Rising Storm 2 General /rs2g/

Rice'd Edition

Our last thread
This is a general for Red Orchestra 1/2, Rising Storm, and recently released Rising Storm 2.

Red Orchestra and Rising Storm are semi-realistic mostly multiplayer first person shooters with vehicular combat.

The latest iteration, Rising Storm 2, focuses on the Vietnam conflict.

>Official Steam Group Edition VVVVVV

>Red Orchestra Ostfront store-page: store.steampowered.com/app/1200
>Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm store page: store.steampowered.com/app/35450
>Rising Storm 2 store page: store.steampowered.com/app/418460

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>finally get pilot
>server crashes

>Finally start taking F on Cu Chi
>Commander calls in napalm
>Phantom comes in from the "wrong direction"
>We all get napalm'd

They really need to let the commander choose which direction the napalm comes in from

>mouse input lag not fixed
>almost week four

I-I just want a refund already...

Works on my machine ;)

>yfw you watch your squad screaming as they burn to death from a VC white phosphorus shell

Fuck man...

Molotov Cocktails for VC when?

Phew, that was a close.

I uninstalled it today as it generates more rage than it can 'relieve'.

My biggest beef with it is the current bullshit squad leader setup where the first fucko who can be anything between abysmally incompetent for the role of squad leader to someone who actually has a fucking brainstem with a pulse and manage to put down tunnels/mark targets or even stay in the back and let the rest of the squad move up front first.

Somehow it's getting worse by the fucking week regarding this, roughly around 3/4 of the time I sit down and try to play this you have not just 1 squad but ALL of them where NONE of them have put down fucking tunnels or are even trying to put down motherfucking tunnels.

Don't fucking even get me started on commanders and motherfucking pilots who's as clueless as the normie asshole eating CNN's "news" skin-fucking-raw!!!!!!!

Either way... Imma put this shit on the 'shelf' for about 6 months and MAYBE Kike & PianoWire have made it a better fucking experience where we won't have to dela with these motherfucking retards nearly as much as we do now.


I seen videos of that bug.


>I don't like my squad leader
On US join a named squad or a squad that someone obviously chose to make
On VC side make your own squad

>11 posts in almost 4 hours

Might have been my videos. For some reason if I hold a live grenade it's complete fucking fixed until I throw it.

ded thread
ded game

Is no one playing anymore?

>playing vidya

just here for the memes


>its another half the team is named after characters from quentin tarantino movies episode

>Squad member's names all reference /pol/

>not wanting to play with a RWDS

Seriously though, if you're name is based on a meme or character, you're statistically likely to be twice as shit as the average player and 100 times the faggot, putting you deep in what we call the "turbo faggot" zone.

I'm really not understanding why both sides go with empty SL spots (but especially VC). VC would overwhelm the cobra with all the tunnels dug and Americans could have SLs land and hide. Guess people are just really lazy.

They should do it like how COD Black Ops let you call in Napalm and Rolling thunder kill streaks, just drag opposite of the direction you want the strike to hit from

I play, just not on Cu-Chi

>have so many consecutive bad rounds your K/D drops by 0.04
I know KD isn't that important but fuck all the bullshit deaths are grinding my gears.

Even as an ironic joke this isn't funny

Can US troops hide from the VC's commander Scout ability?

What is the US' counter to it?

You're right, it was dumb of me, they should just give the option for Napalm strikes to attack from North/East/West/South

dead game


Call in Napalm or spooky or Loach or Cobra to even things up

>lt. Brady subsequently directed his men to fix bayonets and charge the Viet Cong positions, yet the attack was soon cut to pieces by machine-guns which engaged them from the centre and left and it was subsequently halted behind O'Halloran's rear section
>Again fixing bayonets, on order the Australians rose as one and were almost immediately hit with heavy fire, with the forward line disintegrating as a result.
>aussies in charge of warfare

Jesus thats a major fuckup


Why do you think it should have a counter?

classic aussies

>fire two shots on the rpd in a row
>barrel overheats

speaking of overheating

do M60s in Hueys overheat?

