Well Veeky Forums?
If it came down to a life and death situation
would you be able to drive this?
Well Veeky Forums?
If it came down to a life and death situation
would you be able to drive this?
Unlike in Fatsomerica, manual shifting is actually part of the license exam here and in most parts of the world. Doing your driving school and exam on an autotragic will net you an auto-only license, and usually only people with a leg missing opt for it.
It did it 2 hours ago. So yes. If my mother can do it, and you can't, you must be a pussy.
Who the fuck is the asshat who keeps making these threads? No, seriously? What is their goal?
Boast that they can drive manual in their 96 civic
If it came down to a life and death situation would you be able to drive this?
It's got a clutch and a shifter, how hard can it be? Probably simply a sequential.
Would YOU be able to drive THIS? Note: Apart from the steering wheel nothing does what you think it does.
>probably simply a sequential
>how hard could it be
Harder than you can handle, Vertigate, hombre.
And I've driven a T before, that's not getting one over on me.
is this shopped? why are there three pedals? lmao
i havnt driven a manual since 2013, and that was on some commercial farming equipment. i could probobly work it out, but its not something i deal with on a daily basis and its been months since i was even in a car with a manual transmission.
depends user, could you drive this?
we all float down here
I remember a different thread when a Yuropeen was bitching about how everyone but they were shit drivers and how scary it was doing a hill start with soccer mom sally on their ass- And I told them that was pansy shit and recounted how I drove the M1 in Detroit at five o clock on a Friday in a vehicle with manual brakes and a solid linkage clutch wearing a 90 pound return spring, and his response was "take it easy on me I've only been driving for two months. That's what I see every time a yuropeen boasts about their driving skills, "I've only been driving for two months dude..."
Sure, it's just a regular stick with an extra flick switch or two. It's worse when it's three seperate, unlabeled sticks.
There's literally NOTHING wrong with using the handbrake for hill starts.
maybe if you are a filthy fucking casual
fucking git gud skrub
You should be able to solve this.
brownie boxes fucking suck but they're not bad, you're just splitting with a different stick rather than the switches
One all the way at the back is probably for a transfer case, two in the middle are for two hi/lo boxes I'd imagine. Probably a four speed tranny- Old 16 speed setup methinks?
I'm having a hard time figuring it out myself because Unimogs seem to have used a ton of different setups, but the horizontal one is simply the handbrake, the long one is the main gear lever, and the others are either forward/reverse, power-takeoff or low range transfer case levers.
you got this, right user?
>everything is labelled
Thx bro
sure, why not
>What is their goal?
baiting Veeky Forums
>""""""revenge"""""" for getting btfo, really
Right pedal is brake. Left pedal is low gear (let up for high gear). Center pedal is reverse. Throttle is where you'd expect the turn signal.
All that aside, I'd probably still die.