Final Fantasy General DCXXVIII - /ffg/

"It was going to be a vaynefraud pic but apparently banner 2 is coming monday" edition

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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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>fall for the old "post a link to the wrong general meme"
I'm going to report you fuckers from now on fuck you

Her chain move gets useable frames and hits and a bigger Imperil

Why didn't Sephiroth just cast Death Sentence on Cloud?



Nth for Rikku


God I love cactuars
Favorite FF legacy enemy by far

What the fuck is up with these rates?
Just burned through 30 tickets chasing Tidus and Rikku, got 2 rainbow crystals and they were BOTH this cunt

Please tell me she's at least somewhat useful

What am I in for?

In RK, if you flee from a battle, do you still keep status ailments like blind, poison, etc?


She's very powerful and you can chain the two. Plus she recently got enhancements in JP and they are busted.

When her enhancements roll in, she will be the strongest spark chainer with her double-cast chaos wave. Better collect all of those black enhancement crystals!
Oh, she also has multi-hit ultima too.
The fact you have two means you have full control of their build and availability too.

How does one, "cheese the robot" with a Rikku trio?

i don't know

She's probably the best mage in the game, if you have Ring of the Lucii Alterna becomes the best finisher in the game currently. She also gets some fantastic enhancements way, way down the line, I'd save black crysts for her considering nobody else really uses them.

>Ring of the Lucii Alterna becomes the best finisher in the game currently

No it doesn't. Rem has a better finisher.

Am i doin it right

Why would you flee?

Lookin' pretty good.

>not two draco spikes
Reroll account

i could farm a Mateus's Malice, but im focusing on my new Aileen for now

>no Mateus' Malice

That's the Siren 3 Star fight.

Why are they weak to Holy? What inner demons do they have?

>Gone for a day
>multiple threads done already
I miss slow /ffg/

so what you're saying miss hercules.

Well anniversary made us burn through about a thread an hour with all the rageposts and pullwithmes.
Should slow from here.


Yeah no.
Rem stomps her right now.


>still cant get the dark esper 10% moogle
>auto attacked siren to death even with her full heal and still no summon orbs
holy shit, is summon an esper the mission fucking mission?

>have a ton of 6 synergy
>but its mostly all damage

Bless Terra



Not only does Boomerang Dagger do more damage than a dual alterna, it costs less than a third of the MP to use, and can exploit imperils and killers.

Rikku bless our gold crystals.

What's wrong with Terra Battle?

I want remfags to leave

That is NOT rikku! Rikku is flatter!

Thikku is who we want.


Rikku found a machina that increases cup sizes and Rikku went a bit far!

>Best mage
>Doesn't work again bloody moon

15 in X, 17 in X-2

>implying reporting actually does anything

If it did, frogs and feels would be instantly deleted like on /a/. Well, guess what?

We're not on /a/.


If she's 16, I'm 16


Agrias Oaks

If I read ONE MORE Sephiroth clear/advice post with Orlandu OSB/Y'shtola BSB I'm gonna GO NUCLEAR


This image looks sexy until you realize just how slim her waist is and how if she stood up she'd look like a freakish wasp creature

Whelks are cute! CUTE!


wasps are cute

post vid

Stop using reddit

Yes. Let me feel your rage!

I'd like to see some sub-30 second clears that don't have TGC/Vaan/Lightning. I'll give Eiko USB the benefit of the doubt due to the all purpose effects.

>Y'sh BSB
wut? If anything, instant medicas are more wanted here than a BSB with its only instant command on a ST heal. AoE takes over after a while, so she wouldn't be able to keep up the pace

I still can't get over the kawii uguu~ eyes they gave it, it's amazing.

Hey it's Edward Elric from FMA but with tits.

Just in time for those buffs that are totally coming.

I got four of her

Shaly officially deconfirmed that the test change meant changes are coming

No......... Impossible.

post ranks
flex ur dick

So as a new FFRK player, I should spend my first 50 mithril on the keeper's choice vol. 2 banner right? Or is one of the other current ones/an upcoming banner way better?

Same my dude. Gonna enjoy my Al Bhed harem.

wait for the next fest banner

Roll for this sundays next fest banner for Sentinel's Grimoire.


Shilly Shaly, dilly dally.

Don't do KC2 it's mostly outdated. Phase 5 is a good choice. Save some for the 10th, there's a 25 mythril draw there too.

Oh hey, what a coincidence. I literally just went back for the moog myself.
The holy trinity makes their damage output a fucking joke, but I had the same problem as you.

They just die too fucking fast, even with autos. Had to reset the fight twice because of it.

Any ideas on when can we expect Agrias awakening and enhancements? I need my poorlandu

And that's the A+ done, VI event finally finished. I think I'll try Sephiroth tomorrow, hopefully the same team (Refia, Galuf, OK, Relm, Fran) with Eiko USB RW can put a dent in him.

>tfw somehow amassed 48 mythril for a second pull in about three or four days

I better fucking get that CSB.

Pls ;_;

Will do, thanks anons

>Holy trinity
>No Tidus or Alieen

Reminder that the LD will have a pool of 97 relics.





The asshurt would be glorious.

Not like there hasn't been LDs bigger than that recently already

>he thinks those subpar chainers are the holy trinity
Brave Sexvius is a game about support. Damage is just a number, support is what gets the job done.

>Raid banner picture has Kings and Gill Snapper Families
>Pull nothing but shitty tier cactuars and gill snappers

>took so long he almost ran out of no on Tilith
Maybe try not using the garbage known as Cecil next time, eh?

Since you clearly don't know what the holy trinity is let me tell you. Before OK came out Orlandeau, Tidus, and Alieen were the three strongest chainers in the game and nobody else even came close to their power (yet) so JP players game them the nickname of the holy trinity despite only one dealing holy damage.

They're in the pool just extremely rare, I got enough Moogles to get spear Moogle to 80% trust before getting one (1) gil snapper family.

I just spent 60K raid coins and got 1 kingtaur and 5 gil snappers
and 3 Gigantaurs

when will the suffering end?

I've gotten 1. It just seems TOO rare, seeing as this is an anniversary, don't you think?

I couldn't agree more, Titan and Bahamut were giving them out more often than daily pulls give out disappointment. The anniversary gives them out like the BF banner gave banner units.


>tfw i want to draw basch because most my friends have him
>even if i wanted to spend money i can't
please give another 5* Alim. i really want basch.

There hasn't been enough OC posting

>wanting to turn rikku into some tifaclone
>not loving rikku for the way she is


>This is going to impede beatings of you by me.
One of my all-time favorite 8BT lines.

I don't know how I feel about this one.
The concept of a frog wizard, sort of like Frog from Chrono seems neat, but this design just feels so... disgusting?