I shouldn't have said counter

I wouldn't know. All pilots want you off the huey as soon as it lands. Some can be really autistic about it, too

>finally get pilot
>it's hard as fuck
I am never spawning in a helicopter again. I don't trust u fuckers to fly me anymore

You mean you never practiced? What do you think the tutorial map is for?

Doesn't look like it. Sometimes I spawn in long before we land and practically never let go of the trigger.

Just don't spam it unless you're clearly not going to land any time soon, it gets away your position to RPG guys. Yes, it is harder for them to tell where you are if you're flying low and are behind trees.

How do I get good with AK and SKS, lads? I can handle every other gun in the game, but I'm fucking dreadful with these two. What do I do?

Semi-auto, lead your shots

same, AK is pretty hard to use, so is SKS - which I thought would play the same as SVT, but the removal of the zooming in while on sights is a huge discrepancy, apparently.

However, using the Type 56-1 is slightly different as it's the most accurate of the variants. Try using it, user. Or if you really can't, then try looting American weapons, it's also nice since you'll confuse the enemy. Thank God for the noticeable sound distinction.

>on huehuecity gook team, defending
>accidentally shoot teammate hiding in corner, fucker looked green as shit
>say sorry
>doesn't NP me
>fair enough, I fucked up, I don't ever TK though on purpose or accident, I'm careful
>dude turns out to be a tryhard
>5 mins later Im in a tunnel at C defending, he notices its me
>kills me
>types "sorry", quotation marks and all
>call him a salty faggot
>next map, Cu Chi
>he goes from my SL to CMDR
>walk up to him while hes on comms calling in shit
>blaming our shitty snipers for losing B and C, while correct, cunty whiney people annoy me
>is also Australian I assume cause this was late
>execute him with pistol
>leave server and beat off

I sincerely hope you see this you insuferable little roo faggot, I hope you kill yourself you tryhard cuck.

this game brings out the autism in people including yourself

I actually prefer guys staying on the guns when I take off. 2 more bodies on the ground won't make much of a difference, especially if a SL is the one who hops off. Having an M60 suppress the enemy as we take off/the grunts get to cover is pretty valuable. I also like to circle the objective letting the gunners shoot it up a bit while I wait for guys to spawn.

Semi auto at anything over 50 yards away with the AK. SKS is p. simple dude but if I had to guess I'd assume you're not leading your shots correctly.

M60 gunners never get kills and US needs as many boots on the ground as they can get since the pilots can't do it and the SL's are going to play a bit more conservatively. Always empty your huey.


Reread that post and tell the class why you're a dumbass.

Between the cobra, loach, and commander support, one or two guys can be spared to suppress the enemy to enable the rest to move up and keep the huey flying for those who do die.

>>leave server and beat off

>he doesn't have a celebratory post-game wank after a particularly good session


>One month after release
>Still no consistent tunnels
>Still nobody manning DShK 24/7
>Still 50% of the team rushing for Charlie
>Still Hueys allowed to land without getting lit up or blown up by RPGs

>Not staying in the server and killing him whenever he heads for his radio

i played this game in beta 2 thru 5, and decided i wasn't going to get it, even though i own every other tripwire game.. And then I ended up buying it for $13 dollars about a week after release. Haven't played more than twice since though, it's so bad and all I wanted was the nostalgia of running around in soviet blocs with sweet smgs q_q

>Fly Huey
>Land near contested objective
>Spam right click to get people to get out
>There's literally ALWAYS one (sometimes even two) morons that want to be "door gunners"
>They don't realize they're blocking ONE THIRD of my spawns

Why is there no button to forcefully eject everyone from your helicopter? This would also solve the "get out of cobra i fly with friend" autism.

