/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
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How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 2nd of july:
1816 – The French frigate Méduse struck the Bank of Arguin and 151 people on board had to be evacuated on an improvised raft, a case immortalised by Géricault's painting The Raft of the Medusa.
1853 – The Russian Army crossed the Pruth river into the Danubian Principalities, Moldavia and Wallachia—providing the spark that set off the Crimean War.
1871 – Victor Emmanuel II of Italy enters Rome after having conquered it from the Papal States.
1921 – World War I: U.S. President Warren G. Harding signs the Knox–Porter Resolution formally ending the war between the United States and Imperial Germany.
1934 – The Night of the Long Knives ends with the death of Ernst Röhm.
1966 – The French military explodes a nuclear test bomb in Moruroa, their first nuclear test in the Pacific.
1976 – Fall of the Republic of Vietnam

# News
CK2 DD 19/06
EU4 DD 27/06

# Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

# Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.0

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

Old Thread:

Reminder to ignore the posts beneath


Who do I play in vicky 2?

Kill me

What sort of a game are you looking for?



Argentina. Try to make the Falklands the most populated province in the world by solely building factories there and nowhere else.

10th for German War Machine




Russia. Get to Oder-Neisse and make everything between Moscow and Berlin 100% Russian through genocide.

>Germany went to war alone against the whole world and lost. This is obviously the jewish people's fault t. Adolf Hitler
What the fuck was his problem?

Post your borders and pops, pls.
>don't have alexandria as gross copticums
Germany shouldn't have been punished for Willy's autism.

super-states were the worst thing to ever happen to humanity

>allied with ethiopia
>you're not helping them
Kill youself, laddo.

>what the fuck was his problem

WW1 was all France's fault

>there are non communists in this thread
How can you play these games and unironically think nationalism is anything but a destructive force that makes everyone miserable in the end?

You just described communism

How so, you mad kraut?

I'm a libertarian

/gsg/ is just a power fantasy reliever

>going disgusting blob when you can have A E S T H E T I C Horniums
Pops incoming

they never called me in, would have gladly helped Liberate Africa from European colonialism

No, I described capitalism and nationalism. If the entire world was under a communist government there'd be no wars, no hatred, no infighting between humans, it'd be a utopia.

That's not how you spell Britain

France was just trying to fuck over Germany by declaring war, Germany and Russia had legitimate reasons for joining the war. If France never joined, Britain and America never would have joined and the war would have stayed in eastern Europe.

>A E S T H E T I C Horniums
Fucking hell, I don't know why but this killed me.

What good is people not dying in wars if everybody is dying because there is no food?


After all the undesirables have been eradicated of course

Here's what you should have taken, lad, and genocided by religion to kill all non copts.
France didn't give a fuck about A-L at this point, they had an alliance with Russia and were backing up their ally.


a lion doesn't share it's lionesses

private property is so embeded is the earthling experience that even animals can understand it, but lazy commies can't.Therefore, by syllogism, commies are dumber than animals.

>Blobbing that hard
no thanks mate, I like my current borders.

Show me a single example of animals having private property.

>a lion doesn't share it's lionesses
Shame you're a sheep at best, cuckold

>18.1% sunni
>12.6% animist
>1.2% Jewish

Dogs claiming land via urine
>captcha: Helicopter

look up sea lions

the alpha sea lion doesn't let any malnourished beta sea lion mate with his females and/or enter his territory

You only have 2 million pops.

>Germany and Russia had legitimate reasons for joining the war
[citation needed]

A united Europe is and has always been Germany's destiny.

No, that's to mark where they've been. So other dogs can come and play with them. We could learn a lot from them.

Helping their ally Austria-Hungary

But then how is France not justified in backing up their ally France upon who the Germans declared war on?

*their ally Russia, obviously

Because the war was about Serbia not fucking Russia, and I highly doubt France would have declared war on Italy had they helped Austria-Hungary instead of Germany, they really were just sour about the Franco-Prussian war

>Because the war was about Serbia not fucking Russia
But then surely the war was about Serbia not fucking Austria-Hungary. If French intervention is unjust then German intervention is even less so considering they're aiding the aggressor here.

hmmm, I guess you do have a point there

>encouraging craftsmen
>factories aren't even built yet

what? going to concede like that and not even call him a faggot?

