/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Forced Memes -(/krw/, /cpg/, /fm/)

Cute edition

Gwent Standalone's open beta is out!
>Gwent General
GOTY Edition is out !

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books (first six are officials) and short stories

>Witcher gear location, recommended mods
>Console Commands
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore, books and all
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Redirect to the current thread
>Discord server

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

>Any new infos ?
CPDR is recruiting right now, so the game is still in early stages.
Still no release date, and we won't have one anytime soon.

Old thread:180682752

Other urls found in this thread:


Geralt and Triss OTP

wet as october


i use skyrim to live out my ciri fantasies

Why did you let Ciri die?

what are ciri's, yen's and triss's favorite sexual positions?

she's alive and well, stop spreading your lies

Who's your favorite villain in the series?

For me, it's Gaunter O'Dimm

the fucking filters

anyone here write AHK scripts?
i'm trying to bind console commands to buttons, using Send, (string) doesn't work because it's too fast
this however
Send, {a DOWN}
sleep 15
Send, {a UP}
does work, and will print "a" into the console
if you do the same thing with but replace a with A though, it doesn't work
i don't know how to print parentheses either
if anyone knows how to do either of those i'd appreciate your help

nevermind, you can down Send, {Shift DOWN}


Gaunter > Letho > Azar Javed > Eredin


Ever been forced to make a decision so difficult you stop playing for a while, contemplate what to do, and never picking up the game again?

That's me in Blood and wine. I stopped playing because of the Basilisk Iocaste. I can't decide wether to spare or kill it, i'm so torn.

One one hand, it only killed people who wandered into it's territory, the "owner" really ups his game in warning people, even going as far as to hire guards. It also doesn't attack you after you spare it. Also, iirc you don't have a contract on it, the Reavers do and they are cunts. You just go investigate some rumors on your own, and as luck would have it there's a reward for killing it. And it's the last known one of its kind, and i have a soft spot for that kind of thing. And also iirc, some of the people who were killed by it intentionally provoked it to attack people.

On the other hand, it's a monster, i'm a witcher. It has already killed people, and even if there are guards now and warning signs, theres no guarantee it will stay in that area or not expand its territory.

I don't even know what book Geralt would do. He has spared monsters before BECAHÙSE they were endangered.
As Dandelion says:
>“Don't tell me what to do,” insisted the poet. “Me, putting on airs? Me? You're one to talk, the one who refuses interesting jobs every other day! You won't kill the hirikkhis because it's an endangered species; not the scorpion flies either because they're not dangerous; not to mention the noctambelles because they are charming sorceresses: and the dragons, because that's against your code of ethics. I too, you may imagine, am someone with self respect! I too have my own personal code!

>Ever been forced to make a decision so difficult you stop playing for a while, contemplate what to do, and never picking up the game again?


take your waifufags back you fucking niggers
fucking obnoxious degenerates

Why is Trissfu so cozy ?
I want to hug her and hold her.

baslisk is a danger to innocents and must die

>not killing all monsters

>he spared Gaetan
>he spared Jad Karadin
>he spared the Sylvan

how's it feel being so wrong?

>he spared anyone


The saddle is good looking, gives you lots of stamina and is FUCKING OP.

When you fight into bandits, just run in with roach, jump down and roach will run around them causing you to have free AXII the whole time on 1 of them.

Is it the best GoD reward you can get ?

I took the saddle too. It seems the best and most useful to me.


i let the peasants deal with him, it's the best way of handling him imo

>daily reminder that you'll go to hell if you masturbate to ciri

so was this ever confirmed to be part of the 2077 leak?

looks like shit i hope not

So I'm about a third of the way through the game and this is by far one of my best steam purchases ever. I love how the world feels real (lighting in forests changes, realistic shadows through trees, wind effects, trees that don't look copy/pasted into the world, etc.) I've yet to explore more than maybe 40% of the maps, and I have still managed to find loads of comfy places. Anyone in this thread have a favorite spot or comfy place they'd recommend?

Also, since it seems like a requirement to post here: Why is Yen the best girl? Triss is garbage compared to her

>Why is Yen the best girl?
Because you are beta cuckold, fuck off shitstain

>Trisslets in full defense mode

>Why is Yen the best girl?
She isn't

Its part of an animated series. You can find the rest of it on youtube.
No connection to 2077

Are you advocating incest?

keep your fantasies for yourself degenerate

at least give the name senpai

People's lives > Monster bird
If it's doomed to be the last of it's species, fuck it, kill it before it kills more people.
If it somehow can breed, kill it twice.

