Please redpill me on Jalopnik. Are they a good source of info or no?

Please redpill me on Jalopnik. Are they a good source of info or no?

No. Along with every other Car Journalism site, they're all plagued with bogus info.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its so and so. You will get people here saying "hurrrr dey r gawker/jezebel owned and full of leftist cucks doyyy" It's no where near as bad as car throttle which is just full on buzzfeed for cars.

Some of their stuff is garbage some isn't. If you want a good automotive website all around I suggest thetruthaboutcars

As in they embellish a little?


Owned by leftist trash purveyors Gawker, management list reads like a Tel Aviv phonebook.

You tell me

of course they do, they do that even when they try to analyze some cars.

Jalopnik IS Buttfeed for cars though

no Carthrottle is more Buzzfeed than Jalopnik is.

If you say so

Also Speedhunters is another great automotive blog. Esp if you are into modified cars.

Speedhunters is garbage. I remember when some dumb cunt that was sucking the editor got to write a bullshit article about how women are being oppressed in car culture. Why the fuck would want want to read or support that with my spare time.
Also they act like every car they feature is SO FUCKING MIND BLOWING when nearly all of them are 95% bolt-ons.

fuck off

>nearly all of them are 95% bolt-ons.

that's wrong. Most of the shops and people they do write ups on have years of experience on cars while you just constantly bitch about stupid shit like this

>some dumb cunt that was sucking the editor got to write a bullshit article about how women are being oppressed in car culture.

I mean it's kinda true but that was one article and nobody had a gun to your head telling you to read it. Stop being a prissy little bitch.

Women aren't being oppressed anywhere in the west you stupid cuck.

cant imagine being this delusional. stay in school kid

to be fair an education in the 1980s and 90s and even 2000s where people were taught that racism, sexism etc. were over and that even discussing them would be harmful and potentially bring them back is why these retards are all fucked up in the first place
it's liberalism's fault that we have reactionary dumbfucks, there's no way around it

lol, that explains where you got your stupid opinion. Got any other normie memes to regurgitate?

Oh! Oh! I know! Tell us all about how multiculturalism is progress. Shit I think something just happened in NYC today that would be a perfect example for you to cite.

multiculturalism is progress.

>I remember when some dumb cunt that was sucking the editor got to write a bullshit article about how women are being oppressed in car culture

yeah a measly 8 people died meanwhile in Vegas.... 58 people died, was he from Uzbekistan which I might add is part of the Russian federation. Them damn Slavs amirite?

Yeah, no. Chicks being held to the same standards as guys isn't oppression. They're playing the victim card hard here.

except he was shouting allahu ahkbar retard

wow it's weird how that's not in any of the news stories i'm looking at but i guess that's just conspiracy and not you being wrong huh

no shit he did, i didnt say he wasnt muslim, he is still from Uzbekistan, which is an eastern european shithole and wasnt even on trumps list of banned countries. Love how you ignored the fact that an old white dude lit up and killed 58 people in Vegas.

no user he actually did yell allah akbar, its not a meme. Im pretty sure he claimed he did it for ISIS

>ITT Veeky Forums discovers not all muslims are sand niggers

if that's true then your argument's trash since chechens are slavs and muslims but i can't find anything on him being muslim
are you sure this isn't one of those /pol/ shitposts that gets used in 1800 articles and then inevitably becomes a source for a national review article?

Stop shitposting, I just watched a video from ABC news on the whole thing.

Police commissioner on camera said he shouted that while waving fake guns running at cops.

He also left a letter in the car dedicating it to isis.

oh fuck me i'm sorry i thought you were suggesting the vegas shooting was a pro-isis killing

Lel. This is like Russia's Mexico, it's shit tier of a shit tier.