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H E A L T H ' D edition

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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

Heartbreaking Defeat:

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>10 posts early

I haven't been around in a while, what is Operation Health?

Second for only 1 Month left


i want IQ to rub her feet on my face

Literally read the OP

Read the OP News links
Read the OP FAQ for this very question

ubisofts latest jewish scheme where they buy time they cant afford by pushing back 3 seasons, splitting the one remainder between the two others, and removing a map for "the game's health"
at the release of ophealth following a tirade of promises from ubisoft's spindoctors, literally nothing was fixed. a month later there was a hitbox fix and the removal of spawnkilling spots that have been in the game since launch. so pretty much nothing. hitreg also seems worse than ever. the season is near halfway through and nothing has happened.
Ubisoft, being master kikes, are also releasing elite skins and a crate opening system. Y'know for game health.

Despite this, dipshits still defend the operation and ubisoft to the death.

Just started playing again.
New matchmaking is great.

In other news my K/D has gone from 2.2 to 1.92 and I feel overwhelming sadness.

>my k/d went from 1.0 to .99

Which one should I take lads? I main Valkyrie and Buck.

Happy Canada Day

How is this even a question
Hibana is a must.

I voted Capitao cause his gun is GREAT.

Yeah but my friend already mains him.

>was at .67 at lv.20
>now 1.04 at lv.61
I'm going to fuck it up I just know it
Buck if you just want simple fun
Val if you regularly talk to people or play with friends, friend recently unlocked her and the cams have been saving our asses from sneaky speed jew tactics.

Shit I need to stop drinking and posting/playing. disregard my statement buck/val user

Scared the shit out of me

caveira for fun
hibana for utility
el dorado skin otherwise

>glorified 556xi

Glory aquired from being so GREAT user!

i'de rather use ash's laser or iq's aug.

Isn't pro league finals only in the end of august? wouldn't that make season start in cotober?

Kanal is fucking BROKEN since they implemented that window block on Computers.

Defending Servers is now fucking impossible. All the attackers have to do is place a claymore in East garage door/under North kitchen windows and park a player (Blackbeard if you want to say "fuck you" to the enemies even harder) on the North window watching connector and it's gg.

You can't contest it, it's just over at that point.

Closing that computers window just eliminated the viable counterplay for that.

yeah 3F servers in Kanal is almost near "Favela 3F Packaging Room" tier now with this change


Have you ever gotten "health'd"

Do we know anything on the next update?

The new Operations come out the week after each pro-league final, so we expect Operation Hong Kong and the 1st Poland Operator on August 29th, barring any more delays.
>wouldn't that make season start in cotober?
The current season's pro league matches started a few weeks after OpHealth was released, so I'd expect Y2S3 proleague to start in Mid-September.

yeah, much like this
>aim over someones head
>game freezes up the split second I shoot
>get fucked

So I'm not the only one who has noticed these weird "stutters" in the game after the last patch?

Shit's weird, and completely random as far as I can tell.

We're real healthy


3 speed is literally cheating.
All the upsides, no downsides.

How much you wanna bet that the supposed netcode/tickrate improvements won't do shit to change that?

I really hope they re-do Hibana and Echo's design. They're fucking horrible and their hitbox are too.

thank you for your service thatcher

Echo is a fat tub 'o lard though, how are you having issues hitting that?

>that guy that only plays female operators
>that guy that goes into a fit of rage if none are available

They're fine, shitter

>tfw you get decent enough that competent players add you unironically

That guy should cheer up, as we're gonna have 7 female operators on each side by the end of the year.

What were they thinking with the ITA12L?

I kind of get why the Supernova had to be shit, it's usable on a light armor and paired with a machine pistol, but what's the point of giving a pump that's inconsistent, slow, and relatively weak all at once to operators who are not fast enough to close ground safely, already have all the utility of a shotgun available in the secondary slot, and have primaries that are so good the shotgun would be a questionable pick even if it was the best in it's class?

Like, did they even playtest this hunk of junk?

shut up fag, dont say horrible things about my husbando

They probably didn't give a shit since they were making it a secondary and the operator's primaries are some the best available, to the point where no one would ever want to use the L over the pocket.

what is your beverage of choice when playing siege?

>diet coke master-race

>not appreciating it for the utility


I'm talking about the L, not the S.

I remember people saying it was one of the best, what happened?

your mother

Echo is fine but still looks nothing like an operator.
Hibana has a Ash-tier hitbox and look like a badly design anime soldier.

oh damn, I already forgot this thing existed
guess that proves your point then

echo is my main and nobody can stop me


>did they even playtest this hunk of junk?
I'm guessing they didn't.

From how it handles, my guess is they tried to make a variation on the GIGN shotgun, which is relatively slow, but can oneshot even armored targets from unexpectedly long distances away if aimed down sight and precisely at center mass. What they ended up creating was a shotgun that requires that same kind of precise aim, but delivers way less consistent results, while also being even slower. They really should buff the thing to be at least equivalent to the GIGN shotgun, but it's unlikely they care enough to bother.

People were just wowed by the prospect of a light armor with a shotgun and a machine pistol. As time went on, it became very apparent how much slower and more inconsistent the Supernova was than ""good"" shotguns. And how the Type basically did the job of killing shit at close range just as well because of it's weirdly high hipfire accuracy and high DPS.

But you still use the nova on echo because of the utility right? Just like with smoke?


