/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nerfs edition
previous ded: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/7P8Y63T
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit#gid=157275360
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/809842-update-21-chains-of-harrow/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/801884-oberon-prime-hotfix-2062/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:



You know the drill, 7 names it.

that looks a lot like reb?

cause it is reb




>People asking for Dual Toxicyst to have a refreshing buff like Knell
>knell amazingly fun to use with constantly refreshed proc
>nerf knell and don't buff toxicyst


i wish DE gave a 75% off plat every 30 days as a log in reward


oh. that would explain it. didnt know she had a past as a nudel model.

also poor girl is missing her appendix. the horror.



I'd literally throw all my shekels at them if they gave me 75% right the fuck now. DE doesn't know how to jew.

And we have a winner!


I threw money at you earlier buying Mesa skin, since this is your new project I'll have to do it very soon again it seems.

do you have more pictures like that

Should i even bother?

Nullifiers now work in tandem with a drone. How high the drone flies dictates the size of the projected shield, so inside they are less effective at protecting their allies.

Shoot the drone down to permanently disable the shield.

oh nice so are sniper rifles actually useable now?

The full auto ones, yes.

hell yeah, thanks for fulfilling

>6 magazine
>8.1 fire rate
I'm not sure I'd bother

Kek, so the same old shit eh. did they bother to fix rivens so they didnt just overbuff the already op guns? Honestly game is so powercreeped that everything dies in .2 seconds anyways. At least tell me they made a survival map that starts at a high level like 120

Its like a Capybara except its not.

DE is quick to nerf but slow to buff. Sad!

DE is LITERALLY turning the game OP to bring back old players which is kind of working because I'm seeing a lot of Founder avatars coming back that are very low rank.

Sadly DE still doesn't understand why they/we left in the first place.

>Tfw berserker doesn't proc off of exalted blade energy waves now.

Truly sad times for excalbros.

pls give me prova riven ;__;

Was there ANYTHING GOOD on this fucking update?

Here you go, it while ago so you can't post in the thread anymore, but even the forumites realized how retarded the guy was being and shat on him.


what the fuck you can't be serious

>6 magazine
>8.1 fire rate
This kinda makes me want to waste the forma now.

I can't actually think of a single thing
squad chat bug ruined pubs, warframe is dogshit, weapons are dogshit, performance on earth went down 90%, quest was shit but who cares about quests
everything is shit

Just wait until the 3 years are up so they release Akvasto Prime like how they waited 3 years to release Aklex Prime.

Jackie Stevens

Nox nerf when

>Try to insta kill him with a dagger
>He survives
The fuck with this shit, really

>remote observer is a thing
>but we can't take control of Sentinels, Kubrows, or Kavats and do the same thing

>Hushed Knell + Ivara in Prowl = "Don't roam around the forest looking for a fight, Tenno. Ivara is always on guard."

Why does she have a frontbutt.
Fuckin, talk about cameltoes, that bitch has a mooseknuckle.

I just want to get into the excorcism room and get stuck in every dark corner of Steel wake except there

So if I buy popeframe after I did autism awareness quest do I get the melee riven after I replay it?


Do you not see what he's wearing, Tennos are fucking retarded.

>Let me try to SHANK THE TANK

He is weak to puncture :^)

Still, he should be dead with Covert Lethality and he survives for some fucking reason

Will you be sacrificing your operator (mashing your potato) in order to achieve Umbra? If so, which Warframe will you use as your permanent vessel?

>be tank
>happily born in a tube
>love tube so much, ask if I could take it with me
>juices in tube make me happy
>ask if I could spread it to non-Grineer so they can know happiness
>give me some weird gun thing
>it's not juice
>don't care
>see happy hopping flying creature
>give it some not-juice
>it shanks me
>I am now sad that tube has hole

why is everyone using a whip a drooling retard. nidus did not group those enemies up for you, fuck off.

>scan cephalon fragments

Yes, and if the stats are better, Ivara

Is there a way to proc radiation upon yourself?

I don't get how people don't just shoot him in the head face first. He's like a Dozer from Payday, at least in function. Shoot visor, it breaks, shoot face for dead Nox.

