/elyg/ - Elysium General

No Bullying Edition

>Server Homepage


Alliance guild:

Horde guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder)



Loeiz is the best priest of Elysium

Have a nice weekend /a/nime friends and elysium buddies :3

Gummy...craft... save us...

heh... thanks for the ride amy. ;)

This thread is dedicated to our amazing rank 2 PVE prot warrior hero friends who stuck through AV premades all weekend!

Reminder to report this faggot offtopic shit

But Gummyspam and *coughs up blood* memes aren't offtopic huh? I smell a gummyshill! Go back to your own thread man, or is gummy so dead in the water the thread keeps dying after 5 posts still? LMAO

Man the horde starting areas are packs. What's up with that?

I only come here for ctrl + F [GUMMY]

wow it turns out 30 year old men who post anime girl pngs are super insecure and volatile



>she's not leveling to 70 on GUMMY's beta RIGHT NOW so she can skip the queue on live

what are you even doing right now user?

When will Gummycraft come out...

Rate this couple /elyg/

Your character will be wiped when it officially comes out.
Your character will be wiped again when it gets shut down by Blizzard.

I wanna cum on his beard


Can't wait for Gummycraft bros

Gummy gummy gummy

yummy yummy yummy I've got gum in my tummy


I need Felmyst right now...

Fuck off Gummy, you autistic little shit. We aren't gonna fall for your TBC funserver that you'll shut down within a month. Only a retard would fall for it the third time.

*coughs out blood*


see you on GUMMY's

I want to ____ Amy!

learn to crop retard

Are you okay gummy? You keep coughing blood, it can't be healthy man... I know your general keeps dying but you don't belong here in /elyg/, you might infect someone. Hope you understand man.


I wanna FUCK that dwarf

This thread = gummy lurking and hype for release

I know right? Hopefully Elysium doesn't catch whatever he has oh wait.

>futa mommy paladin
>sit in her lap
>she puts her pee pee in your bum bum
>breastfeeds you milkies while pumping you full of creamy cummies

Draenei aren't even in the game yet man.

So will the main guild be on Alliance or Horde when Cummycraft comes out?

Horde. Enjoy your queue.

B-but Alliance has space goats

Worth it to play as best race.

But moh trannies want go belf.

What's so special about BElves? They're literally humans with longer ears on a shittier faction

Tra- tra, tr-tr-tr-tra!
Stop... help me make them stop! I've received many medals just for cleansing tranny generals!
Filth! Tra-Tra-Tranny filth! What happened to boys just liking MILFs?
Ja-Ja-Janitors... unpaid slaves wouldn't fix this place if we paid em!
Sick, it makes me sick! 130 pound boys that are missing a dick!
Puddi, Madti, burn the lot! The only way to stop is to turn the falseflagging up!
Horde! ...What happened to Horde! Why are all these trannies playing Alliance whores?!
Low poly butts! Low poly tits! All the non-trannies enable this shit!
It's over, we've lost! Castrated boys win 2017, this server was shit and I'm keen to leave!
Hit it!

*throws mic*
*crosses arms*
(Hip hop beat)

I'm MC Gummy and I'm here as your saviour!
Trannies and chinks... I won't tolerate this behaviour!
I'm a mean geeky nigga and I'm making NA proud! G-U-M-M-Y, VPN banned so the chiggas gonna cry! (ruh roh!)
Blizzard ain't got shit on me! Nigga I'm a prodigy, JUST my server up and I'll move it to another street!
Yeeeah boiii!

*throws mic*
*hits a massive doob*
(Nightclub music begins)

It's your boooy Aleeeexensuaaal!
*audience cheers*
I'm here on this track to tell you one thing! Warmane is shit and Gummy is the king! (uh huh!)
The faggots on Veeky Forums ain't got shit on me! How many of you sad nerds had Puddi as your B? (what what?!)
*slicks back hair*
For real though... Elysium is shit! Chinks run rampant and mods are paid for it! Quit that shit right now... MC Gummy is our saviour, this server is everying besides the monthly flavour!

Why bother with Gummy when Elysium will be doing TBC? Gummy will no doubt shut down after an months due to either Gummy himself or Blizzard.

Slimmer bodies, cuter faces and red panties.