Geralt being a walking massacre himself has no right ot judge him. Literally zero.
It's open to discussion. One could say he put on this little tryhard show "Oh don't mind my 3 kids and loving wife, let's talk alone" to avoid the vengeance. But at the end of the day he's guilty of 1 death that he was ultimately paid for.
As much as he gives those people some sort of sense of meaning and hope he rips them like crazy and is a monster. Fuck that guy.


>Geralt being a walking massacre himself has no right ot judge him. Literally zero.
geralt never murders innocent women and children

Geralt has never been jumped by half a village and wounded to a death's door. Well... Latter yes. But as I understood he blacked out.

>Geralt has never been jumped by half a village

Even if villagers attack you, you just kill them, not the entire fucking village women and children included.

Going by that Geralt and Vesemir should have slaughtered the entire white orchid because 6 people attacked them.

It wasn't the same though.
Geatan was lured in and stabbed in the back and then shot at.
One can say he was in irresistible impulse.

So when that mini quest pops up in front of Trissfus house where a child lures you to follow him and then 3 bandits ambush you, Geralt should have chased and killed the child too, and all the neighboring houses...

I realize that witchers hate most when peasants try to ruse them and cheat them, and them attacking him on top of that can tip the scale... but killing children is too low.

I spared him on my first playthru, but when you try to kill him, he sucker punches you first which proves just more that he is scum.

Plus he even left that girl alone in the middle of the forest while slaughtering the entire village, if Geralt didnt found her she would have been better off dead.

If you spare him, he rewards you with his stash and when you go to his hideout, you can find more monster trophies and Geralt makes a comment how Gaetan must have come into conflict with other employers too.

I don't know. Losing control seems more than possible after being stabbed with a pitchfork, pain, blood everywhere.



It's been delayed so CDPR can work on further improving Cyberpunk waifus.


How much gold is a good amount to have for NG+ deaths march after your first playthrough? Also what level should you be?

Anyone here ever do all the ?'s in skellige?

My last run, I was level 54 and had around 100k

I did, 3 times. It's a good way to earn some extra money and if you're a competionist it feels good to have the whole map cleared, but it's not the funnest thing to do and you won't lose much by avoiding most of them.



triss a cute

She is the cutest, sweetest lady of the Witcher

How old is the Duchess?

my sides

why did i realese him

100k ? how the fuck

vigi is based he helps you with wild hunt later

i currently have 50k and have about 100k more in swords which i wait to sell in toussaint since every single merchant is too poor right now.

and on top of that i wasted about 50k for that arab and his equipment for his runes whi

Help i cant stop having sex with each woman i meet


>"Adieu, for we shall never meet again"

>Return later


what kind of pizza would Trissfu like ?

what is that quest?

A Knight's Tales

the ones with the DICK in the middle

Pepperoni with red peppers

Yen would like Spinach and Ricotta, Keira would eat a domino's mighty meaty

that would be yen

>Pepperoni with red peppers

same as me

pizza with shit, vomit and troll piss

>grandmaster and mastercrafted Wolven School swords(both silver and steel) are EXACTLY the same, the only difference being the grandmaster ones have 15 more damage.


they count as part of the set

Is maxed out Aerondight the best silver sword in the game?
I have found silver swords that do more damage according to the green letters, but i don't know if that takes the Aerondight upgrades into account or not.


They don't take the upgrades into account. Once you have Aerondight, you never have to upgrade your sword again.

ACTUALLY never? Even in ng+?

i think you already decided to let it live, but somehow you have a problem with that decision

Yes as long as you keep up in leveling the sword with you. Also go to the runewright to give it 3 slots. It's 10% damage per charge up to the 100% crit chance when fully charged is absolutely amazing.

Ciri: Cowgirl
Yen: Doggystyle
Triss: Doggystyle
Boring, uninspired answers maybe, but that's life

Vivienne? Iris?


Vivienne: Lazy Doggy, shes fine with either hole
Iris: Missionary, shes very touchy from bottom

Ciri: Missionary with eye contact
Yen: On top, controlling the situation
Triss: Doggy, submissive, anal

I can definitely agree with Triss and Ciri, but i always considered Yen to enjoy the more submissive position with someone she loves and trusts like Geralt. But for random dudes I can see that as her favorite


Let's talk about Anna Henrietta's asshole.