>One month after release
>Cobra pilot start getting competent
>a quarter of your team get killed at the beginning of every round
>if you lay a tunnel it's spot and destroyed 20s later

>man the DShK because nobody else does and helos are wrecking our shit
>loach does nothing but strafe the dhsk
>can't do anything
An Lao needs an extra DShK

>cobra, loach and hueys coordinate to clear LZs and drop troops

It's getting there. I've managed to do that a couple of times, but lots of people just don't have mics and it's virtually impossible to communicate between pilots via typing.

shhh atak on my marhk

>when you outscore all the other pilots while in the loach and finish the round with 0 kills

>spotter assist +2
>spotter assist +2
>spotter assist +2
>spotter assist +2

>when you have more kills than the Cobra crew combined in the Loach

I'm just glad huey pilots seem to know what they are doing now. When it was first released the huey was literally guaranteed RPG kill, so it seemed pointless

>>Still no consistent tunnels
If I notice the SL on gook side isn't putting down a tunnel at all even after asking him in both voice and typing, I'll just team kill him.

You read mine. Between 2 transport chopper pilots, 3 attack chopper pilots and 1 tl who really doesn't have any incentive to go to the front, the US plays with 6 less guys on the field. Also, since US SLs must stay alive, you have all those guys having to play it much safer than the average grunt.

Meanwhile, VC SL's are totally disposable once their tunnel is up and even the TL has more incentive to get in the action.

The US needs everyone they can get to fight on the ground. Your institutionally-useful huey gunners are far less important.

how do i untilt /rs2g/

i went from a 3 kd to a fucking 1 over the last couple days

Slow down.

How does that accomplish anything?
Just make your own squad as VC.

Why the fuck would they want to be door gunners when it's impossible to even get a kill with them. They don't even suppress that much for people to stay on

Chopper gunners don't suppress shit.


Stop team killing

Avoid certain classes. Playing Pointman on territory against competent opponents have wrecked havoc on my k/d.

play COD or BF

Slow down how?
Just sit back and relax?

What this game needs:
>Fix the fucking hitreg
>Fix mouse lag
>Balance the weapons (M16 more damaging than AK?)
>Fix cancer ironsights on certain weapons (atleast have a remove hood option at certain level)
>Level cap for certain positions (no more lvl 1 rocketmen, TL or SLs, PS no one is asking for a level 60 TL spot, level 20 would suffice)
>More cosmetics at achievable levels (level 80 for flak jacket, really?)
>A map with tanks and APCs would be real nice (T54/55 for PAVN, M48 for US)
>Authentic dialogue, not just english in an asian accent and a US soldier shouting "get in the fight soldier"
>Death screams like in RO2/RS2
>More weapons
>Fix TK spawntimes
>Fix the horrendous looking fucking menu and server list
>Fix mantling weapons on the ground
>Fix moving while completely prone
>Optimise the game a little bit better for shit rigs

of course its never gonna happen but whatevs

>Its a Kubrick episode

>Level cap for certain positions (no more lvl 1 rocketmen, TL or SLs, PS no one is asking for a level 60 TL spot, level 20 would suffice)

Stop suggesting this for non-leadership classes, you autistic fucking saltlord. Stop getting salty that people picked RPG before you could and are using it differently than you.

No. Fuck you. On supremacy when a bunch of low level wankjobs take the RPG and use it to shoot at people rather than camping loach landing spots (which essentially turns the tide of the game repeatedly having US troop deployments in Alpha and Bravo) is just pure cancer. Camping the loach spots and actually taking out helis would get them more than enough points if they had the slightest semblance of skill.

loach ever landing what kind of retard are you, oh wait the kind that wants level locks on classes.

I wish the m14 wasn't so shitty

No, fuck you, the RPG isn't exclusively for use against helicopters. It's fucking fantastic for attacking people hunkered down in cover, buildings, or bunkers.
If there's trouble advancing on an objective like C on An Lao, or D & F on Song Be, the RPG can fuck up anyone using the bunkers.

Stop being a spergelord and ambush landing Huey's with the RPD instead if you can't get the RPG class. One long burst into the cockpit while it's landing will make it crash.
You can even shoot them down as they're flying fairly easily, just set up on the bipod and aim for the cockpit.

