Lubuse edition
Previously: Aynone honor level 3 yet?
Lubuse edition
Previously: Aynone honor level 3 yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
What champion pisses you off the most?
how much do you even need to level up to honor 3
>Pajeet doesnt get le Grand Duelist
>Is useless and does nothing
>Whohe doesnt get his one trick pony champion
>Is useless and does nothing
CLG our guys! So good wow! BASED.
Go away Veeky Forums
Kobe is such a fucking faggot holy shit how can you stand his faggot ass voice
you seem salty user
How do I git gud?
Post really cute and lewd Ahri!!
Been playing a lot of Miss Fortune lately and I have questions
Is it better to start Q or W? I feel like W lets me push and trade a lot better.
Are there any hybrid lethality-crit builds that don't feel like dogshit once you start building crit items?
So is Tristana finally meta now?
We don't know and Riot doesn't plan on telling us.
According to Riot it's also not so simple as "X honors until rank up," to the point where it wouldn't be easy to translate to some kind of progress bar (which they wouldn't give us anyways)
this fucking cunt
go away slut
xth for Syndra
W if opponent is melee, Q if opponent is ranged, W bot lane
My Cousin works at the Burger King near the LCS studio and says Zirene stops by every evening at the same time and gets 3 quarter pounders and 2 large fries.
What is Zirene trying to accomplish?
no meme picking allowed
pay attention
don't play when you're tired/hungry/dehydrated/etc
youre playing an adc for fucks sake, dont rely on the shitty fucking lethality, go normal right click items and carry the game instead of being a walking ult
she's been meta for weeks now and has literally never been not-viable
You must really like that picture of a miserable Lulu.
Why not a happy one?
Was IMT just struck by by a retardation virus or something? They made so many absolutely fucking dumb decisions that they basically threw both matches. Especially after barons.
oh the classic jensen disrespect
miss fortune is best played as a walking ult
>go normal right click items and carry the game instead of being a walking ult
In what buildpath? ER > IE feels like shit. ER > Zeal item feels like no damage. I haven't tried rushing IE but it seems like it'd be bad.
>2500 normal games
>1600 aram games
>Probably would have gotten to diamond a long time ago if all those aram games were ranked games
What am I doing with my life
what game is this? some sort of modified doom?
it looks amazing
i go bf->zeal->ie->shiv->bork
it works pretty well, but i dont play mf much so theres that
Yes she's freelo in low elo.
Too bad esports had to expose the secret to everyone, now she'll become more and more of a meta pick in the coming few weeks.
Don't listen to him, he's retarded. MF should build lethality for big ults pretty much always. If you want to build only around your right clicks then don't pick MF.
>m-muh big ult
>enemy uses locket or a stray cc hits you
>youre useless
the power of lethality build mf is truly fearsome
every lethality mf shitter got assfuck by the enemy into oblivion
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
>hovering Ekko
>picking Oriana with just an Ashe
>not banning Syndra
Why you gotta throw CLG
>Shen vs Gnar
Oh god thats the worst match up ever
The TSM check cleared finally.
If you don't know how to position properly for your ult then why the fuck did you pick MF? If her ult got stuffed then she instantly becomes trash tier.
I'm getting cancer just thinking about this cancer
if you go the shitty lethality build then yeah
shes fucking useless you got that right
nigga that's fucking heretic
play some doom
that's what he's trying to tell you
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Am I pedophile for wanting to make Lulu pregnant with my seed?
>get Star Guardian Jinx from chest
>figure it's time I learnt ADC
>be support main
>my support it's always a retard
>tries to engage when they have a full wave
>messess with my CS as if csing wasn't hard enough for a dumb retard like me
>fucking mage "supports"
>had this janna that maxed Q first and coudln't peel for shit, used it to poke and went oom
>poke support goes in to poke and gets buttfucked by hard engange
>blitz can't land a grab for shit and can't even zone them so I can cs in piece
>league of if there's a draven in the loading screen I better get my boypussy ready
>literally useless until 3 items
Until what elo could I get away with playing Top Draven? I just tried it out in a normal, and it went extremely well. He has all the tools to escape ganks and his damage early on is hard to match.
