League of Legends General - /lolg/

D E A T H M A S T E R edition



Vastayans are property.

did you miss me though?

only the women becauase women are property

Care to read my blog? Its about Nunu.

>be nunu
>walk to enemy red to ward, see where Xin starts
>start at my red bot wards blue
>xin thinks hes some sort of einstein by invading my blue level 1
>after my red walk to his blue
>the fucker comes, level 2 already
>consume the buff infront if his chink eyes
>he starts doing the toad
>walk around, smite it away infront of him
>he chases me angrily, slow him as I spam laugh and walk mid
>my mid died in an all in
>flash E to kill the enemy mid
>[time passes
>xin splitpushing
>I collapse on him, he knows my team is coming
>tries to take me down under turret
>slow him with E and R as I kite him and spam laugh
>he dies to tower

He didn't get a single buff that games besides the blue he stole from me

Feels good to be a decent nunu player.
also my botlane was snowballing hard so I didnt have to do much besides fucking xin in the anus

botlane kys

Best Vastayan coming through.

I want to FUCK_ Riven!

>5783 IP

Only about 11 games to go...!

what champ has the cutest sissy penis?

I love my wife, Riven!


>paying 6300 for BadAshe

Caitlyn slowed down her suckling naturally as the feeling of fullness washed over her, her eyes smothered by leona's abundant breasts. Leona peeled away her flesh to see her.
"why aren't you drinking, my love?"
"I've already had so much."
Leona's gaze filled caitlyn with guilt, but her expression warmed as she pushed her other firm nipple into caitlyn's mouth.
"I will decide when you have had enough. Just relax and let your stomach stretch."
Caitlyn was overwhelmed with gratitude and enthusiastically swallowed while leona massaged her belly for relief.
"some day you will be strong, and you will have a pentakill."

i'm literally just posting a random image from my folder and I have no idea what it is, here's hoping it's league of legends related

you wouldn't RAPE a Lulu.

so are these lethality buffs enough to bring back the Varus/ Jhin meta?

84 Lethality from 3 items is no fucking joke

I was gonna make a otp account but I'll just wait until the runes go away, I'm not gonna waste IP on them when I can spend that ip on my champ.

jhin is still really good

Cruz didn't die, he had a 10/10 redemption arc.


jinx gameplay has nothing to do with ashe wtf

she's closer to kog or trist

Crit builds are 100x more fun than lethality builds unless your name is lucian. So I hope that no, they arent.

I want Kled to bear my child!

>random image from my folder
>not organizing all images

Step it up senpai

Why do they always draw annie fanart with thicc thighs?

sure but Jhin has a garenteed crit and really doesnt need any survivability items thanks to the new warlords.

I think its a possibility that Jhins might start doubling down on full lethality or atleast double lethality so ult deals mega damage.

Also I personally think Lethality builds are way more fun than crit builds

100-0ing people with ults alone on marksmen is really fun for me.
Jhin,Cait and Miss Fortune are good examples


Switched to Mid Lane a while ago, holy fuck I understand the Zed hate now. There is literally no way to shut him down.

>b- but this champ does well into him-

Yeah then he just hides under his tower easily farming with max range Q's. And you take your eyes off him for a SECOND and he's gotten a triple kill down bot.

At least I can deal with his autistic lategame splitpushing with Akali.

>has a frog folder
>but no leeg folder

>renektonbabs salty they ran into a champion their high skill plays do not work on

It's a subfolder in the OC folder.

what did u mean by this

welcome to the team

why are her eyes of extremely different sizes
it creeps me the fuck out user pls stop

Taliyah is very cute and sweet! I want to have a long, hot bath with her and wash every inch of her body!

>europoors waking up
>luluposters shitting up the thread

Make it now and play a bot game a day for the FWOTD. By the time you reach level 30 you'll have IP to spare. Plus you're still looking at a half year timeframe till the runes go away.

You don't do an OTP account for a FOTM, user! You do it for you true love

neither would you

Post stuff that is objectively cancer but it wouldn't be league without it

>ribbon maynes

who the fuck wake up at 4pm on a sunday

stop it this succubus is already draining me away from rumble I don't need more propaganda

>we accidentally made this champ OP by buffing him for no reason

>Make it now and play a bot game a day
Yeah true, I could do this. Only reason that kept me from leveling one was I would have to buy runes to actually play it. Don't need runes in bot games though, thanks user.

