/fog/ - Fallout General

>I don't know how to sort my mods edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information etc:
>Collection of Nexus Weapon Links:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Mods & Rips etc:
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>Storyfags imgur:

Pre-war thread

Other urls found in this thread:



More like
>forgot to link previous thread edition

>I don't know how to make /fog/ threads edition

Good job.

I want to suck on cait's erect nipples!


Are there any essential mods to make FO4 not run like shit like there were for NV?

is raider trash.

Which is better? Rocky ceiling or dirt?

that looks like shit

I figured it wasn't much better. It does make the place look brighter, but that really wasn't what I was going for.

>holes made into rocks doubles as nuke silo
This looks horrible.

Where should I set up my raider outposts?

T-thanks, user...

I would just have the silo tunnels hanging from the ceiling sans rock, but I'm using the Prydwen interior hull for the tunnels. There aren't any exterior textures for it, so you would be able to see through the whole thing from most angles.

>YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1
>New Vegas Redesigned II.esm=1
>YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1
>The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
>JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1
>Collectible Canteens.esp=1
>New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.esp=1
>NVR- Recommended.esp=1
>JSawyer Ultimate.esp=1
>Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp=1
>Purge Cell Buffers.esp=1

Relatively new to modding, also keeping it light, and was wondering if I did the load order right? Also any tips would be or suggestions.

Abernathy Farm(populated)
The Slog(populated)
Somerville Place(populated)
Tenpines Bluff(populated)
Greentop Nursery(populated)
County Crossing(populated)
NordHagen Beach(populated)
Oberland Station(populated)
Warwick Homestead(populated)
Sunshine Tidings co-op(ghouls)

Starlight Drive-in(molerats)
Hangman's Alley(raiders)
Outpost Zimonja(raiders)
Taffington Boathouse(bloodbugs)
Jamaica Plain(ghouls)
Kingsport Lighthouse(atom)
Red Rocket(molerat)
Croup Manor(ghouls)
Egret Tours Marina(synth?)
Coastal Cottage(mirelurk)
Murkwater Construction Site(mirelurk queen)


For modding Fo3 and NV, would FOMM or MO be best? I am not using TTW and will be playing them separately.

For years i have played NV and to this day i still can't figuer out what about the combat makes it feel clunky and slow, it just happens whenever i'm playing, especially with automatic weapons and semi-auto rifles.

>editing a couple of leveled lists in fo4edit
>decide to switch over to the CK
>go to load my esp
>once it starts loading my esp, the CK crashes
>take the backup that fo4edit made, rename it, drop it into the data folder
>CK now loads it up just fine

It just works.

hue hue hue


Is there a raw txt file or something that stores the load order? I want to make a backup before I start messing with it

That fucking hair ruins her EVERYTIME.

Apparently Bethesda changed the languange from english to russian to every eastern european country for New Vegas.
Just read the reviews and see for yourself:

Oh and don't waste your time with the mods because they don't work anymore because of version change. Amazing.
Thanks Bethesda!

Well that was a little mean I'll be honest but it doesn't look as good as it should. You can do better.

>mama zetan

Can one farm supply food to multiple outposts? Like if I take Kingsport and Croup Manor can they both be supplied by Nordhagen?

I didn't take it too personally. I know it doesn't look that great. This is my first real creation, so I'm sort of stumbling around trying to adapt things to my needs. Honestly, I kind of wish I had access to the assets from Lonesome Road. That would make this incredibly easy.

Bros, I want to re-install New Vegas. Is there a list of mods that improve the visual quality and QoL features?


Anything can be supplied by anything. But this list is to show the ideal way to set up your settlements.

Check the Pastebin in the op

Good times and adventures being had

Those pictures confuse the shit out of me.
Why doesn't everything in the room get disintegrate when you lunch a missiles?

Why would you eat a missile?

Could anyone tell me what skin/body mod this character is using that adds those robot lines?

