Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1258: Best Girl Edition

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JP: UR Kanan scouting
EN: YoshiMari SM

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Nico-chan a cute.

Umi is love.

Second for my wife!
I don't think I want a very rare Kanan thread to be ruined with bots though

Can we all agree that show would be only better if every member of muse bullied Nico from time to time?

They are lovers.

Reppin' RinPana!

She was already their butt monkey, so didn't that already occur?

They are lovers.

Hopefully the Kananhating samefag isn't awake to ruin this thread.

anyone at the popipa talk stage?

Why was she mad at Nico again?

Did you watch the show user?

I love Nico and Mari!

Let's have a thread where we only post canon ships today.

Nico received enough bullying in the dramas though.

If I had to guess, they didn't bring swimsuits.

>that's what kemonfags believe

Yes, usually Nico just bullied herself instead of others members doing it

I want to lick Kennen's salty armpits after she goes diving

We'll just have to do what we always do and get him to fuck off.


Cooling down in this heat.


>want to imitate the hacker accounts to see if anyone dodges
>trashed all my flop R's

Do you think Maya would enjoy the fact that we have a thread with a Kanan OP for once?

This image is a perfect contrast
One is
>full of grace
>good fashion sense
>voices a complex, interesting yamato nadeshiko raibu

The other
>socially repulsive
>puts on whatever clothes her mom laid out the night before
>voices a clusterfuck drama queen bitch raibu who degraded into a piece of meat fanservice

Nico > all of Aqours

Agreed, all he does is create an new IP to create the illusion that many people hate her.


I love you Maru

>spics are terrible

You ask that like shes gone or something.

For Mari

No. But she is one of the best hags

to be honest, I used to shitpost about Kenan, though I'm really neutral about her now, really sad for the fact she can't sing for shit though.


>Kuntafags really think that only one person hates her

Kenan and Ruby a stinky shit.

Holding hands with Riko

>she can't sing for shit
Looks like you're still shitposting.

sakurauchi riko is for lots and lots

>and lots and lots

and lots and lots

and lots and lots (and lots and lots) of kissing cuddling and handholding

I don't hate her at all, but I'll chime in when people use retarded arguments to defend her actions.

Shitpost-kun, you don't NEED to get angry when you are caught red handed.

which post are the ones being posted by the so called bots?
im being honest I cant differentiate them between your usual shitposting and bot posting, if theyre really bots you can talk to the mods on their irc channel

I'll do the same when people use stupid arguments to talk shit about her.


Do you know who you're talking to?


Nobody in Aqours can really sing besides Anchan though. sww has character.

I want to lick mari's feets

If you'll be kind as to shut up, they might leave us alone. These are our normal posters

I love your taste

Stay away from my wife, filthy footfag.

Stop shitposting already, tripfag

>forgetting Aikyan and Ainya

>sww has character.

Calm down, Kanan.

lets get back to business

I'm going to get my revenge on the POSHN who killed my clan

well fuck off, I didnt know I shouldn mention them,

Stylin' third years!


Hi, can I washi washi you?

Just go to the last thread and you'll see them stand out. It's not that difficult to spot.

Take your tumblr shit out of my general.


I want to talk about Toukiden 2!

>god tier Aqours

>great tier

>okay tier

>shit tier

Prove me wrong. You can't


Fuck off chinkstar you don't even play the game.


You can do that here

>Not shit tier
No need to read further

move Yoshiko, Riko, Maru, You, Ruby, Kanan, and Chika to god tier then its perfect

So early in the thread today

>>god tier Aqours
stopped reading there

Actually, a JP user made that fanart. I just liked their outfits.

Why didn't you become a dub voice actor?
You could hang out with mimo and sora and aimin

If someone photoshopped Kanan's face to a pile of dogturd, you'd still call it a masterpiece. Fuck off.

Soramaru is my beloved wife.

bring back the bots. it was comfier

Dia and Kanan were okay enough to post, I didn't notice Mari's wonky face until after I had already posted. Their outfits were what I liked about the drawing to begin with.


Nobody asked.


Mimo just sitting there thinking
>please dont touch me you filthy gaijins

We know, Mimorin.

Do the other milkys even have fans? It's always Mimo and Sora

Mari/Ruby Bug Catching Set when?

Yoo-hoo! Someone up for a round of matches?
MMR 18200 here!

>google the chick next to mimo's name, Zoe Slusar
holy shit
no fucking way
l m f a o

>shipping 2 women you want to fuck with each other



got u covered >:]

Also hi haha nice

Ever heard of the saying:

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too.''

Cute Canon!


Found the underage.

fuck off bot