Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.

Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.

Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.

This is my wife.

persona 5 arena will save the fgc

Reminder not to purchase DLC despite the extra work put into it because I'm a lazy nigger.

what do you like about him

please can somebody find a link for p4u2 for me

I know it exists the boards were ripped last year

Yes, certainly give your hard-earned cash to large corporations who don't give a shit about you, incentivizing them to put out more overpriced DLC content because they'll know you'll fucking buy it.

S tier op.

I just think he's cool.

I never play shoto's, but Akuma in 3s just clicks with me. I love everything about him in that game. I never played 3s in its hayday, but even still I can go on fightcade and do pretty well against decent players. He is so fun.

Then the SFV version game and I was pretty hype but I just can't figure out how to play him. Everything about him just feels off. He is slow, ridiculously short range normals, slow as fuck demon flip, slow as fuck dive kick.

Once you do get a hit you can confirm into some really cool shit, but damn everything up until that point just feels like a chore.

I also like pony tails.

Republican Shoto when?

>GG fags still crying over BB taking their slot for Sunday


See my Cronos, casuals.

I'm trying to be the best /fgg/ player of a dead game in a shit region of the world on the worst platform for fighting games.
What are my options?

Ken Masters likely is republican
>half white
>inheritor of fortune
>white envy (dyes his hair blonde) (marries blonde woman)

What Game, Region, Platform?

brick has that role filled
be a sniffposter instead

Hdremix for ps3


are they really sticking with the "the ok sign means white power" bullshit

Guys, I've told myself that I was going to play SFV like all damn day and I still haven't done that yet. Should I pull another all-nighter and really practice?





comeback mechanics at it again

>yfw poongko memes his way to top 8 at evo yet again

pick tohno akiha


this is supposed to kill sfv? lmfao


Furries are usually gross and cringeworthy but somehow Bloody Roar made them cool. How did they do it?

>Implying that SF5 doesn't have 100% combos.

>trash game
>trash mechanics
no surprise here

furries are mostly cute/sexualized and almost always look the same

Bloody Roar stuff had insects and the animals weren't cutesy shit besides that one rabbit.


they should have never made it 2 buttons

Because Bloody Roar has feral beasts not typical disney styled furries

>not showing the whole match where he has to play defense with a character who has shitty defensive options for 49 secs

might have been talked about already but

UNIST coming to west on PS3, PS4 and Vita late 2017

now my question here is PC version when aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa help

Does Yuzuriha play like Johnny minus the coins?

Is SFV good?

No. Just iaido similarities.

Not really no. Theres a lot of shit you do within her stance.

is yuzu honest

it's fun


I don't play johnny although I play vs him a decent amount, and I'm not an expert on yuzuriha either since I'm not an active UNIEL player, most of my time in that game is trainingboaring

With that being my level of knowledge, I don't think they are that similar other than iaido and long range sword attacks, and utilizing cancels (I think they took out the D recovery canceling in UNIST?). Yuzu is much more mobile with the teleports for example

yes! I don't know

I'm looking for someone to play King of Fighters 2002/98 with. I use steam and fightcade

I like it. I wish it was better and I hope it becomes better some day, but I'm having fun.

do not play sfv

only if you tell me your mmr

If SFV was a good game that capcom had made good improvements to over its first year no one would have a problem with its dlc model.

However, SFV is the premier fighting game and you simply must play it.

Does anyone actually have an issue with its DLC model though? The only important thing (characters) can be earned by playing the game.

that's my point. people get unreasonably angry about costumes and shit because so much other stuff is bad and people don't even want to defend the bits that are fine.

It would be good if it was actually feasible to unlock the characters by playing but you get 1 maybe 2 if you get the money from capcom as compensation

Should I learn Gigas in T7?
He isn't very popular but looks the coolest out of the cast. I'm just worried he won't be in future installments.

Beautiful trully the savior of the FGC...

There's a fine line between furshit and cool anthros



nigga what the fuck?
the game is out now so play him now. If he isn't in the next game like 10 years from now play somebody


i already pre-ordered mvci 3 times, though. should I go for one more?

Is it kusoge?


damn I love supporting the fgc

I was wrong to dislike dodgers, I didn't count on autistic challengers

play sfv

Do I have to buy a TN panel to get a response time good enough for fighting games? I mean like

shes honestly cute

are you white?

Morrigan fucks men for souls

you don't even have it

well, yea, she a succ

wasn't Thaiger uppercut supposed to start 20mn ago? Stream is offline

It was supposed to yesterday wasn't it

Already do.

You should. I already got the collector's and 2 deluxe editions. Might go for one more too.

Lies and slander.

wrong post user

She's not exactly shy about it.

play bacon

Never forgey

he's super fun in SFIV, so much so I can't even play him in V because he's like, a literal turtle

Who's the best character for beginners in VSav?

So what is considered the best version of SC?

Canonically never happened though.

i didn't say "i play sfv"

she's dishonest as fuck

cat or wolf

Only wolf is worth it in the long run because cat is mid tier

Do you love me /fgg/?


Just in case I happen to run into those D3 tournies, right?


if you are one of those tekken faggots then no

>Eagle released for KI
>Everyone says he's a zoner
>Watch him fight Aganos for 30m
>He doesn't zone at all
Does anyone making fighting games these days know what a zoner is?

I tolerate you.

Yeah like the one this year

At least use a monster if you're gonna play the monster game

How do I get good at Street Fighter?

Don't play it

Play it more