He doesn't even understand that level locks wouldn't do anything to his perceived problem.
Instead of having low levels using the RPG and figuring out how it works, he'd see level 10/20's using the RPG and figuring out how it works.

Nothing's fucking changed, other than pointless gatekeeping for new people learning the ropes and experimenting with classes to find their fit.

It doesn't happen too often, and I'm going to keep doing it. Fuck him for not putting for making the squad have to run from spawn everytime.

>Loach ever landing
Ever play VC as supremacy? Because if you have, you know that every time "le enemy is ah tekking arpha" is a result of the loach landing and RPGs failing to do their job. It happens all too often and costs the game.

>le just use le RPD man

How about use grenades to take out people in cover and use the RPG for its fucking purpose?

You sound autistic and salty as heck bro. It's just a game.

>How about use grenades to take out people in cover

Because grenades can be thrown 100+ meters and penetrate cover, right? Fucking retard.

>and use the RPG for its fucking purpose?

You mean as an anti-personnel weapon against entrenched positions like bunkers and buildings?
Hop on a DShK, grab an RPD and get good with it, or just fucking ambush the fucking GIs as they exit the chopper.

>Everyone feels the game is unpolished and needs improved
>Suggest something that would undeniably improve the game
>lol dude u must have autism and ADHD and a series of other debilitating issues

Okay! Just tell me you dont like my ideas, even though they are correct

>Everything I say is right
>There is no possibility that I can be wrong
>Everybody else is wrong

You serious? someone 100m away in cover is stopping you from capping? Come the fuck on, thats ridiculously situational. Get good.

RPG is NOT an anti personnel weapon. Good luck using the dushka when a cobras around and the dushka does NOT cover loach landing zones, which the map developers literally intended to be used by US forces behind VC lines. Also ambushing 6 GIs coming out of a chopper? good way to get killed when you have one magazine to light them all up and by that stage you're fucked when you could use the RPG for its fucking PURPOSE and take them all out.

>someone 100m away in cover is stopping you from capping? Come the fuck on, thats ridiculously situational. Get good.

Because you will always just be able to waltz up into the cap unopposed, taking no fire from any bunkers, buildings or trenches, am I right?

>RPG is NOT an anti personnel weapon.

Yes it is, you stupid cunt. Those HEAT rockets are nasty pieces of work, you don't want to be within 20 meters of one going off.

The RPG is a multi-purpose weapon. It can be used against enemy infantry taking cover, hunkered down in buildings or bunkers, or against helicopters.
It has no SINGULAR USE, and if you think it does, I'm sorry but you're an autistic retard.

>Also ambushing 6 GIs coming out of a chopper? good way to get killed when you have one magazine

Ambushing Gis in a landing zone is easy. You're just shit

>Because you will always just be able to waltz up into the cap unopposed, taking no fire from any bunkers, buildings or trenches, am I right?

What is smoke? What is running into a trench in a zig zag pattern? Very rarely do I ever see an RPG used effectively as an anti personnel weapon in situations like that.

>Yes it is, you stupid cunt. Those HEAT rockets are nasty pieces of work, you don't want to be within 20 meters of one going off.

Sorry but the RPG is intended to stop helicopters, kthxbai!

So you admit you're wrong, defeat must taste pretty bad

>Also ambushing 6 GIs coming out of a chopper? good way to get killed


>Go prone in some bushes
>Set up RPD
>Watch helicopter land
>First bursts into the passenger compartment
>Other GIs are stuck in the open with no cover, making easy targets

If you can't ambush a heli-deployed squad, I feel bad for you.

The RPG is decent at best vs a bunker, and it is just a really shitty thumper in those situations. I'm not autistic enough to tell you it is a complete waste of time or youre the reason your team is losing, but it is better as an anti-heli weapon than as a shitty thumper.

Yeah bro its a piece of cake bro how about this bro?
>Go prone in some bushes
>Set up RPD
>Watch bunker
>Snipe any heads that pop up
>Allow the RPG to do its job by taking out helis

Hows that bro? You cant suppress a bunker with an RPD? I feel bad for you bro..

This, they're sitting ducks