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best familiar edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years
>Latest Patch Notes

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>not buying your bonds months in advance
dumb niggers
also fuck anime


they automatically attack your primary target


This place is good to level up?

they already did, and the 13m bond bought
now just to wait for all those 11m offers

Fuck menaphos.

Second most hypocritical god just behind papa blue

Should I hand in exile coins for bullshit rep or convert to mystery boxes.
boxes too?


>new concept for TH set
>elite elite skilling outfit
>magic golem, fury shark, infinity ethereal, elder divination, master camouflage, warped gorajan trailblazer, and nature's sentinel sets are combined at level 115 invention to make the eighth set, the elite elite set
>wearing the outfit gives all previous set effects and allows you to adjust breast size for your slutty bikini overrides, plus it gives you the option to make your character's skin an animated rainbow
>if you don't have all 7 previous elite skilling outfits, feel free to try your hand on TH, where we'll be listing pieces as "uncommon" but have odds lower than 1/100 of getting them

how much are khopeshes now? I have 4 of each that I bought a couple of weeks ago (t82>t92 seemed obvious).

they were over 10m each earlier in the week so probably somewhere around there

>he didn't get 10k coins to turn in the first few days of the event

It's about 110k xp/hour, think Hefin is better now

Should I dump them or wait till magister is released?

>4 of each
why not both?

i had 4 of each and i sold two, kept two

I sold a main hand for 12m a couple days ago but I thought I would wait till the boss is released and more people become aware of the new weapons and start panic buying.

>Get an elite clue
>Elven lands scan clue + knot puzzle
>Elven lands scan clue + knot puzzle
>Deamonheim arrow clue + slide puzzle
>Chaos Tunnels scan clue
>Dorgesh-Kaan scan clue + slide puzzle
>For a bunch of fetch casket scrolls and assorted junk
Someone end my suffering pls

that might work but i expect that many other happy merchants have the same plan

>more people become aware of the new weapons
whoa wait what new weapons???

Just use alt-1

Most people don't watch the streams and only find out about shit the day of.

Are these new weapons actually worth it. Or should I just stick with nox tho? My endgame is staff of sliske tho.

A good way to discover if the game is dying is take look at low level guides.

Dual wield melee is definitely the least useful of all the T92s

What are you talking about?

The new weapons will be relegated to the role of "destroy threshold switch"

New boss=new weapon drops.
So drygores are still more effective. For slayer and such.
Ah i see.

>So drygores are still more effective. For slayer and such.

Most slayer tasks benefit from AOE. Drygores are only useful for threshold switches

I wish they'd make a 2h shield so I never have to see the disgusting dual wield animations ever again

How would a two handed shield work in runegame? More importantly, how would we make it actually useful?

Oh okay.
> make a 2h shield
So how would you even kill anything?


>How would a two handed shield work in runegame?
It'd probably have to be a unique boss item like the maul of omens, one person in the fight dedicates themselves as the 2h tank.

give them buffed damage absorption and have mechanics that require them to provoke deadly attacks off of non-tank teammates

sounds like a shit encounter to be honest but it's the best I can come up with

dont they have a 2h shield in osrs?
thats just a shield + hasta user :^)

;how about a fusion ability?

I have pernix armor so should I disassemble my old armadyl ranged gear for the components to get precise 5?


what would that entail?

>dont they have a 2h shield in osrs?
Yes but I'm pretty sure it's borderline useless, GE value of only 10m

sell it and buy arma bucklers to get the comps, you'll save a lot of money that way

there are cheaper ways to get arma comps

Also you might want to keep it for killing trash mobs not worth wasting your divine charges on

If they're augmented and level 9+, yes.

If no, then either augment them and do so, or augment armadyl godsword and diss that for cheapest arma components, or sell and buy arma bucklers/boots/gloves and diss those for components.

The buy limit is 1 for armadyl items, so should probably buy multiple things.

Bucklers are more expensive

>there are cheaper ways to get arma comps
No there aren't

what kind of abomination is this

It looks like the end weapon on the mighty fall quest with a shield attachment.