>he doesn't preemptively encourage craftsmen so they fill up the factory quicker


>Tfw too smart to call people a faggot
You faggot

>what is a bird's nest
>what is a dog's bed
>what is a beaver dam
>what is a trapdoor spider hole
>what is a spider web
>what is a ant hill
>what is a mole den
>what is a hermit crab shell

>no colonies

what are you doing

>tfw my name is "a fucking pile of shit made to farm casuals for cash and spit on the fanbase that made these games popular".
>every time hoi4 is mentioned I get really nervous for a split second.

>taking colonies
see for borders


are your roleplaying? seems like the only playstyle you wouldn't colonize africa

reminder that if you don't go communist you are a flaming homosexual

what mod do I use with eu4

meiou is bit too complex and changes too much for me

something in between vanilla and meiou?

vanilla + map mod

China's doing well. how horrifying
sort of, I'm just not minmaxing and going for nice-looking borders.

yass qween slay
that hurt to type

>Zanzibar starts with slavery outlawed
Is this a joke

>tfw I mistakenly opened the r&i duplicate thread

what I saw ...

It might be because liberals are in power?

>personal property is private property

you know "personal" and "private "are synonymous, right. you dumb commie?

how can personal property not be private especially since its the same thing

No personal property is things like houses and phones
Private property is the means of production you utter retard

>tfw the taiping rebellion failed
>mfw we could have had a christian china

>muh means of production

how do you differ an axe that's a mean of production and an axe that's personal property?

>means of production means of production means of production
marxists should unironically be genocides

If it's used to exploit others labour its private property

>this post

why do I keep falling for lefty/pol/'s baits everytime

if the owner of the axe is wealthy then it's private property, otherwise it's not

>get btfo

makes you think about the true nature of commies ... could it be that they're mediocre and want everyone to be mediocre like them? I don't know, it really puts me to ponder for a bit

But what he said is wrong it's not Marxist theory see

so does hiro making money off ads, your captchas and selling your personal informations mean he's exploiting you and your computer is his private property

If i shit on the ground does that mean i'm exploiting the flies that gather around my shit? After all i'm thw owner of the means of production of shit.

You retards think making any profits on someone's work is "exploiting".There's no discussion to be had.

>not working to humanise capitalism to create a system in which every man can rise above his birthplace regardless of his financial or social background, based only on his own merits, thus granting him liberty in life

He's exploiting you but he's not exploiting your labour
It is see surplus value extraction
>anime poster is retarded
Imagine my shock

>hates anime
You couldn't be more reddit if you tried.

how is making you fill captchas and look at adds not exploiting your labour (respectively your hand/arm muscles + your brain and your eye muscles + brain)


wtf i hate hiroshima now


its not a job to fill out captchas and he doesn't make money from the captchas

who decides what is or isn't a job
and he totally makes money off it lol or if not him google does

>not even 50% literacy yet
Nigga what are you doing?

I want to pose a question to lefty/pol/ ITT

Say I've a chainsaw, and this chaisaw costs 800$.As I'm an old opressive white male and can't do any hard work, this chaisaw is worthless to me.But I know some guy, called Fernando Martinez, he's a strong young man EAGER to work and is REALLY skilled in woodcutting!!! The thing is, Fernando is really poor and has a family to feed :( , he can't buy a chainsaw to ear his money :( . What should we do here so we can both earn our living :(?

dirty Somalis ruining muh perfect Coptic Ethio-Utopia

post pops

Give him the chainsaw, if you spent 800 dollars on something you can't even use you are rich enough that it won't make a difference

Sorry by that I mean it's not a proper job as you create no value
>no (You) for you
>he thinks leftypol are SJWS
not going to reply to you

Lock the guy with the chainsaw up in the gulag, 800$ to spend is 800$ over the limit of how rich you should be

It's the chaisaw I bought as a young man :( nowadays I'm too weak to put it to use :(

I hate everything about this playthrough and this game