>Yasuo ulting in on any knockup that happens at any point in the game

>New Rek'Sai
>Season 6 Mundo

league without fizz would be a dream

xth for breast metal waifu

>Sion misses his ult
>Doesn't cancel it

jhin and MF are caster adcs. Its different
>lethality caitlyn
please tell me you dont do this.

mordekaiser mains


>patch something
>another part of the game not even slightly related stops working due to spaghetti code

>If Rumble, Gragas, Lee Sin, Rek'Sai or Lucian are out of meta for more than 5 minutes give them emergency buffs

>Gragas passive + SV + Soraka + Windspeaker's + bonus healing from Redemption and Ardent
Holy shit, after I got SV I was fucking invincible

She isn't a succubus, user. She's just a sweet desert girl! One who wants you to cum inside her to make more villagers.

his late game is garbage, but yeah that's why chinese ban him, that and they tilt and give up 2x as easily.

Do you only have 2 female rumble pictures. Or do you hide all the good ones to yourself?

macaroni code

post more right fucking now

Good thing you'd be around to help raise them.

yoooo wtf

because nobody really wants to see sexualized child thighs

I want to have sweaty bareback sex in a tent with Taliyah!

oh but i do

when I suffer in my games I do so in exquisite excess. I go mid and farm up then E>Q>R is a death sentence

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums open

password vidya


>No crones champion
Uhhh babs?


shen, ezreal (soloQ only), twisted fate, jarvan, corki

i'm actually okay with that though, long live the eternal korena soloQ gods


I've decided. I will do nothing but spend IP on runes. I WILL HAVE THAT ICON

Why Mid and ADC mains are the most toxic, pretensional, egoistic and mentally immature players in the whole League community?
Why they all think that thay are fucking anime protagonists which can 1v5 enemies whenever they want?
Why they do not understand that the world is not centered around them?
Why they refuse to cooperate with the rest of the team?
Why they start trolling from even the most stupid reasons like their ally taking 10 minions from their lane?


>riot nerf karma
>she's now absolute garbage
>one of the worst support and worst mid
how do we fix karma?

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

discucks out

the witcher 3 is fucking shit

>no magic demon champion that weaves death magic


When do I get to hurl fireballs,summon death winds,weave death magic and swam my enemies with pestilence?

Lissandra is NOT a crone.

we remove ALL leash moves from mages then give karma a skillshot that slows instead

otherwise she can stay in the trash for the rest of eternity

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Fuck the police.

Name a cuter ADC. You literally can'tve

lulu is just a fat purple annie that can't kill champs


boy i golly gee would id put my peepee up her vagoozle one trillion times

easy mode.

but of course then I return to my old lasthitting again

Be careful I don't want you to drown

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums 4 slots left

password vidya

>im lonely

the sion rework was the greatest thing to ever happen to league


Jinx is a cuddly 2x4

Posting random image from my folder too, I hope this one is league related and not cruz related.

Obnoxious is such a fucking retard, holy shit I hate all of this nuLore

I want to gain her trust then cheat on her and steal all her gold as I run away and she returns to an empty house

>while you both take sips of cool tea in the humidity
>laying in soft blankets and sheets
>while the fire crackles outside
>lie there snuggled and kissing after
>fall asleep, the cool desert night air brushing against your sweaty skin as a sleep aid
wow that actually sounds great desu

i might writefag this up desu
>every time the witcher is mentioned someone always fails to resist the urge to beg for (You)'s
it never fails

Yare yare daze.

Isn't kayn kinda like Ob?
Starts as edgy dude then turns into demon?

I can't, she's perfect.

I want to hold Tristana around her waist and use her like a fleshlight.

Then I want to hold her hand.

this is why I don't solo lane Lulu anymore

Is there a champion more braindead and retard proof than tryndamere?
Which other champions can be reliably played by a trained zoo chimpanzee as well as trynda?

unironically Yasuo
If you just contain yourself to not go for massive outplays he's actually extremely easy