Dota 2 General - /d2g/


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Best Husbando edition.
Also this new announcer pack sucks ass.

1st for PUGNA

who here one of the bois xD *hugs 2ez4rtz shirt*

>he's triggered by ourteezy

So is siltbreaker ded content?

>no loon hero

ummmmm, dotards?

wanna give arteezy a birthday blowjob ngl

What is this face trying to convey

How do I get invited to a low prio game?

that's the face I make when I step on a lego

stepping on a lego
cm seems to do that a lot

Why is she such a slut

which dota ladies are not?

this kunkka keeps spamming some stupid fucking taunt in game, is there a way to disable them?

valve is so fucking retarded

"we need tank"
what is the appropriate responses to this?

>cm posters recreationally step on legos


can you degenerates do like /lolg/ and make a porn thread on /h/ or something and talk about how you want to suck dick over there? You don't even have to crop the porn win win you dumb shitters

It's too much effort to put my legos away once I'm done playing though

If you get triggered by words, taunts, etc. you shouldn't play dota, the game is not for you and you are a problem.

REMINDER maledom is the worst fetish

true dat
>tfw miss playing with legos
man fuck technology, why did i have to get addicted

i want to lick up every excretion of luna.

can someone edit out the part of nova and replace it with just more of luna groaning

If you actually need somebody on frontlines, pick a tank if you are going off lane.
If you are going core, then pick a strength core, or at least make a bkb and stats on a agility one.
If you are going support and you still need somebody on frontlines, omni, aba would be the best.
t. 5k

there's usually an thread up but it's fun posting crops

femdom futa>femdom>maledom



Creator here. I had to subject myself to diarrhea sounds for hours to pick out quality ones without toilet bowl echo. i cant do this anymore

>luna will never sit on your face

your sacrifice will be remembered brother

tfw only win because ember spirit throws

I'm going to play a game of Dota 2

Just image.

Luna is in your lane with you, farming as usual, yet something is amiss. Her last hits grow sketchier and she seems to squirm every so often. After the recent wave clears, you approach her and ask what's wrong.

"I... It's nothing."

Now you definitely know something is up. With some persistent intrigue, she begrudgingly shares her urge to defecate. With this new-found knowledge, you let out a hearty laugh, causing her to blush and squirm even more. A deuce? What's the big deal? Just take a break in the trees, you tell her.

"I can't"


"I can't do it alone... Umm... Usually Mirana is with me, we've done it since childhood together, but she's in top lane and..."

As she trails off, you see the concern in her eyes. This damsel in distress ain't beating around the bush, and neither will you. For Luna, you would do anything! (continued)


"I... Are you sure?"

Nodding vigorously, you extend a hand and guide her to the treeline behind the tower. With some hesitation, she gives one last reproachful look at you.

"I haven't had a decent shit in several days. You've been warned lad."

And with that, she shoves you to the ground. Recovering from the fall, you look up to see Luna waste no time in parting her one-piece leather battlegarb. The powerful musk of a hard day's farm hits you like a truck, and before you can say anything, she swiftly swings one leg over you, squats, and spreads her asshole as hard as she can mere inches from your face. Between the grunts and moans, she lets out several lengthy farts, each worse than the last. You try to cover your nose, but she drops to her knees, pinning your arms beneath her shins. He asshole is now hovering so close you can almost taste it, and with each grunt it bounces, grinding briefly across your face.

"Oh, by the dark moon!" (continued)


After several minutes of struggling, she finally seems to have managed to coax out the substance that caused so much discomfort. With a long, low grunt, her asshole begins to pull apart, and a mass of foul, solid shit slow, painfully slowly, is pushed from it.

"Selemene guide me!"

Luna digs deep, and as her normally pale face grows red with effort, she pushes as hard as she can, causing the foot-long log to eject from her asshole with great force, smashing you across the face before rolling aside. The sheer weight and density of the crap astounds you, having the weight of a small kobold!


Returning to the view above, her now thoroughly stretched anus is producing more shit loads! You brace yourself, but it's not enough. Log after log is dropped, and as the shit smears across your face and chest, you begin to grow nauseous. After what seems like eternity, the expulsion of torrential shit slows to a crawl. Braving the sight, you're greeted with Luna's now prolapsed asshole undulating, winking hard at you, still with a slight gap that closes ever so slowly. You muster the strength to finally wrestle your arms free and firmly grasp her cheeks, pushing her away into the pile of shitlogs now surrounding the two of you. But before you can say anything, one of your comrades shouts in frustration from your team fountain, "gg no re 3v5 ff pls."



Oh, I just realized you wrote "sit", not "shit"

yeah playing some loud fucking violin music is not annoying at all, all im asking for is an option to turn that shit off, are you so fucking autistic you suck gabes fat cock everytime he hands you a broken fucking pathc?

day9 sucks tho

Another game of battlefury void
Another win

When will dotards accept that battlefury void is the way?

You are unstable, get away from dota.

haha xd what an epic twist my man, upboted

>975 -50

How bad of a feel do you think that is?

have you ever played against a ti participant d2g?
i have !

Daily reminder to always prioritize denying over last hits if there's an enemy present in the lane

Hello /d2g/

This is Haruhi Suzumiya. What hero do you think she plays?

should I watch the haruhi animes

>bkb into straight buttefly
>buying the talis and staff before eagle
fully deserved it

That new taunt is fantastic, it triggers your team, the enemy team, spectators, and especially bitch boys like tu.