>effective cost for buckler
>effective cost for chestplate
really makes you think

a Dwarfquin

>chestplate gives 4 components
>buckler gives 1

you augment the armour and get 4 components from it

it'd be used as a switch obviously just like regular shields are

>augmenting gwd
who on earth is dumb enough to do that?

t. got all my arma comps from disassembling warpriest

If you're going for cheapest components you do armadyl godswords, otherwise just do bucklers because you clearly don't care about cost too much.

People too poor for nex armor need to use something

>too poor for nex armor
>let me add a cost to my non-degradable welfare gear
so this is the power of nxt...

i never said it was cheap. i was explaining why they cost more.

to be fair though, it is the cheapest way to get arma comps.

people who dont value their time.

Hmmm, spending time farming free armadyl components at gwd or just instantly buying them and using the time I saved to do more worthwhile pvm?

>too poor for nex armor
>let me spend a small amount of money to greatly increase my dps, allowing me to make money faster and upgrade to nex armor sooner
Seems reasonable to me.

in the time it takes to level up GWD to get 4x components you could have made even more money by just using bucklers

>farming free armadyl components at gwd
never done an avianse task?

>doesn't have money for nex armor
>has money to sink into armor perks

His armor is almost certainly already level 9+ though considering it was his old ranged gear

anyone dumb enough to augment armadyl armor wouldn't come here asking questions, they'd just charge ahead with their dumbass ways

>implying biting 2, crackling 3 or genocidal combos are expensive

I've done plenty of aviansie tasks (dozens probably), but I've only gotten a handful of warpriest items. Maybe I've just been unlucky but they don't seem common enough to justify farming them when I could just kill like Telos or araxxor and just buy the components myself.

You get a better droprate for warpriest if you previously owned the set so for some players it's worth it

my record is 10 warpriest drops during a single task

>understands that time has value
>does aviansie tasks
What did he mean by this?

>he doesn't want kree pet
Didn't you hear? Boss pets give cheevos and raise your runescore.

Or are you a scorelet lmao?

Why is cancermanmode still a thing?
>always the same winner
>full of account sharers
>full of cheaters

So as far as I understand July is the boss planned for June, and fixes for Menaphos/Achievements?

So like, if Jagex hadn't delayed the content our only July updates would be them fixing shit they released unfinished?

muh advertisement

That's probably why it's rare. I made this account last year. I would have benefited more from my old account but I got b& some years ago for botting.

This is why bullying exists.

>implying the delay wasn't planned all along

Well there's supposedly a "big announcement" coming

Which either means they're going to start hyping up Expansion 2 or start shilling some other game/MMO doomed to fail immediately after launch

Block n load actually did alright, in part by relying off youtubers.

block n' load is just an ace of spades rip-off
which Jagex also ran into the ground

Spotted using canon at Ghouls north of Morytania Lodestone.

Still, 500 players for a several year old literally who FPS isn't bad.

This guy logs in and slaps your cursed wisp gf's ass
what do you do?

>activate single hit threshold
>activate combo threshold
>first threshold goes on queue while combo activates, then interrupts the combo
>the alternative is go full manual and have to hit a key for every basic ability

>melee helm
>mage gloves
1-bang him and disassemble everything

are ghouls even a thing anywhere else?

There's an underground lair of them now.

Can some questlet explain the hypocrisy of each main god in the game

Atleast the ones that participated in the Endgame quest


now somebody post the real one

yeah but ravenous ghouls inside a crypt in the graveyard where the ghouls are is hardly another place y'know?
when were ghouls added?
are there other appropriate graveyards where they probably should roam?
could they play a part in future quests or have they indeed played a part in previous quests?

sara is wise..until he genocides an entire plane(t)
zimzam is all about chaos so make of that what you will
guthix is all about balance but he died which is permanent
not sure about zaros actually
cabbage#1 is the joke of a god but he is neither funny nor something something slisgay meme
i dont think seren does anything. ever.
gaybirb is ready to go to war for peace i guess
bandos is already dead (funny how wargod isnt good at war)
who am i missing? desert gods dont matter, elder gods dont matter.. nope think thats everyone hope it helps

>the hypocrisy of each main god in the game

Pretends he's "good" but if people don't agree to follow his strict order he fucking genocides them.