To all lurkers and summerfags that want to play, people that got tired of the constant MC farm, that ended up hating their class and want to start a new toon, please consider rolling in our horde guild.
We only started a couple days ago by a bunch of random people so there are only a few in the guild, but with your help we can be big and with a good attitude and skill, you could become big within the guild too.

With D.O.N being so new and few, you can roll whatever you want, none of us really know each other that well, none of us are level 60, so we all are on the same ride, we will level and do dungeons together, especially helping each of you getting the proper gear for future raids, that is obligatory. Nobody has to fit in as the collective mentality has yet to be molded by our individuality, we have yet to learn who is who.
Isn't a big part of the vanilla experience to group with nobodies and become somebodies, friendships that start from lvl 1 and go to 60 and beyond and just having fun?

Whisper Handro, whisper anybody from the guild for an invite.

Why bother with Elysium TBC when Warmane already has TBC?

Fucking kill yourself my man.

>Elysium TBC is confirmed
>Gummyshills start spamming in /elyg/ at increasing rates


No one is waiting for Elysium TBC. There are several guilds who are playing to move or play both.

someone please sing this with appropriate music

>when madtii takes his clothes off

I need... Gummycraft... NOW

Gummy is all over retail trade, and warmane shills are getting increasingly nervous. Suddenly Elysium TBC.

Ryan is so good looking...

>Gummy is all over retail trade
Fucking retards, it will get shut down even quicker because of that

I've encountered less bugs on the Gummy beta than I have on Elysium and I've played the Gummy beta longer. Not even that motivated to shill for Gummy as I've only just started on both and Elysium seems to actually have somewhat of a roleplaying community judging by the forums.

Literally nothing. All of their animations are horrible and gear on them looks like shit. Males look alright in gear but females look like crap and have tiny weapons.

Lmao ive already sent multiple emails to blizzard about this, hopefully they get a C&D before they even launch.
I bet mist of their jew lawyers libe in NY anyway

Gummy is fucking retarded.

No one gives a shit if low lvl mobs can blink when his high level stuff isn't scripted properly. He always gets sidetracked and focuses on small, dumb shit instead of seeing the bigger picture. And then his autism flares up and he shuts everything down.

You might just be the biggest homo in this general, quite an achievement with all these gaybois lusting after an autistic German man playing a female character.

He's right tho, they're just generic-looking female garbage.

From what I've heard high level mobs are well scripted too. The only thing that isn't are the likes on Strat and Scholo, which is a disappointment and I hope they eventually get around to scripting them. Another issue I have with it is their unblizzlike implementation of talents from one patch and gear from another. Just let me play TBC please. All that aside it's honestly the most promising server I've played on. The amount of stupid server tribalism that goes on in these threads is fucking stupid.

>log in to level my alt
>3 ?? horde enter the inn
>log out
i wasn't full rested anyways

gay af

They were just gonna have a beer and share stories of great deeds. Log in back my man and spend some quality time with them.


how do we deal with the normie problem on gummy's?

Nothing wrong with small weapons. Girls look good in robes and leather. Plate niggers not welcome.

Gummy is the white man's playground, please stay on Elysium.



he says this while having an anime profile picture?

the normies are starting to become a real problem

Is this real? I've been in his streams and hes a hyper normie, clueless to anime shit.

What's he bitching about?

what happened
i can't be assed to go to their discord

hey guys, just got out of prison.

is corecraft out yet?

So when does AV release?


>you will never fuck this gnome

Who is Chinesegirl?
Is it drgayhard?


Cool, i love that guy
He just does not give a single fuck


He's a big time tranny enabler

Um no?

>Dabyrie's Farmstead
>watching lvl 40 Chinese mage
>his name is Chineseeric
>he's from ChinaXRen or whatever the fuck that guild is called
>no Ice Barrier at 40
>trying to AOE grind and dying to lvl 35 mobs

Man, I thought Chinks knew how to farm. This is like watching special olympics.


Why are you shitposting like this about me?

Just let the thread die lads

you just bumped it off page 10 nice one

i bumped ure mom dude


>chinks/ russians
>knowing how to do anything besides cheating and being annoying shits
Good one


>manlett is an actual manlet


If Manlett keeps shitposting about Chinesegirl I'll release the pictures and the logs.

This is your final warning.

Chinesegirl won't be raiding, I'll make sure of that.