Has anyone used hookers of the commonwealth? I really don't understand why there's no type of prostitution in this game.

Nobody would be in the rooms when the missiles launched. There's an observation hall protected by "bulletproof" glass, there will be fans and vents to deal with the gas after the missiles leave, and the actual launch control consoles and stuff will be housed deeper in the facility. Presumably, everybody would be in the command center when it came time to launch. If there was any need for emergency repairs or something while there was still gas trapped in the rooms, they would have robots handle it.

There's no purpose because its just fade to black garbage

First post is a waifupost, what a fucking surprise.

What's the point if you can't even see the sex

Is there any F:NV mod that increases movement speed during combat? I feel like that's the main problem i have with the combat system and it would make it feel at least equal to a decent FPS

I'm fucking losing my mind, someone please help. I can't talk to any of my companions anymore, I can only dismiss them by talking to other companions, amd one that companion is hired I cant do anything but trade and command.

They gained sentience and realized how much of a beta you are playing fallout alone on a saturday

Why am I playing minecraft all of a sudden

ARES Androids.

Can't have something like that in a christian videogame.
I checked the hookers mod out on release just to add some flavor to the gamebut it was pretty retarded.They hade some incredibly skinny bodytype, uncanny faces and some shitty clothing that made it look like the aliens just invaded. All ofthose could be fixed but i didn't find it worth the effort.

Yeah pretty tedious.I installed the mod that lets you skip it for subsequent playthroughs implying i'll play FO4 ever again

Project Nevada allows you to sprint using AP if that's what you mean.
Coincidentally pretty much exactly what FO4 implemented, how odd.

Lads I need help, I just got New Vegas off the steam summer sales, started modding it, and now I'm crashing a bunch.

I have the anti-crash mod on, but I still crash every 20 or so minutes.

>first time playing fallout 4
>just got to diamond city 100 minutes in
>it just made me want to play new vegas
highly considering refunding desu

Ok, I'll take that as a no. What mods would you recommend achieve the same goal? Things that add vices or things that are risque.

Do it trust me. I played for 18 hours during release and haven't touched it since.


I had a friend with 500 hours who made it sound like it was just a great game but I'm not seeing it
I thought the "get power armour and a minigun 10 mins into the game" thing was just a meme but it wasn't and it's just been downhill since.

What's the point if there's no boyhookers

Yeah well "i crash a bunch" isn't much of a hint, like, what am i supposed to suggest here?

If it's just random crashes no matter where you are or what you do it sounds like a memory problem.You have the 4GB patch?
Maybe also install ZAN autopurge.Other than that, older gamebryo games are simply more crashprone sorry to say.

I've got 540hrs in it.
The game is a piece of shit with horrendous writing, limited weapon pool and boring characters. Just get a refund.

just refunded it
time to reinstall nv and spend 3 hours modding only to not play

Alright, thanks a lot.

Sorry man, I just got into pc gaming so this is all new to me. I could not get the 4gig patch to work, I assume because I only have 4 gigs of RAM.

What mods do you have, we need a list man or we can't help you

Such is life

at least I can buy tekken now with my refunds

if you actually just refunded a game because some user said to then you should get a head on your shoulders dude. Form your own opinions.

Are there any good weapon/armor mods for new vegas? All of the ones I can find seem to just look like plastic modern weapons that look like shit and like 0 good armor whatsoever

I refunded it because it fucking blows
I didn't have an ounce of fun and it ran like garbage even with performance mods

>plays on a toaster
>"the game is just bad man"

Is there any difference in performance playing the GOG versions of Fallout NV and 3 over Steam? Any difference with those in TTW?

>dont enjoy game
>refund game
>"lol what a fag"

Getting real sick of listening to radio freedom looping the same violin piece over and over. Just found out I can turn off the Castle speakers but I also wanted to know if any anons have a good replacer?

Not really, but some people will shit on you for playing the gog version.

