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>finally reach diamond
>my teammates are worse than when I was in silver

How low is your hype set at for the A/X panel?

Here comes T.Racer!

It's already over. There was nothing new.

best map why eichenvalde

Do you guys actually care about the lore?

Damn. Fuck the Overwatch team.


Can someone explain to me why you get so little sr for a win but lose so much for a loss?

I'm probably retarded but I genuinely don't see why it isn't a flat rate of 10/20/whatever for a win and 10/20/whatever for a loss.

>tfw waiting for new Summer items for Bloo


Because Blizzard is fucking stupid and they designed a fucking stupid system.

>Can someone explain to me why you get so little sr for a win but lose so much for a loss
Because you're getting carried.
Alternatively, because you play a tank and so none of your contribution to the team can be measured in numbers.

>almost 50 % of the Top 500 are females
>there aren't any females at tournaments (that Kitty tranny doesn't count)

Can someone explain this to me?

>play a meta hero
>change heroes during game to adjust to the match for your team
Then " get so little sr for a win but lose so much for a loss" is true

>play a non meta hero
>stay the same hero the entire match

Youll be winning like 30+sr per match while only losing like 5-10 sr per loss

or a tl;dr is this

Mercy mains

some people here are fat losers who think the shorts are good
it's hilarious, i know

>Placed in silver
>Everyone is awful but most of the time people play for the team, communicate, and are versatile enough to fill for good teamcomps
>Carry myself into gold easily as a result
>Everyone is still shit
>Everyone autolocks dps
>People tilt the second things go wrong/the first teamfight is lost
>Nothing but whining

Please explain this

No but I just want them to put out something.

It doesn't get any better in plat and higher

playing fucking mercy only doesnt fucking make you tournament material

mercy mains make around 7 % of the top 500
a lot of girls are good tracer/soldier/etc. mains

Has anyone else in diamond played with a Symmetra main with America or something in his name?

>queues with dps buddy
>locks in symmetra and copypastes a paragraph into teamchat about how he won't switch, complaining about harassment, and saying that the healer needs to be Mercy, no lucios
>someone jokingly asks if he can switch
>"no but I can block you" in a lispy autism accent
>gets quadruple countered(pharah/tracer/winston/mccree)
>starts dictating to everyone else about what they need to swap to and how they need to play to make his garbage pick less bad
>up this point no one has said anything negative about him or his pick
>ask politely if he's getting countered so hard why he doesn't just swap instead of swapping everything to try to support a symmetra
>starts raging at me for not ressing enough(I filled on Mercy for the guy) and our Mccree(who swapped to counter the pharah for him) for not killing the Pharah AND the Tracer AND the Winston.
>we lose

Of all the characters to one-trick why the hell would you choose Symmetra anyway?

hi Stacy

You don't have to play professionally to be good
The reverse is also true, you don't have to be good to play professionally(See:The entirety of NA's professional League of Legends scene)

>He still thinks that girls are only mercy mains

Some of the best Soldiers and D.Vas i've seen were girls, and i am GM.

Pretty simple really. Silver players know they're not very good and make up for it by being good teammates, communicating and being able to fill which allows the better players to shine and "carry".

Gold players think they're good because they're in "gold" and feel that they're better than everyone but are just being held back by teammates. They autolock dps because they think this is the best way they can carry and if something goes wrong they tilt/rage because it's clearly not their fault but their team's.

Stop caring about climbing
It won't get better
Most likely you are exactly in the tier you belong to

Hi im AmericaSomething you got a fucking problem bub?

Yeah i thought so you little instalock mercy no name dickweed that cant even rez

>three widowmaker

No aim, no brain

do you mean the AX fouam? how was it? Was it fun?

I know a mercy-main who was gold season 2 and got an invitation to the OWL.

I'm not even making this shit up.