That fucker laughs like a maniac after rushing you, I refuse to believe that he's just a happy-born tubeman or something.

What if the alternative option is giving your potato ivara-tier proportions.

there needs to be an edit of the old Metroid TUUUUUUUUUUUUBES posting, but with Regor and his tubemen instead of space pirates

on the subject of Nox and Toxic Crawlers, what if using a weapon with cold stops them from producing that gas cloud on death. just a thought.

>clan members who pm me for help only and never use clan or alliance chat despite me reminding them each time


>sortie reward melee riven mod
>it's for a shaku of all the things
>friend who played with me got a gram mod
I don't suppose anyone is willing to trade something for a shaku?
>I know, the chance is like 0.2%

It'd just be a small chested tater with a big butt without all the robot stuff, so it'd be a less interesting design imo

big butt so what

Anyone ever imagine what it would be like if Warframe was made by a competent dev team? Or at least think of changes that you would make to the game? I'll start with a couple:

>A separate gird of 4-6 frame mod slots for all of the insignificant/rarely used mods like the elemental bullet jumps, heavy impact, etc.
Basically what the exilus slot set out to do but without the part where they released new mods that rendered all of the mods they were trying to encourage using instantly useless.

>Add the effects of the serration mods (and maybe the multishot only mods as well) to every weapon by default, have it scale with the weapon's rank
I've seen this suggested here before but it's a good idea, a nice way to clear up designated mod slots and allow for more build variety.

it'd be a really big butt, though

>weapons don't scale with level
>explain this to 5 newfriends I brought into shitframe

their disappointment saddened me more than my own

>Takes an entire magazine to kill O-Splurge bomb
>Nullifier bubble doesn't decrease in size due to shitty host

True but I the frogbutt tho

What's a good mission outside of Orokin Derelict that I can use to farm for unvaulted relics?

I'm tired of spending hours soloing derelict survival/defense and getting literally nothing


Remove mandatory mods, scale down enemy health accordingly.
The entire point of the exilus mod slot was DoA because it allowed rush to be slotted. The slot was only introduced to silence copterfags when Parkour 2.0 released.

What was his fucking problem?



>This segment is introduced.
>Log in
>All those damaged mods in your inventory youy have to get rid of now
>Damaged prime mods


Newly formad ignis doing its job. Starting to love this gun.

>mlp clan

nice catch, that's pretty cool

Some thousands of years in the void, autism

i never understood how the ignis work
I mean i tried to mod it but it didn't jack shit
but it was 5 months ago on the ps4

someone give me a good oberon build

Guy was my guide, didn't see the symbol until that screenshot, oh well, let'em be.
Through reaching the map's sky barrier, a process that I myself cannot possibly put into words.

Needs like 6 forma to be 'good'
Even then only shines with anemic agility, carrier, and chroma.
But boy does it shine--you point and click and whole swaths of enemies keel over, even the ones you don't see

so climb up as high as possible and then drop through the ceiling

Similar for the ignis wraith? I like it but it seems to stop hurting enemies at like, level 50ish

Bullshit, it still works

when are they going to fix chat

no, you have to goy up blindly to be rewarded with mediocre table scraps

Why is chroma so good? Haven't used him yet but read the wiki and he seems pretty useless.

He's too potato for potatoes, he's got a lot of problems, about as many as he had chromosomes.

i found the harrow neurotropics



are you ready to raam sikhaati

I want you to read again what vex armor does.

armor. that and damage

>guy wants to buy volt neuroptics
>offer it to him for market price
>he said he wanted volt, not volt prime
>told him you can't trade that, but i could invite him to my clan so he could snag the research
>he said never mind and just logged off
why /wfg/ ?

>grass sleek
i'm interested

>Maximized Power Strength increases maximum armor multiplier to 12.22x (4275.25 Chroma's armor) and maximum damage multiplier to 7.11x
wait what, there's no way this is correct

Please go back to where you came from

I've always been here, bud

>all these default colored Frost Primes who don't know how to play him in pubs today

Twitch Prime was a mistake.