Dear God no

Endless 8 is literally endless

I have the Slark immortal, anyone want to trade it for their Necro immortal?

okay but should I watch the other episodes

>get out of lpq
>don't even want to play
M-maybe i should just stay there. It's pretty entertaining.

>should I watch Seinfeld in [current year]?
>should I watch Madoka in [current year]+3?

they were the hotness back in 07, but I don't they've aged that well, considering you've seen other media in the previous ten years

Good job

>that piece of shit is actually worth money
Why the fuck do people like that slark thing? It literally looks like one of those chastity dick things.

it's pure fucking trash.
apparently melancholy is good but I don't know i'm not sitting for the rest of that trash for it.

When exactly is TI main event starting?

We will probably get act 2 at the start of the month and treasure 3 at the end of the month before we start the main bit.

Why is Pit lord so based, manly and such a patrician pick?

im the titan in this game, where did i fuck up? and how can a troll be this fucking bad?

>got full out hunted down about 6 times in a row by nyx and fags
>tank up
>still as much damage dealt as troll
>shadow blade was rage buy for getaways, should've gone for bkb
>so was refresher

any 4k-5k want to make a battlecup group?

I've played with ixmike and sneyking and they were pretty good performances.

is there any real way to deal with bristle as of now?
You can meme saying "well just buy silver edge!" but its not like buying orchid against squishy caster, even with silver edge with normal build he has over 2k hp and vanguard so unless 3+ people focus him in teamfight (which means that they are not focusing other cores) you can't really kill him

And when he hits lvl 20 without AA its borderline impossible to kill him (who the fuck though about this talent?)

Can't wait for this fuck to get nerfed into the oblivion

aghs doom turns him into a melee creep with bloated hp

I bet you pick medusa and spectre

without the 10% spell lifesteal, he's basically the same hero as before, so i dont know why people is struglling so much with him

Axe, lc, glimmer, force staff, euls, mana drain, ghost scepter, eblade, brain.. all work find against him

>i dont know why people is struglling so much with him
>all work find against him

This general is really nothing but brown people now, isn't it?

>tfw you win impossible game by playing without mistakes, calming down your team and guiding them to victory

jessus fucking christ what a game

>we me on qop mid, zeus solo safe, enigma jungle, pudge and chen offlane
>they sf ta mirana weaver veno(yeah i know all retard picks)
>i really didn't make any mistakes, knew we can win it either in 1st 25 or late late when i get mylvl25
>we do good but early on but fail to push hg
>faggots rat us left and right
>end up losing mid lane, off ranged rax, and safelane tower
>other team start flaming us
>enigma drops some sick bh, chen kills everyone with dagons and shit, pudge got some sick hooks, zeus press r
>defend for like 20-30 mins
>finally able to push, take 2 lanes, team dies, i manage to get away
>lucky team has bbs
>def for 10 more minutes, kill them all, win game

my hearth still pumping
It was also my game to reach to 4k, but im 2 points short


I should go to sleep, fuck

>brown people
that's clearly NA spelling

>Threads are going to be slow for about a month

but its... doom... I mean ok after you buy aghs you make him less useful but its still doom who outside of that is not that good

LC (and maybe axe) I can agree on, but the rest is just slowing him down if anything, doesn't really provide you a reliable way to deal with him

People were always struggling with him, but the difference was he was extremely powerful with octarine core, you know? The item that costs 5900g? Well yeah now you get about 40% of the effect for free.

The problem is that he is dealing WAY TOO MUCH damage for how tanky he is and for how he does not have to build any damage, mana, or anything really items. Just build pure tank and you can easily be in top 3 damages in game.


on paper it means you win every single fight against his team

Sure it maybe slows him down, but try doing this
>pick lion
>max mana drain
>sit in lane against him and drain him every time when he gets into the lane
>drain him every fight no matter what
>build the items i wrote in that sentence as well
There, you win

nah, we have dreamleague soon and mdl even sooner


ehh theres a lot wrong here. Morph died too much, went linkens super late. You needed more force staffs to kite sven properly. I don't really think you transitioning to core here really was amazing. You're item timings were pretty garbage and if you were thinking of doing it your first item should have been a farming one and not blood stone. They had a 10k net worth advantage when you picked it up and all you're going to do is lose stacks. Seems like a pretty low skill game based on the net worths and time, and prophet/troll are the only heroes with an acceptable gpm/lh amount.

Just won a game playing tchies with a feeding tusk the enemy team had a medusa, axe and tinker, are Bristle back killed them all.
How would you even kill a 6 slotted bb?

Post lewds dotards

when i got the bloodstone i actually got a lot of stacks, had to go this mixed way, wanted to be offlane but the faggot troll who wanted jungle came to the lane and just rid me of my farm, other lane was not an option either so i had to roam a lot


>sgdq starts tomorrow
>no dota 2 on the schedule

Not even /aco/ would take this filth

the fuck is sgdq
if its some millennial garbage don't bother replying

greetings from cancer kick germanys butt

Why u guys still playing this game?

please tell me this isnt real holy fuck. we need to nuke reddit.

>the commissary in charge of memes doesn't have adblock

Internet has been invaded by poseurs, it's over shut it down

Speedrunning, aka autism as performance art.

So did valve just give up on making pets? why is there only one?


i dont know but more shitty clutter on screen that we cant even disable is last thing we need

Anyone want to play a game with me on US east?