>g-girls are only good because of the unfair SR system and they get carried by thirsty beta males, b-believe me
>girls just can't excel me in the only thing (overwatch) in my life

>PNG: 47 MS

A few threads ago someone posted a character concept of Hanzo and Genji's dad as a yakuza boss healer. Does anyone have it? Or if you're the original dude can you repost it? Cbb to go through multiple threads


Nothing tilts me as much as my bad aim

>the only thing (overwatch) in my life
this isn't MMO or smth, just saying
I'm pretty sure there are really few people who's able to stomache overwatch for so much

what rank is she now?

>Unload clip on squishy from point blank range as Tracer
>Tickles them to maybe just over half hp
>Tracer unloads clip on me from mid range
>Shreds me

Hello Stylosa.

Shot up to top 500 season 4 when Mercy got buffed and they changed her SR gains.

Obviously they improved

please no bully, mercy ;_;


>solider y u no keel phuruh?

Where can I pay someone to boost me into top 500 for the player icon

holy shit guys my tracking aim is so horrendous. my aim on pretty much every hero besides tracer and sombra (and 76 at close range) is really good, but i just can't hit shit with these two.

have any of you guys managed to substantially improve your tracking aim?

What are non meta heroes?

Pay me

>missed americree
>missed junkenstein
>missed sanzang
Maybe summer will have something nice

Meanwhile on Attack.

The higher you go, the more competitive people get
The more competitive people get, the whinier and bitchier they become
it's one of the greatest flaws with competitive video games

More than one junkrat could honestly just spam everything with projectiles

sent ;)

for real though, I haven't given up trying to get there in my own but I'm curious if such "services" exist

At least you got a Mercy if things get hairy

yeah, it's really hard to aim with her. keep practicing, it feels REALLY good when you finally get the hang of it

Yeah we actually managed to push to the first checkpoint only losing a single Junkrat somehow. Still lost but it was a good fight. I love this mode.


""Advanced"" Tracer tech youtu.be/FvrfPRuJjB8

>Play a lot of healers, specifically Ana and Zenyatta
>Always try my best to communicate and be nice to people
>Suffer from suicidal depression and heavy anxiety
>Barely have any friends
>Overwatch is one of the few things I have that help me relax and cope
>Within the past few weeks, my life has gotten considerably worse (family members dying, financial issues)
>Lately any time I play people yell at me, telling me things like "Go die of cancer" and "Kill yourself" while accusing me of throwing/trolling
>Get an email saying I've been silenced for 4 days (can't use voice chat, text chat or even the "I need healing" and "Group up" commands)
>Break down crying because all those times people got mad at me and reported me led up to this
>I tried to contact support to appeal it, but they refused
>Continue playing, thinking maybe it's not a big deal and I can still get some more SR
>Teammates treat me like I don't exist, the other healer never helps me, and I'm helpless whenever someone sneaks up on me or the team
>People start yelling at me again, thinking I'm trolling/throwing because I'm not talking
>A bunch of people threaten to report me, shouting and typing horrible, disgusting things to me
>Lose a ton of SR through a few matches
>Realize that my account is probably gonna get banned now whether I like it or not
>Tell Blizzard in a support ticket that I'm gonna jump off a building

Well, it's been fun I suppose. Hopefully I'll get on the news and people will remember what's about to happen forever.



>pick Tracer
>get all the golds
>annihilate the enemy team multiple times
>we win
>I had potm
>I was the only one on the team to get a card
every fucking time I always win but even then people endlessly bitch at me. When the fuck did she become the new hanzo? she's actually useful, why do people complain

I think those skins will become available again when the events come back

To all high ranked players, from a typical bronze player:

We know we suck. We don't need you bullies to tell us that. And we certainly don't need you pricks to bully us every chance you get.

Just a few hours ago, I myself made a casual remark about how my SR tends to decline during events. First response: It's because you're a bronze. Second response was along the lines of "You're a pathetic bronze you should just quit competitive". Not to mention, no bronze can say a damn thing on these forums without you high-ranked !@#$%^-s spamming crap like "It's just because you're a stupid bronze you idiot" assuming we're just whining about the non-existant elo hell which we know we aren't in. We do not deserve to be bullied and degraded merely because of rank.