"Muh chaos" culls the weak and strengthens the powerful. Lotta talk coming from a guy who gained all his power by working in Zaros' empire as his closets general.

Believes in justice above all else and tells you revenge is not just or prudent.
Literally can't control himself around ZimZam because he wants to kill him for killing Armadyl's family.

War god.
Loses the only war we've sen him in

"I want to protect Gielinor from the gods...
Also I'm going to let myself die and now the gods can get in, have fun bye"

Says he only wants what's best for Gielinor.
Has broken every promise he's ever made and continues to bullshit about why it was out of his control
Ultimate goal is to become the most powerful being in the universe and control everything

"I love all living things... but only the elves can live in my amazing city... but not the elves I abandoned to go insane"

wait who're the crazy elves?
is this why moronvan keeps making me genocide them?

Crystaline Shapeshifters

"I want to protect Gielinor from the gods...
let me just rest my eyes a little."
"Ok, let's fuck som..."

Guthix's only mistake was thinking that mortals can fend for themselves without him there to keep the other gods away and that the WG will fix everything.

You can't fault the guy for taking a nap. He was using the majority of his power creating a force field around an entire plane of existance

sleep tight sweet price

>Saradomin is lawful good but was willing to hand over the jazz egg (which he assumes endangers the universe) to save his daughter
>Armadyl is same as above but at least he bargained for a planet instead of one person
>Zamorak claims chaos is good for society but mostly wants power for himself, all applications of his ideas have been as successful as Marxism, also his bargain was to get Zaros to do something he'd do anyway
>Bandos was a war god who couldn't win the only war we've ever seen him in
>Tuska was a less intelligent Bandos and illustrated that nobody will do events with shit rewards
>Seren is an isolationist who mostly ignores non-elves and made elves unable to live without her
>Zaros doesn't care about fulfilling promises and his ascension probably wouldn't have changed that
>godless want to get rid of everyone but essentially have Vorago do all the work for them
>Sliske was a meme who was never well defined and is now making you a meme
>Gielinor was Sliske's meme pet
>Guthix wanted a peaceful outcome from the gods returning but was too cowardly to stick around and help
>Death is just some old farmer Guthix bumped into but acts like he's an essential force of nature
>Jas wants you to prove mortal life has value but never specified what would count for that
>Brassica Prime is so bland that not even Guthix cared about him
>Marimbo should have raped Holstein
>Xau-Tak and Queen of Ashes vaporware-tier
>desert pantheon wuz kangs and had to retcon a minor gangster as one of their members
>V was a great hero of 10,000 stories, of which we saw 2 and he was pretty lame in both

>Gielinor was Sliske's meme pet
is ole gilly still around?

>Marimbo should have raped Holstein
who is hole stain?

>Xau-Tak and Queen of Ashes vaporware-tier
i remember the queen of ashes being mentioned, didnt realize there was any godly relation and who is tic tac toe?

>V was a great hero of 10,000 stories, of which we saw 2 and he was pretty lame in both
never heard of V and rejoined runegame halfway through sliskes story
are his stories still available for seeing? (if not please tell me the story papa)

"V" is the fremminik human we see touch the stone of jas in a vision in While Guthix Sleeps.

He became a god and traveled the multiverse saving the day/fucking bitches. There's a quest where he returns to Gielinor and throws a party.

> tic tac toe
Some primordial eldritch god referenced in the pirate quests and a few others here and there. Famously takes over worlds and reduces all living things to a "corpse ocean"

Xau-tak is some ancient horror that talks to the player by turning someone insane and then having them babble at Sliske back in the second age knowing that the WG would eventually find Sliske's diary and read it at the exact right moment.