/ovg/ - The Glen edition

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first for ovg86 in rfactor

i wish i could make tracks for a real racing game instead of Rust v0.02

is this too cartoonishly aggressively banked side to side? are these turns too tight? i dont even wanna begin on off-track geometry or on-track detailing until this like 2 meters or w/e of road is absolutely perfect and sets a standard of what is acceptable for the rest of it

please note that the part in obvious gray/orange dev textures will probably have a grippy natural sufrace later, like gravel or tamped dirt. the pressed concrete and poured concrete will remain level accross their widths wherever that material is used and only be not level to change elevation, unlike the dev textured bit thats all waverly

what's that, ovgt86 in rfactor? you got it

Is a 25% gradient too steep for a car to climb?


>implying id kill a 3 year op for no reason

Use Bob's Track Builder and rFactor, it can help you make decent tracks. I was making a track until I started working on other vidya.
Pic related, from almost two years ago.

Name a better game

mobil 1 rally championship

>wanting to drive a grocery getter because some stupid gooks who slide cars around said it was good

here we go again

if that shitpost manages to restart the whole argument i apologize in advance

>Remaking Atlantica
If you can't get retarded amounts of air by ramping up the edges of the sides of the canals, you've done it wrong.

You know its odd, when i got dirt rally the handling was way to sim for me but all i did was turn on all assists and calibrate my wheel and the handling is much much better and more stable. I dont think dirt 4 has too bad handling and i am not one for sim extreme handling, but my point is the visuals of dirt rally and country settings are unbeatable. What i mean by that is its truly believeable in dirt rally that you are rallying in a real rally in rteal countries, whilst dirt 4 isnt. Surely thats what rallying is all about, atmosphere and reality and dirt rally beats dirt 4 hands down. On the other hand if you dont like real rallying too much and more of a generic track, arcade experience then dirt 4 may get you. I just cannot get over that feeling when your driving the subaru in that gorgeous blue livery, screaming down wales through water splashes, huge crowds watching you, not able to know if you will mess the stage up in the pouring rain or not, and how that is an amazing feeling to have. I feel let down by dirt 4 and thats why i got rid the next day. Dirt rally will be played for years to come, but will dirt 4? But as i said, each to there own. The biggest problem codies made was genric tracks on the editor and not hand made, was the biggest flaw for me as i got bored so fast. Luckily i was able to get my money back and keep dirt rally.

*edited physics mobil 1 rally championship


what is that from

>wanting to hotlap Spa in GT3s again

i'm announcing rf2 clio cup 2018 be there

SJ Spork Juct Big Mac RR3 Real Racing Crash2000timesguy Rally2kguy Rally 2000 La Li Lu Le Lo Patriots

what does spork juct actually mean/stand for

wow buddy you cant just start your own series like that!

you need to fill the appropiate forms and forward them to the shadow goverment for approval

Spork Jungle Cat you fucking newfag

no it's okay i'll be running my own server

gt3 a best oyu fucking shitter learn to drive discord fag

im fixing the ultimate gt3 mod to balance it for us to do after arca ends be there

nth for RR3

>join WAT1

what are you talking about it was perfectly balanced already

its our main sponsor in our endurance team!

im setting up an iracing custom league next month be there

from other thread
They claim there was a physics engine overhaul. The physics do seem better. The mud and water depth and consistency is much more varied. The weight of your truck in the mud matters a lot more now. Gameplay wise there are some quality of life features. You can refuel from your own cistern finally, and you can quick-winch by double tapping your winch pull button. Can also save multiplayer states.

>tfw normie juct has a fender bass and i only have a squier bass
why live

i'm going to run a mario 64 tournament via emulator be there

what does Spork Jungle Cat you fucking newfag mean/stand for

>We will never have a /ovg/ Formula 1 or Indy series
Why drive?

but we did???

far too fast for multiplayer
gt3s are poular for a reason

Mudrunner guy. Does pic related still work?