Us bronze rankers have something you will never have. We accept our rank symbol and wear it with pride, while you who act all high and mighty in gold and such feel so inferior to people with a higher imaginary number in an imaginary game that you feel the need to berate people with a lower imaginary number. Us bronze rankers may never leave bronze rank, and those of us who do will never berate those left behind. That's what we have that you never will. You may have better SR, but we have better morals.

We fully understand that we are in the lowest competitive rank, but are still a part of this community and will not stand to be treated as less by you bullies.

>she's actually useful, why do people complain

Because most Tracers are shit below maybe high plat and you don't really see Tracers very often in gold and below. People are also stupid and don't look at the killfeed. So you can be balls deep in the enemy backline tearing them up and getting 2 picks before each engagement and your team will just see that you are not there.

What's your ID user, I'll play with you.

>playing ana
yeah, you are a thrower. do society a favor and throw yourself infront of a train you worthless sack of shit

All the proest pros play her so she's become the brand new meme pick but she's actually hard to use so most Tracers are useless.

>5 stack all go dps
>"mercy plz"
>The others spam "we need a healer!"

Quick play is something else

I think I'm gonna keep playing her and just start muting chat. Because she shoots me up through the ranks but holy shit people just don't shut up and stop whining. I have never seen people get so upset in a game that they're winning before

Shes useful, but people always harshly underestimate how useful someone can be at a certain role
I'm a pretty solid zen, my aim with projectiles is strong and I can do a lot of shit to make the teams life easier but people will still say "shit healer switch to mercy" even when i've softened up huge targets for them with my damage + discord or saved their ass with a good timed ult

I have no idea how people can end up in bronze. I'm pretty bad but even I'm at least low gold. You'd have to be a braindead to be bronze.


You could end up in silver and just have shit teammates, and then once you fall to Bronze you're basically stuck there.

oh my god speaking of zen this actually happened in a game, we had this god tier zen literally getting triple kills by himself but the faggot reaper on our team just kept yelling at him because "hurr you're bad you never heal me"


>having nice team comp
>last guy not picked
>he picks fucking hanzo for no fucking reason
>he has not never played hanzo before

Any stream or videos of the panel today?

If you know you're at the lowest point then climb up and stop being a little bitch.

Literally git gud.

Yeah, I've always been complete ass at FPS games.

One-tricked Mccree since the game came out and somehow I'm diamond/have hit masters.

I play games in gold with friends and everyone is literally a drooling retard. You strafe and you're basically invincible and can 2 shot everyone 1v6 while they stand still and miss you.

No idea how bad you have to be to be in bronze.


If you can't club players like this like a bunch of baby seals sure you deserve bronze


hope we get a new hero reveal before summer games

the worst thing is that 5- and to an extent 4-stacks are almost never open to suggestions. Last comp game I nicely suggested a couple of changes in our team comp and they immediately started defending the choices even though they were retarded and started calling me the cause of us losing even though I had gold in everything except healing and being on fire most of the game

These have to be actual children or people with mental problems. I kinda want to sink to this tier and experience it for myself now.

theres a difference between 100 sr and and 1400 sr

Like you still get golds queuing in with their silver/bronze buddies who just shit up matches with their "hurr im gold everyone listen to me cause im pro genju"


wow, am i on reddit?

>It's a GM throwing himself to Bronze for le epic xDDDD youtube montage

not hard just lose all your placements on a fresh account

I want a reinhardt boyfriend

you get crypto nerfed if the auto system detects it thinks you are being toxic

You would think the character that is all about structure placement would have players that use a brain.

Gold is literally worse than silver.

Nope, the shorts were interesting but I don't play the game for story or lore.
I couldn't give a shit who pharahs father is or if soldier and reaper are homos
