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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Voting War Score Tally
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Aura and Tharja are shit
Why is Alm so based?
Let's go Priscilla!
>he already started
As if forcing one tumbler thing wasn't already enough
Linde did nothing wrong
Yeah, there are better tomes for Linde to use than Aura desu
>Ignores the secondary effects of weapons.
Would this save the game?
What do you honestly expect from Azurafags?
Nice fake news drill
Don't bully Aura. it's a good tome
he's best lord
I don't know
Why are you calling others that, drill?
I pumped 160k into Elise today.
You wont win Priscillafags.
I pumped 161k into Priscilla today
You won't win Elise fags
I bet this cuck thinks you can give Linde Dire Thunder
I want to pump into Priscilla
I see you saved 48K flags too
That's a lot of cum
I pumped all my cum into Elise today.
>being retarded
>DonĀ“t using Aura for Tempest Trial
Fucking shitter.
>he thinks nuFE cancer's gonna win for a fourth time in a row
>he thinks worst Fates sibling is gonna win
>Delay Priscilla's next bonus as long as possible
>If she doesn't push Elise into a bonus she has a very real chance of maintaining enough of a lead to win
Thank you for your patronage.
Why do you use male heroes on your team?
>censoring her panties
worse than ISIS
Who supports Elise? That's like saying you voted for Clinton.
>he thinks worst Fates sibling is gonna win
Sakura already lost tho
and Hinoka wasn't even in the running
Hello, I am the only well animated magic spell in the 3DS games.
Why are Priscillafags so retarded?
[in dunkey voice] Cant wait for you 'ta lose baybee
Because I'm a faggot, got a problem with that, motherfucker?
I self insert as the thundercock.
I swear, every time I look at Prisc its like I am looking at Nanna's ugly sister.
Because I love Roy!
Heroes made me fall in love with Clarisse and /feg/ has made me want to stick my dick in her butt
She's actually Xane's daughter
Try again, user. The original picture was censoring Lucius' bloody skull from being bludgeoned by her.
I just really really like Seliph.
>Priscilla gets two multipliers
I'm happy that they adapted Reinhardt faithfully from 776 in Heroes. I was afraid he was not going to be a broken piece of trash in this game.
The hit stun and screen shake plays a huge part in how amazing the spell looks
Because the best characters in Fire Emblem are male and only the /v/eddit cummies crew would disagree.
Because I'm not scared of finding out I'm actually a massive faggot, unlike you.
I don't know why people make such a fuss about magic animations. Like the magic triangle, it feels like something one guy said and others kept parroting and then it became a meme.
Us oldfags just want old FE to win for once, and we'll be autistic as we need to be for that.
>minigun of arrows
It's pretty fucking rad
Don't start.
same tbqh
I want to fuck their boypussies.
Why did you respond to a post that said
>[in dunkey voice]
I'm not sure what that means but I'm positive that it's retarded and not worth responding to.
prepare yourself
>tfw people save your OC memes
Feels good, man.
Honestly? If we Priscillafags can get the second one in the last 3-4 hours, and hold a big enough lead (given it'll be at least 7x or more, it's possible) we might just be able to pull this off.
only 160k? I've got Priscilla at 564k. Will probably be 1 mill by the time this is over
If there's one thing I can truly appreciate about Heroes, it's that a bunch of characters from previous games are getting waves of new fan art.
Cont. from previous thread.
Considering our age at the time, I'd wager she played a decent amount of whatever was available back in 2010. Hard to tell if she's still currently playing FE 'cause we haven't kept in touch in seven years, and that she's most likely busy with college right now. Her little brother likes vidya, so she could be aware of Heroes.
Well, Finn has some pretty sexy legs for a man.
Dude, I was like twelve back then.
Add me: 2759747519
I have Reinhardt as my lead.
>level Clarisse
>find her gimmick really fun
>do this 5* Roderick I summoned in hopes of frobin
>also find his gimmick to be really fun
I feel like all they really need to shine is a dude on the team that can see enemy phase action. Also, how should I build them? He's -hp + res, death blow something something?
Because he's as equally retarded.
Why are the summer swimsuits not overpowered meta breaking units? Why didn't they follow the pattern so far? Who's gonna be FEH's summer Zoi now?
I wouldn't ever be caught dead using a man in my cute girl teams
Referring to youtuber VideoGameDunkey
you're probably going to get another one but not in the last 3 to 4 hours.
I wish someone made a gif of that video
Damn, that sucks. Did she still play vidya at all?
>I was twelve back then
I first grabbed my cousin's boobs and licked her feet when I was 10 IIRC.
Sagittae is dope, but the echoes animations are really good
I agree. Resire is way better
white panties...
Nobody needs to be Zoi, Bride Cordelia is amazingly strong and Bunny Camilla makes any Flier team 10x better, but neither break the meta.
The combination of the music and animations never fails to make me laugh.
when's magvel
why do /v/edditors love this guy so much?
his videos are crap
>knowing what YouTube shit is
Too hard to predict accurately, even with the spreadsheet. Guess we'll see when the time comes.
Regardless, I'm gonna be either really pissed or really smug about this at the end.
>Dude, I was like twelve back then.
Yes, and?
Better than Etika desu
It will be out once this game is approximately as old as Cipher is, since they are getting Magvel later this year.
Teeta when?
I want to rape Reinhardt, bend him over the nearest surface and pull his hair while he squeals like a whore.
5 hours
Is there anything more satisfying than getting a crit Sagittae? I doubt it.
Berserk Staff when?
>Raigh has 9 more res than Tharja but 5 less speed
Why is Raigh considered bad again? I mean you could just use threaten speed couldn't you?
>Decently large fanbase to this day
>Fanbase actively buys games+merc
>Good sales for SS when it came out
>Gets neglected hard to this day as if it's their red headed stepchild.
I'd run a healer in a heartbeat if they start giving them some of the better staves.
Same desu
+5 spd huge, and she already has a great kit with blade tome and darting blow.
I get that reference.
It's a lot of set up just to have him double the same stuff that Tharja is already doubling. That said, Raigh can be decent with a lot of SI
Threaten skills are trash on mages since you won't be standing around debuffing people.
Rescue when?
Having Blade Tome and Darting Blow by default is amazing
anyone know how to build Horse Emblem w/o Thundercock?
Roderick has a nonexistent enemy phase so you just slap life and death on him and blow up shit
What you probably want on the rest of your team is a DC unit, Fae's a relatively affordable option since you just gotta stick LB+ on her to remove thundercock
Warp staff lol
Realtalk why aren't buffing staves like Fortify in the game already?