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Last time on /xivg/:

Other urls found in this thread:

xivdb.com/item/18788/valerian dark priest's top

*memes softly in Latin*

Reminder that this is a bully free thread


Post your best friend!

wot u looking at, ijin?

I'm going to marry an elezen~!


just waitin for ixion

Is it worth boosting a Bard?

If they looked like that, I imagine more would too.

The dashing samurai man there with the cool katana...Does he like ijin women? Will he let me inspect his sword?

dead with me


Waiting for dps queuelander.

inb4 someone tells you you're a piece of shit for not liking the mediocre giraffes we were saddled with



hello this is the cat speaking

tfw no futalander wife

kiss and amber back together?




Hopefully it will come eventually. They did say they wanted to have a relic Armour set similar to relic Weapons, and them getting cool helmets/hoods that had affects like that at their final levels would be worth the grind.

How do I tell my son that he has no father?

The fall wouldn't have killed you anyway.


Paissa has been keeping me company through these fishing hardships

Big fat cat tats? or Itty Bitty Kitty Titties?


yeah kiss "no social awareness" dissem is back together with tanitsuki "i'm so much smarter than all of you that i keep my feces in a box in my room" shiruku



expecting resurface in literal meria shitposting soon then

Does being part of a FC grant bonuses of any kind?


>roll 97 on dog
>guy rolls 98

There are buffs that can be bought with company credits, a company chest to store things, and occasionally FCs will have housing where you can buy a room to call your own for however long you're a member.

Name someone who you like a whole lot that others dont! It can just be a friend doesnt have to be like that

Fuck, why did I laugh at this

as a ninja do I want as little skill speed as possible so mudras don't clip with weaponskills?

kiss is extremely socially aware though, how else do you think he's so good at making people mildly uncomfortable

the latter was at it pretty recently actually

expect stupid "gifs" with innocuous thumbnails that turn into "xD meria peepee i sure showed her for being likeable"

Exp and other fancy things and an opportunity to meet new friends, unless it's DRAKN/Silk you will be met with petty backstabbing and fake niceness social climbers there.

Ah nothing too important then, thanks user

tfw didnt roll higher than 65 yet on a single dog


why does ninja need its own armor instead of just sharing with brd and mch?

for the life of me I can't figure out why he targeted her of all people when they've never interacted and she never reacts to it

Kiss post.

You gotta let this go. You left on your own terms.



NIN and MNK should have shared armor and then SAM and DRG should have shared armor. It would have made things more even.

>Namedropping anyone I like here
I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy

Both are nice

honestly i like the guy but i blame loh's proximity to both

Provide, to me, the steppies

It's worse rolling super high because of the flutter of excitement, only to have your heart ripped in half

meria isn't even on balmung or friends with loh anymore

i'm referring to how it probably started more than anything.

>tfw best friend doesnt play anymore


Why anyone would want to be an ebin in these threads is far beyond me the hell do you do when you try to leave this place behind and someone reminds people of the stupid shit you did that's documented that they give to everyone around you.


Isn't it a little suspicious that this "pure and innocent" girl that everyone loves is constantly "just a victim" to all these people?

I want to be Liora's best friend... and her sex friend!

That lala.

yeah, i bet
if you roll 90+ you just feel like you've won it already

This birb and I have seen some shit.

that's the thing tho meria literally doesn't interact with anyone enough to warrant dislike
she's boring and inoffensive, no personality to dislike just a sweet gal
easy target to shit on because she doesn't defend herself or care but her weird orbiters get butthurt

Face 4 is definitely interesting to work with, thanks for the tip to the one who mentioned it! Still playing around with it. How is this so far, then?

>have never played a DPS
>tfw maining samurai now

>That hat on that outfit
You better be a BLM or SMN or that's a mad stupid getup

>people unironically engaging in e-drama and gossip
this is some preschool tier faggotry jesus christ

Face is ugly desu senpai. Eyes look droopy and dumb

You mean that birb is on a pile of shit

yeah man she just made a few dozen images about her 'piss crystals' and 'vagina salt' about herself. the perfect crime

I don't have one.

Or friends.

Who is this Droopy Dog ass motherfucker

hi what dress is that black one?

Looks like a well aged lizard man he can fit in any class

uhm no??

It's time to bring Tanaka back.


PLEASE tell me
I have to have it

I really don't want to have any reason to go to Vesper's Bay ever again, and I don't want to pay for the jump.

I heard Behemoth might be good for role play, any idea about that?


If you yahoos don't cut the crap with the shitty drama posting, I will bomb the fuck out of this thread with game-related art that promoted actual discussion, do not test me.

ill be your boyfriend
if you are a qt grill in irl

The dress is caster one from the lvl 69 Castrum Abania dungeon.
xivdb.com/item/18788/valerian dark priest's top

Dark priest top
It's for casters
Get it from the lv 69 dungeon

>when a really cute elezen posts in your thread

Fuck it, I'm doing it anyways.

that's more an invitation to continue honestly

not that it's really drama posting so much as "hey remember this person that made the thread basically unusable numerous times when they threw temper tantrums?"

ill post cute game related art try me

pet lalas


>tfw my bank's e-transfers fucked up and I have 750 bucks sitting in limbo that was supposed to go to my rent

A-at least I can play XIV I guess..