If you're sure that you don't need an ACOG, it's legit. But honestly, if you really need someone with a shotgun, you might as well just pick smoke. His shotgun is statistically just a straight upgrade over the Supernova.

not even you can stop me you fucking dweeb taser fag

i wonder what the reasoning was behind giving echo an mp5sd was



The only reason I could think of is that they were trying to play into some sort of "modern ninja" aesthetic with his facemask and a sooper sneeki specops gun like the MP5SD.

Otherwise, the gun clashes with pretty much everything about him. It's a silenced, low damage gun on a guy who's built for point defense with his armor and ability, and it can use an ACOG like a gun meant for a window peeker or pixel angle holder, whereas Echo's most likely not going to have the time to do those things because of how his ability works.

-Japan's SAT actually uses the MP5SD.
-MP5SD is a classic R6 weapon, so there'd eventually there'd be an operator with it.
-It fits the gameplay gimmick / niche of "only available as a silenced weapon" with no option not to use it.
-It (hypothetically) matches the gameplay style of Echo hiding somewhere using his drone, and using the a silenced weapon if someone walks past his hiding spot or is about to spot him.

>Ace as Blitz
>Don't even realize till 5 minutes later

>when you're last alive against a full team as Blitz
Unironically the only time I enjoy my team getting rekt

Ya that's pretty good too.

>tfw whenever a mate gets interrogated while you're deep within enemy lines as Blitz
no greater feeling

imagine if echo had 3 speed

>Trying to defend on the second floor
This is pure ducking misery

Of what map?

>the Fuze that goes out of his way to kill the hostage
It's me

Any map really. The Airplane with its small open windows, Brazil, The suburban house, and that one with the Huge ship on the side

>gets auto kicked and game immediately skips to next round.

Been gone for a while and apparently have 600 good goy points sitting around, which of the Spanish ops should I buy? Leaning towards Jackoff but I might end up buying a pass if I see them on a keyjew for $15 or so

>Delaying free content to work on the game and said free content makes them greedy
>Anyone that disagrees with my opinion is a shill and/or retarded

That doesn't make any fucking sense. Why the hell do so many people get upset when things don't go as planned. Shit happens - oh well - get over it.

Is it me or is the Steam sale bringing in a ton of people who don't know what they're doing?

>Play quickplay
>no communication in any game I played today
>attackers will frequently all just swarm through the most direct entry to the objective and get mowed down
>One friendly operator remaining frequently wanders around like they don't know the map layout


and if you didn't narrow your FOV you could have still seen Thatcher from that angle.

I heard him anyway, I haven't played in like 6 months and was lowering my FOV to what I used to play at

>people who don't know what they're doing
I mean yeah. Happens. I have no idea what to do and am getting thrown in against people who are way above my skill level. Think I lost 15 matches in a row. Won a round during all that. Feeling real balanced.

Got Rook and Thatcher though, as told. Starting to get a few kills. Kind of rough playing at 30fps, lowest settings. Also kind of rough playing with equally bad and new players who do worse without the same handicap and then rage.

I'd be fine with that if they owned up to their mistakes.

If they're gonna try to play it off like they planned it, I will judge it accordingly. (ie. It's a dumb plan)

>tfw Blitz is one of the few characters that can become MORE powerful as people rush him
>tfw sitting in a room with one entrance and hearing the running footsteps coming towards you with your finger on the flash trigger

alright, i left the game when operation velvet shell dropped due to lack of interest, could any anons be so kind as to give me cliffnotes on what's new?

But they haven't played it off like it was planned. Obviously op health wasnt planned, it wasn't even on the original y2 roadmap.

they changed the startup screen


well i don't know how I quoted that post but it was meant for

just read up on it
well at least they actually made the game better instead of just adding content, right?

the game has the most ridiculous peeker's advantage I have ever seen
>kill 4 of the enemy team as last defender by peeking them
>let the last guy peek me
>on my screen he appears for less than half a second and I'm dead
>in the killcam from his perspective he had two whole seconds to aim and shoot at me
skill really doesn't even matter that much, all I (or anyone else) has to do is peek first. didn't they say they would improve the netcode about 8 times?

Why would you narrow your fov

1. its a lot easier to see things with a holosight with low FOV
2. you don't need a wide peripheral vision in this game because you are always, or should be, pre-aiming where you think someone is and you would hear someone moving next to you

siege uses vertial FOV in the menu, 90 FOV in siege is = to 120 FOV normally


>well at least they actually made the game better instead of just adding content, right?


>playing ranked with a mate
>usually play shit
>some guy is in the match who's pretty fucking good
>feel pressured to play good because this guy is really
>suddenly git fucking gud
>doing flicks and shit
>fucking top tier
>memeing people left and right
>really good guy calls me a god
for that short game i transcended even my dreams of how good i could be

How common are hacks in the game? I was playing a match and some Buck player killed me with the CAMRS while shooting it rapidly and killcam showed his gun centering PERFECTLY after every single shot he made, as if someone was flickering the mouse all around, always dead center, cancelling recoil immediately, way too accurate for it to be manual

Battleye is really good, I can honestly say I haven't seen a legit hacker since its implementation. Not a blatant one anyway.

All of Bucks guns do that in the killcam since OP Health dropped i've noticed, it does it with the C8, makes people call hacks all the time
Or at least it's usually like that in the final killcam of the round