of mobs just pours so many Chakra
my way, especially with IR up.
It's even crazier with Brotherhood
up. I usually blow the second
set on Purification, just so
I can throw out a few more RB,
especially if I'm using PB on
an extra large pull.

I wanna say someone did the math
and using TK at the very end
of RoF is a potency gain, but
I haven't seen the actual math,
just a post about it somewhere
on here or /v/. I haven't experimented
with it much, as I keep getting
Kugane in my roulettes, and Gilgamesh
just fucking loves to become
invulnerable. Using Riddle so
early and during PB seems like
a potency loss to me, which is
why I pop it after buffs are
up and I'm riding that GL3. Feels
like I'm doing less of a burst
opener and doing more of a sustained
one, but, as I mentioned above,
it does tend to get fucked against
bosses that go invulnerable fairly


The Empire sucks though. I bet their food tastes like cardboard and cocoa butter

Haha! But in all seriousness we can't let these Eorzeans get their hands on eikonic power.


what the fuck is this formatting


>He thinks Selene is a DPS increaser
Look man, let's assume 2.40GCD
The boss does a mechanic that unaligns or phases out every 120 seconds.

Now let's add in Selene: 2.32GCD for 30 seconds
60/2.32= 25.86GCDs
60/2.40= 25CDs
Total: 50.86GCDs
Oh wait, you can't perform 0.86GCDs, so it's actually 50.

Literally ZERO gain.

You'd need, no joke, around 3 minutes of a boss that does zero mechanics whatsoever with no phase outs in order to get ONE extra GCD off. T his seems like it's feasable, but most bosses either phase out or do a movement forced mechanic at least once every 90 seconds.
Not to mention that lack of Eos loses healer DPS due to loss of Eos's AoE heal over time

They should just make Selene give +3% damage instead or some shit because in its current state it doesn't actually do anything.

I just copied and pasted the text, then removed all of the meme arrows. No fucking idea why it decided to format itself like that.

lil boat



I really enjoyed Leviathan, Shiva, and Garuda back in the day. I thought they all occupied a nice difficulty spot where they were a mild challenge, but most players could clear them, and they had some fun unique mechanics and great ambiance.

She looks the part.

Would hold hands with


middies are best

I don't think I could ever change from being a Midlander.



What's the vg fc on omega like?

never post this cursed image ever again

Indeed, chances of it getting you that extra GCD are pretty solidly potato, but it does sometimes happen. Gotta also remember SS math is a joke in general because GCD time is also affected by players latency, etc. Point is people did still use it in speed run clears for select fights, ex. #1 Faust Z clear time:


Again, I agree, she's bad, you shouldn't be using her 99% of the time, but she does see use in the 1% case. Calm your fairylust.


Post male Au Ra.


>Bought digital edition online at release
>Played a month or so but had to stop
>Want to get back into it
>re-download everything
>account/email not found
>still have the product activation code
>make "new" account
>enter code
>"That code is already in use"
>contacted support yesterday
>still no response

what do?

Am I fucked?


>nobody has /pet you for almost one day



would probably be smarter to make selene have a damaging aoe attack replacing fey wind, something like a better Miasma II up for 15 out of every 30 seconds

then do something about silent dusk. anything.

i'd just definitely avoid things like what you suggest that buff the entire party in a significant fashion because then we'll just have it be more or less the mandatory fairy rather than both having a time and place as it should be all the while SCHs will still bitch about how nerfed their healing is when they intentionally choose not to use eos

Just beginning Stormblood's storyline, what's so bad about it putting the login issues aside?

Heil Varis and the gym gods of the empire!


>Server kicks everyone so you can have an intimate moment with the A rank
Thanks square

Is it just me or does Mor Dhona's theme not compare well as a "final zone" them to both Azys Lla or The Lochs?
Don't get me wrong, Mor Dhona still has great atmosphere the music is good, it just doesn't have the sense of urgency as the Lochs or the finality of Azys Lla.

For comparison:

Which lethe do you choose? Personally the lizard lethe is my fav.


Best underwater gear for panty shots.

Lizard butts.

>Varis at the end of SB

I didn't expect him to be that redpilled, he even knew about the ascians and their ploys

Why is it cursed though?