/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 1st of July:
AD 69 – Tiberius Julius Alexander orders his Roman legions in Alexandria to swear allegiance to Vespasian as Emperor.
1766 – François-Jean de la Barre, a young French nobleman, is tortured and beheaded before his body is burnt on a pyre along with a copy of Voltaire's Dictionnaire philosophique nailed to his torso for the crime of not saluting a Roman Catholic religious procession in Abbeville, France.
1942 – World War II: First Battle of El Alamein.

CK2 DD 55 - Nurture vs Nuisance

EU4 DD 20/06

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 02/06/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Stop making duplicates, R&I.

>Goy$ in the OP
Saged, reported, called the police

Fuck of

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

are there literally any good mods for eu4

>paradox stops for the whole of july
Fucking swedes
Who should I play in EU4? Or should I play HoI4?

There's one that fixes latitudes for the continents. That's it.



MMMM isn't fully compatible, that much is obvious.

Stop making early threads lad.


>other thread is pure shitposting

VeF, M&T,Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

It's really retarded to stop a whole company for a whole month because people can't take vacations at separate times of the year.

uninstall is pretty nice

I just got a virus from the CKII link in the OP. Can we find a new place to get the games from?


nice meme

cs.rin.ru links ar eperfectly safe

The instant I unpacked the 7.zip files I got 2 password trackers.

How do I get good enough to work there. As an American my shit is rated per hour worked. Feels bad man and then you are never supposed to take off anyway.

prove it


>land of the free
>work as a slave

>How do I get good enough to work there.
git gud


border gore fixed

we are moving to full india conquest mode now

you need to be a sjw
or just be gay and black

Once I finish this Double cheeseburger I will continue becoming the millionaire I was destined to be.

that IS bordergore

compared to what it was i think i did a decent job fixing it

>going over the romanian river
>ottoman lake

what is naples doing

You already have two threads you fucking retards.


And you're shitting up the board and bumping two threads. If you actually knew how to use this board you'd post in the older thread.

It was actually the Israel minimod, ditched it and everything is fine now. Bit disappointed that I won't be able to create Israel in Patagonia now though.
What am I supposed to go for here, lads?

>mamlukean fezze

Get sea access through uruguay

>tfw my name is "a fucking pile of shit made to farm casuals for cash and spit on the fanbase that made these games popular"
>every time hoi4 is mentioned I get really nervous for a split second

I'd rather post in the proper thread, you know, one with an infopic.


Conquer the chaco.

Why would it matter when the infopic has outdated info?

>/gsg/ being retarded as usual

>it doesn't mention a few dlc
>wow it's all worthless

>it matters that the general has the infopic
>it doesn't matter that the infopic is outdated

>need to choose between completely worthless pic and one with some useful info
>why do you chose the one that's useful

Unpause the game

>outdated infopic
>not completely worthless

Making a thread without your special infopic isn't a rule violation, duplicate threads where half the general is one and half in the other is against the rules and also just mental retardation. Something /gsg/ is almost famous for.

desu only reddit and steamcordplaza doesn't like the infopic

>it's doesn't mention a few dlc
>wow it's completely worthless

I'm tired of hoI4, should I give DH or HoI3 a try?

HoI3 is better.


>it's MANDATORY that this image be used for generals
>it's OPTIONAL for the information to be up to date

Sounds like one of those is more important than the other.


They are all shit, HoI4 is better

Who are you quoting?

enough for today

Why can't EU4 ever have nice borders?
Why are you blobbing as a merchant republic?

KR is shit tho, it's basically a glorified VN.

kys yourself


I think that's a converted game lad

>blobbing in persia and in india

Not an argument.

they blobbed when i dismantled ottomans

>merchant republic
i am the emperor of venice with 100 legitimacy

>useful info
Just use google you fucking retard steam cord
Use the proper thread

>Moving away from a merchant republic.

Why the fuck people only blob in EU4?

neither is "it's basically a VN" because every HoI game is like that

actually, steamcorplaza are the ones who hate the infopic and want to remove it
they are redditors, so they want to do away with our tradition

Bullshit, HoI4 games aren't event driven VNs like KR is.

>HoI4 games

>It was actually the Israel minimod
Are you sure? It doesn't change provinces and regions

merchant republic is borderline unplayable

You really have to cause Venice can have like 6 states or some shit without losing tradition.

How so?

Does it have a maps folder?

Or you could just not blob.

impossible to blob with mediocre 1/1/4 or 1/4/1 or 4/1/1 rulers elected every 4 years

changing to monarchy is absolute priority in every Venice (or any republic) campaign

Is it me or is expanding in CK2 really fucking hard? How the fuck do you get claims?

No. Its more likely you had an older HPM version and forgot to clean your map cache and restart fixed it.

You can literally buff your rulers in republics, what are you talking about.

Your retarded sensibilities.

t. jewishminimod guy

t. steamcordplaza

Reminder that only redditors and steamcordplaza don't like the infopic.

Its EU4 m8

Marriage and fabricate claims nigger


git gud