It stands for freedom from the tyranny of the Shadow Government.

we're doing skippies next week /ovgrs2/ be there

we doing horses at spa next week be there

super tux cart tournament this december be there

i didnt know blind people could use a computer

>we will never have the GOAT commentary team back together again

no more leagues be there

honestly sj sounds like an ok guy. why did you guys chase him out?

no it wasnt thats why im fixing it

rigs of rods monster truck tournament in planning right now be there or be square

is it on sunday?

buy the whole virtual seat but you're only gonna need the edge

>Not planning on a Sunday
I bet my ticket doesn't even pay for the whole seat

TORCS ai tournament incoming soon be there

Go away cosmo

Pick one mumblrina

pixel car racer touge tournament this tuesday be there

ARCA series soon be there

cs:s surfing tournament tomorrow be there

RANWEC when?

KartSim/KartKraft tournament soon don't be there.

ovg being a quality thread never be there

X Motor Racing series soon, sign up on Discord

>cars that everyone drives, they must be good
>some 120 horsepower shitbox that became popular with the resurgence of anime eurobeat and vaporwave garbage music 2 years ago
nani kansie outsideo drifto!!!!!! 24 hour long edition.mp4 1,743,246 views

Shilling myself from last thread because I want people to see this

>I've had some time to play the NFS Payback trial and I have some okayish impressions. To make it quick, handling is essentially 2015, but much more refined, less twitchy and more manageable overall. There's no more invisible hand, the switch from grip to drift mode is a lot smoother and crabwalking is still a thing but not nearly as bad as before. There are bad things though. You still need to drift to get good times on events, the offroad handling doesn't really have much of a decernable difference from the asphalt handling and jumps still feel really weird. If you look at this footage: (youtu.be/xViWGfTDecI), the car jerks around a lot over bumps. There's no real suspension travel and cars seem magnetized to the ground which makes any instance of airtime jut feel weird. Pretty good overall but I know some people will still be pissed about it.

rf1 elf car single weekend pros only be there

Well I fucked those gets up

I don't think that particular ..... thing, is in the mods yet, but old mods are being converted daily and new ones are popping up already.

/ovg/ flying series when?

dcs series mig21 acrobatics be there

Mikey Simulator 2016 series, sign up by posting man tits

Everyone drives shitboxes user, not the other way around

The original idea was to have it a city course, so lots of twisty turns and buildings for the first half. The main back straight would be when it cuts into a forest on the outskirt of the city and turns into hektic countryside action passing trees and comfy houses. The best place to get air is the tunnel area on the first straight near the big downhill bend with the bumps unsettling the car enough to be fun. I liked running the Morgan GT3 on it when bored.
Why should I?

generally and wipeout double time attack tournament 2019 be there

That doesn't sound like Atlantica at all, honestly.



be there

overwatch tournament soon be there


bailey jay is a shitty excuse for a trap with too much makeup and masculine feature


transmission swap tournament 2020 be there



Enjoy your ban

fuck you

>implying gnik is around to ban him

banwave 2017 be there

How do we fix /ovg/?

more obscure series

more participation in tournaments and less sectarian bullshit soon be there
at the core though it's easier to shitpost about racing than actually race a couple hours a week

Letting mumblrfags post trap porn obviously

Bring back SJ to save us

Ok, how about 1930's F1 cars on super stadium truck tracks?

okay unironically that would rule

finally doing race of champions to determine who is really elite

This is fucking bullshit, WRC 7 has the worst pacenotes. So many left or right 3s turn into what would be in reality a right 2 keep in and then you have to slam on the fucking brakes because of this dumbass call. Then you have right and left 3s that are no where near that, it is really pissing me off.

oh damn

wrc7 tournament soon be there

I will be there m8, also why do the FWD Fiestas in the beginning career mode handle like such dogshit. Is FWD really this bad?

If you actually had a driver's license you'd know