The GOG version apparently is far superior to the Steam version.

it's not a monster but it's by no means a toaster


inventory access
some guy series
a world of pain
weapon mod expanded
the new bison steve
project nevada
weapons of the new millenia
more perks\
jump fall fixer
uncut wasteland
no diaglogue tags
courier cachewse
powered power armor
improved casinos
newvegas bounties 1-3
cut sewers
new vegas killer
strip billboards
improved sound fx
better angels
thorny situatiuon
mojave extended
lonesome allegiance checker
brotherhood/house mod
millenia weapon reskins

I had some others like the character overall and electro city but I disabled those trying to fix the crashes.

>gameplay and story get fun if you just turn up the texture resolution

Those people dont matter

>new vegas run ideas pastebin
>run that I submitted 4 years ago when I was 15 is still there

where did the time go

>I could not get the 4gig patch to work
How so? Install NVSE, install 4GB patch, run the game through the NVSE launcher.That should be all there is to it.

I'm 35. You know nothing of the loss of time yet.

Meant to post to this

Literally type radio freedom mod into google you tard.

This. I'm 31 and it feels like I got out of highschool a year ago. Also, wizard powers totally rock! It's already been a year and I mastered the invisibility to others spell! send help

I was asking for opinions derived from experience, not where to acquire said mods, but thanks, you faggot.

The game is unoptimized as shit, its truly unplayable on PS4 because the game performs like dogshit, but your card is just too weak. I have a 4GB 960 and its okay. I can get a solid 60FPS most times on high but I guess my VRAM is not good enough or something because the game will stop loading textures after a while or do some other fuckery.

The real issue is that the game is so ugly that I want to slap on reshade, enb, and high res textures but those make it run even worse and load times become exponentially longer.

I am making my way to wizardry fast.
Any more cool spells you get?
How's the destruction tree?

No, but Project Nevada requires you to press a key to sprint and waste a perk to keep your gun on, without mentioning how inacurate you are when you are running

I mean a mod that increases movement speed in general, i know having a high Agility stat helps but its just not enough

Post FUN New Vegas builds

I've done EVERYTHING from lawful, gunslinging, cowboy NCR-fag to full blown melee only cannibal viking. I even did a complete pacifist run with0 (ZERO) kills (It was fucking boring).

Right now I'm trying to breathe some life into the explosive skill, but I can't seem to make it work, any suggestions? Lobbing 10000 sticks of dynamite gets old pretty fast, and the "fun" explosives are way into the game.

And don't forget, post your own favorite builds, the more detailed the better!

Destroy Relationships is pretty effective

Alright fog, I listened to another user and followed a video to fix his ayyymd rainbow textures glitch. The bid told me to extract all my ba2 files using some program that I can't remember because I'm stuck at work.

After fucking my fallout hard, and four reinstalls with the last one having me to delete all of my fallout files I finally got the game to work again. Now the problem is I use NAC and of course enb, and it used to take like 15 seconds to boot up. Now it takes a minute or so. How do I finish fixing this shit? I won't be able to try the fixes till tomorrow, but I figured it would be good to ask now.

Why are you lying ? You only become a wizard at 40, fag.

Really? What class did you start with?
That was one of my starting spells.
Is scaling really that fucked up?

I can't remember if its WMX or WME that lets you craft shit like remote pipe bombs and a lot of remote explosives.

Its really fun to lure enemies into traps aswell, i feel like there should be a skill that let you place beartraps and tripwires too

It's just too easy sometimes

Theres tons of movement speed mods, but they also increase enemy movement speed which may be a plus

Welp over 24 hours of gameplay fucking gone because of 1 glitch. I hate this game, not being able to even talk to any companions unless I use a console command is retarded.

If there's only a couple of mods then try them out you handholding faggot.

>unpacking bsa's
enjoy your 3hour load times!

Is the wizard class exclusive to virgins? or can any neet take the role?

Nah that's a toaster

Only destruction spell I know is self destruction. it's very effective. This rabbit hole is deep my man.