Be me, spotty, long hair, vauxhall corsa driver

>be me, spotty, long hair, vauxhall corsa driver
>Come over crest, and break due to bump at bottom
>"Sports suspension" so its painful otherwise
>Put foot back down
>See guy in yellow standing by the road and woman holding black camera thing.
>Turn around, pass them again
>See handheld radar gun.
>Pull over
>Ask him if he's checking speeds
>Pull best shitting myself face
>He tells me that they are noting plates and sending letters, but not issuing tickets

Why tho?

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Beacuse you live in a cuckcountry

so you'll know they'll start issuing tickets in the not-so-distant future?
should make at least some people slow down in those areas

here they even announce where they'll put speed traps and for how long

>Why tho?
because your people are fantastically passive aggressive, to the point that it is almost a form of art

There's a camera around the corner from it so probably

Was it actually a radar gun?

yeah. i parked, got out and went up to talk to him (and try to get him to not gib ticket)

>Why tho?

Because they have no power but want to feel like they do, think america.

Good for them desu. This is really what cops should be doing for things like this. Be lenient with people and give them a second chance instead of having no mercy the first time. Show them that people do see what they're doing and don't appreciate it

it would have fucked me on insurance prices so i feel like i just won the lottery honestly

They aren't cops, just locals who want to feel important, not impotent.

england YES

he was in a police uniform, with the hat. the girl holding the camera was plain clothes but the guy was definitely a copper

No, he wasn't, they don't do that and not hand out tickets. Community speed watch often wear imitation police uniforms to scare the stupid. If a copper catches you with a LIDAR over the limit you will get points.

They have done this for many years. The new "community speed watch" initiatives are to put the police back on revenue exercises and save them doing the warnings.
t. Older than 17

I volunteer with community speed watch from time to time. They're good people, and the elderly usually bring free cake and coffee.
We can't issue tickets but we do provide lists of suspect drivers to the police, so they can take a closer look at "random routine inspections", especially with regards to illegal modifications.
The faces of boiracers when they see a radar gun are just the icing on top :)

I passed one of these on my i4 600cc bike last year. Clutched in and redlined the whole way past them. Expected cheers as I was going the speed limit and sort of signalling my appreciation but desu they just seemed like they were being dicks

>haha I love fucking over my fellow man on my own time with no compensation
abdul deserves to replace you

i've had one of these letters before, it was cheshire police and got caught doing 34 in a 30

no fine so who gives a shit

I'm not fucking over anyone though. We're just helping the police catch and punish anti-social scofflaws.

the thing pinged over 15 times in my 1 and a half minute conversation.

>i'm not fucking anyone over
>i'm just selling them out to the cops so they can fuck them over when they get the chance

only scumbags who don't obey the law.

>a crime anyone should care about
I hope this is bait

Broken Windows Effect