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My coc is roc edition

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- Australian servers added for roo riders
- Deadman Summer Invitational for $20,000 prize has begun
- Mining Guild expansion/rework, new minable mineral introduced
- Click-box improvements and ::displayfps
- The Inferno, new fight caves for the melee BIS Infernal Cape

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nth for Hook is cute.

die tranny scum

I'm so THICC!

Look at those curves

Wow :3

papa mia a cute

die tranny scum die

48 -> 57 barb fishing and I already wanna quit

>dragon axe bent away from point of contact
>blade only connected to handle by tiny section
>the back is pointlessly serrated
>the blade edge is inefficiently wide
Fucking awful. At least the infernal straightens the handle out but it's still terrible.

But you still have 199 out of 200 hours to go!

rot wins again

Correction... 56.6

nth for I love and care ALL OF YOU

Remember to build a time machine to go 2 hours back and buy your battlestaves.

markscape's corpse rotting in the ground


i'm too much of a bitch to do any wildy bosses desu

didn't ask


This is the best time to learn, most pkers are in DMM

Ignore your input is very appreciated :)


>wilderness sword

Daily reminder that weebs, anime posters, anime profile pics and people with anime in the name, deserve to be repeatedly gang raped until their asshole is a gaping, bloody pile of mush.

By who? I need more info.


why not just teleport everyone into castle wars for the final hour or half hour?
teleport them all to a random place in there to fuck with teams and then use the fog to force them all into the little island
you could even enable the barricades and catapults and shit

sign me up senpai~

Every human being on earth user. But mostly by me.

Are u gay or something faggot?

>mostly by me
Are u gay or something faggot?

Ok signed up. Give some contact info and address.

I'm not kidding, I actually mean what I say user.

no u

Yeah faggot I'm gay (sometimes)

Why are weebs the biggest cum sluts in existence? Where do I find some boipucci like this to cum inside?

reminder we are all friends here
and friends shouldn't tell other friends to get sexually violated!

>Where do I find some boipucci like this to cum inside?
Veeky Forums.org has a lot of them

Wildy sword 4 gives unlimited teleports to fountain of rune

I just want you to know, I want to fuck Serval so hard.

so? you're not near the fountain

are you actually running south to spider from the fountain?

trannies/animeposters/erpers deserve DEATH. DEATH


i know games nec is faster but I want to feel like my only elite diary is being useful

Hot sex

I didn't want to have to bully anyone today user, but you're making it real hard for me right now.

>Veeky Forums.org has a lot of them
You know, I've been looking around for that site, can't quite seem to find it, or the weebsluts on it. Maybe they're all on a specific board which I don't know about.

you some sort of retard?

it's also a lot more dangerous because you're running right through all of the callisto safespots that pkers love to hop at

Does anyone here want to erp with me?

Wait I forgot I can use my jewelry box to save an inv space.

Pls no bully I'll switch now


Allah hu Akbar!!!!!!!@!!@!@!@!@

Okay cc-san~

Here you go!!

can you be my wife?

Is DMM Season a good time to do shit in the wildy in normal worlds without getting your shit kicked in?

well desu leaving corp cave can be risky too

I've been dbowed out a few times

When should a newbie start farming? I'm assuming when I get a shit ton of teleport methods and magic levels to unlock them along with capes to save money?

>tfw net loss of almost 31m today
I almost never go negative. Oh well, still 122m stack and 940-950 net worth, I'll make it back soon enough.

Once you have unlocked enough areas/teleports/plots. Basically you want to have at least 4 trees, 4 fruit trees, 4 herb patches, 4 allotments for melons or low corn n shit.

there's a few quests you can do for farming xp

then you can do low level trees with basic teleports

them shits look hard as fuck
u made rock cakes?

>he farms allotments

Sometimes looks can be deceiving baka!

you can quest to around 30 farming, start with fairy tale pt1 and the reqs will satisfy themselves for the most part


Hi, i'm a rs3 hardcore ironman player; i've been thinking about giving osrs a try for a couple of days, since i've never played it before.

Am i in for a lot of fun?
What i think i'll have most fun on osrs is the combat. i really dislike the EoC and i miss permanent weapon poisons.

yeah........... a lot of fun................

How can people stand to do blackjacking for hours on end?


how can people stand to spam click ardy knights, 3 tick mine, or any of hte other stupid garbage that comprises this game?

I just did it to 81, pp to 95, and ardy knights for the rest because they stop failing at that level. Thieving overall is a pretty fast and easy skill.

nobody does that shit

like 0.1% of people do it

Retard RS players just watch youtubers/streamers that do it and they think everyone does it

99% of people are fucking champs wearing obby capes and cmb braces smoking their vape and playing with a fidget spinner drinking at combat 70-80 that think spending 6 hours for bis items is too much effort

>ironman btw

i'm a girl btw XD

anyone want to hookup in game? this goes without saying but no ironmemes

Why no ironmemes? :c

>no ironmemes

i would hookup.

fuck off mentally ill trannies

any1 want to hookup in game? ironmemes welcome

read the post above yours pansy

>fuck off mentally ill trannies
yes pls, fuck off straight into my bedroom.

>he doesn't play skills for the fun of them

>random guy from ge messages me
>starts asking for my name and flirting with me
>roll with it and try to milk him for a bond
>he goes silent
>sends this to me 10minutes later

>>roll with it and try to milk him for a bond
how did you intend to do that user?

>milk him

you can milk me for semen in ur boipucci

stuff like saying membership runs out and saying I won't be able to play anymore. he has been messaging me for like 4 days now whenever I turn pm off of friends only so I figured he'd do it.
i'd prefer membership!

why havent you trannies/erpers kill yourselves yet? imagine what your parents would think about you whoring yourselves out in a video game

>Father: Ah, I sure am glad my daughter is finally making a living on that game she's been playing for over 10 years and skipping school for.

>skipping school
>not using a remote control program to play while you're at school



you arent a real girl you mentally deranged faggot

i really want someone to erp with ;_;

>fishing 48-60
>agility 31 to 47
>in one day
How am I doing

>soo smart

How are people so fucking dumb

Like who goes to GE where you can BUY ITEMS for a LISTED PRICE and then manages to get scammed by overpaying or some stupid trading scam like this

I've only ever traded myself and I've never once felt the need to trade someone else since GE was added

Like how do people even fall for this shit it blows my fucking mind, don't even get me started on the retards who put their info in to get hacked on double xp streams or those shitty "LOOK UP MY VIDEO ON YT (which links to a phishing site) AND TRADE ME FOR 50MIL!!!"

i can't wrap my head around it either and the thing is, they only do stuff like this that seems so obvious because idiots fall for it

only if you're up for an entire day of threesomes with each of my contacts and me

you get half the money

fuck off bridget

Guys how do I get a weeb RS gf?

Anyone up for Sara GWD?
Would need 2 lads to be quick and optimal.

there arent any girls who play this game

post your toons and your tunes

I don't know what you mean by toons.

your character