Hey /lolg/, back with another webm of
>low elo players
i am too a support main who decided to try ADC, the amount of times my support would last hit minions "because lul i got autofilled", or when thresh fucks up my oportunity to cs perfectly due to his "last hit relic shield" it's just too much.
the worst part is when i get main supports who do jack shit and expect to be carried
you're pretty garbage too
>literally just eats everything
This Azir is not low elo.
Does lol have any quality BRAAAAAPS like this?
>He has all the tools to escape ganks
from an udyr, maybe
play against an elise or a lee or anyone that can dodge your e and close the distance on your running ass, then you'll know
silver 1 tops
but even there some junglers have the brain capacity to gank a draven thats an easy kill
I'd say newfag if it wouldn't get me sent to Lyte's rape dungeon.
if you go lethality then your ults are god-tier and your autos are OK
if you go crit then your ults are shit-tier and your autos would still be better if you picked any other adc
Caitlyn, Jhin, Tristana, Lucian, Jinx, Ashe, Twitch, these champions all have kits that support a crit build in really powerful ways. They get really strong mobility to let them position in fights or really powerful auto steroids that let them pump out tons of hits in a short amount of time, or their abilities have crit ratios that aren't complete ass. Miss Fortune's mobility is a half-assed movespeed steroid that falls off to a fart, her auto steroid is a pathetic tack-on to her kit, and her crit ratios are a joke.
Daily reminder that Karthus is for Kayle!
hey cuck
hows it going with your crush?
>play against cait+ taric as thresh + xayah
>she gets ahead in CS solely because of her range
>comes back with BF sword + zeal while xayah could only get a BF sword so we lose the lane no matter what even though we didn't die even once
ps. orianna needs a gutting too
>More Jax
Darshit let me down. Hopefully the gook doesn't.
I can buy one, what should I buy?
tahm kench
>Get someone with SG Lux on your team
>As SG Jinx
>The enemy remakes it
That made me really sad.
>he never got crit by an mf autoattack for half his health
the passive "onhit" damage can crit too
and that shit is fucking massive
Only if you buy lethality.
It's not even last hitting, they just use their abilities on thame like if this was midlane and they were a waveclear mage. The mage "supports" are the ones who do this the most.
As bad as my league games.
went up against this:
the fuck
xth for xj9 is love xj9 is life
Nice, I climbed from bronze II to bronze I today.
Lulu is older than Poppy tho
What runes should I take for nu-fiora? I feel like I don't do enough damage in the early game. Maybe tips on how to maximize trade and all-in damage because I seem to spaghetti it every time.
lethality isnt even that strong nowdays and crit items are actually good
whats not to like about crit mf?
clinging to MUH ULT like an old senile man that cannot embrace change wont do you any good
anybody knows how to climb with thresh/blitzcrank support?
I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush qt who lactates ice cream!
Land your Q, press R at the right time.
jesus fucking christ
Braum desu
burn, witch
lethality buffs are looking rad
comfy bfs~
talon will get some nerfs with those buffs right?
This nicely summarizes everything wrong with LoL, check out some of his loses what the fuck is wrong with our matchmaking, silver 4 and Gold 2 in the same game.
looks like a nightmare for enemy adc
Standard AD runes are fine. Early game you should beat most champs level 1. After that it's much harder to match the damage of your enemy laner without more items. Use your Q to poke vitals facing you and the movement speed to get away to the nearest bush to drop minion aggro. That's how you should play early, if they are at 60% health once you reach 6 you can force an all-in if the enemy jungler isn't nearby.
you wish, Talons gonna keep crushing top laner puss and nothings gonna stop it
>I-it's okay when Riven mains do it!
Le Blanc will never stimulate your urethra with her rod while she spits in your mouth and humiliates you with her clone
>gets back 4000 hp as a shield
but the big Q crits are from lethality builds bouncing off a minion.
do you even know how her Q works?
please no
>people doubting lethality MF
what makes top talon work?
>clinging to the only good thing on her kit
that's how the game works, you pick champions for the good things on their kit and build around those instead of grabbing a pile of items that work better on half a dozen other champions.
either you are picking miss fortune to get good ults or you should have picked a different champion with strengths that support whatever different game plan you have.
>brand has shit taste
maybe its just not meant to be
I literally already won last thread, now otp Rumble you faggot shitter
>9,194 hp
jesus fucking christ
stop posting this. you got rumble last thread.
I'm already going to main rumble now but I need a 3rd champion to play since I already play rumble a lot