/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1290

■ Current Update (6/21):「ファンタシースター感謝祭2017 ONLINE」Part3

■ Next Update (7/5?): 「ファンタシースター感謝祭2017 ONLINE」Part4
└ ARKS Battle Chronicle Part 5, Phantom Battleship Yamato Update

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Leaving this here for when I inevitably need to reference it. Let's try to go one thread without retarded sword advice please

Why do you fuckwits keep giving lilith attention?

I like EmpeRappy.

I heard that the US servers open tomorrow

>farmed about 50 fuses from LQ so far
>bored out of my mind
I don't know what it is about this LQ but forcing myself to farm it is unbearable. This finishes my 3rd pot3 and I already want to stop.

don't use rising edge ever

There's literally nothing wrong with Hu/Br

you're guilty of the same crime.
except the whole, you know, HuFi strictly being better thing

For real fuck this chart so hard just for the fact that the twister fall numbers are wrong as hell on anything that matters. People will read that and assume it's good, ignoring the fact that half the attack won't land.

Except that Hu/Su gives a 1.53065x(1.6071825 with elemental weakness) along with 200 atk, 200 all def, and regenerating health, while Hu/Br gives a 1.3915x multiplier at max and 50 atk max along with a bit stronger normals.

That doesn't mean the chart is wrong. I would sincerely hope that people can see that if a PA doesn't work in a given situation, they should use a different PA while recognizing that doesn't diminish the power of the stronger PA.

Trust me, they do not. A large number of people who do look at the chart don't actually look at how the actual PA looks, and just chose whatever has the highest number. It's not actually a problem with the chart, but with a large number of ENG players who think looking at the chart and using the thing with the biggest number makes them good.

The answer isn't to destroy the data for people who have an IQ above 85. The kind of people you describe need very well thought out and concise guides if they're that hopeless.

Yeah, I know, I just mean that posting that chart without any context at all won't accomplish much.

Could you not try to be me? Find your own meme I'm the real Hu/Br.

What are you listening to /pso2g/?






that fucking album art

>Ep 5 is fantasy
There's so much potential for collabs with fantasy stuff now

Give me a granblue collab please

Oh man imagine if they did a FFXIV collab

They gave us the absolute worst items possible in that collab I don't even know what they were thinking.

Hey don't bash my white mage outfit.

more like white trash outfit

So how are the Yamato weapons compared to Gix and qliphad?

What SAF will they have?

Are they simply fodder?

We don't know much yet. the AIS files will get up to 21% damage based on how many affixes you have on the weapon so depending on how it scales it could end up usurping zein (but probably not cliffard)

The upgraded ones? We only know the pots of the AIS and Yamato themed ones, which are damage increase and pp cost reduction depending on number of affixes (21% dmg ??? pp cost reduction) and a damage increase that goes up over time unconditionally and caps at 16% for Yamato weapons.

>depending on how it scales it could end up usurping zein (but probably not cliffard)
It very well could take the place of the cliff potential. 21% is much larger than 14%, and pp cost reduction could in all honesty be more useful than double affixes depending on how large it is.

I mean yeah it could end up more powerful than cliffard but how realistic is it for most people to get 8 affixes on their weapon for the 21%? That's why I said depending on how it scales.

How realistic is it for most people to take full advantage of the cliff potential? It's kinda dumb to dismiss it just because a lot of people will keep it at 4s or whatever it'll come as.

Convince me, a Master System/Genesis faggot to play this game.

it's fun

A lot more realistic than expecting people to 8s a weapon

Is there any particular reason why people idle right next to the counter

Are they waiting for people to use triggers or something

Assuming it's linear progression the AIS will come with 10.5% damage from the potential with the 4 slots it'll likely come with putting it below Zein and Cliff from the get go though.

Uh, what are you saying? That it should be judged by its power with 4s, ignoring the fact that it can be significantly stronger than that? That's dumb as hell.

given the majority of the playerbase doesn't like affixing 'seriously', a 4-5 affix is a much better baseline than a 7-8s affix that you'd need to put it on par.

No but let's up it to 5 slots because anything higher gets pretty fucking expensive.

That's roughly 13% damage which pretty much puts it at the level of Zein without the psuedo shifta of resta effect.

I'm not saying AIS will be bad, honestly I'll be using it over Zein because the sword looks amazing, but for it to reach the level of taking over zein and cliffard like you're thinking you have to shell out some big dick money.

When talking about the max power of a piece of gear, it doesn't fucking matter what the majority of players do.

Playing the affixing lottery for max damage is not something a majority of players are concerned with. They will keep it at 4-5s making it weaker than qliphad for the average player. For min/max autists they will go for the 8s making it the strongest weapon in the game so far.

The majority of players couldn't afford a good affix for Izane units, and yet those are still considered top tier because, guess what, they are when used right.

An 8s AIS (which is crazy in and of itself) assuming 21% is correct, is barely (less than 1% damage difference) weaker than a Cliff at 150atk affix, which is incredibly easy to achieve.

The constant misinformation is probably the thing I hate about this general the most.

>can't even bring myself to start farming LQ
how do you do it


You misunderstand. Izane units are still good when they only have 4-5 slots "properly" affixed. That's why people use them. The AIS saber will be strictly worse than even Zein with that mindset. It'll probably be a second (or third counting Qilphad fuck off gix shitters) place replacement.

ok then leave

>Ignoring pp cost reduction
lol dude that's one of the most important parts

I'd prefer it if you killed yourself.

than ask teammates, friends or fucking solo it dumbass

>solo it
I love how this is constantly thrown around like just anyone can do that. I can almost guarantee the shitters who keep saying it can't even do it.

if soloing was an option I would've done it a long time ago dumbass

this game is easy as shit to do it. git fucking gud lilith

shitter detected

post character
i bet you don't even play this game you subhuman monkey

Try again

I got my first classes to 75 today with all the exp boosts and bonus keys and such.

So, with Ep5 (and probably a new tier of weapons) looming, and this monumental task of grinding a 13* to +35 before me... does anyone know what's going on with 13* weapons with Ep5? Are they going to make them more accessible or less of a pain to grind?

Also, how the heck do you get lambda grinders? I must've had like 70 of them but I didn't know what they were for, so I used them all up maxing my skill rings.

>lilith still this assblasted after i called him out in the last thread about his "laziness" and samefagging

You can buy lambda grinders for like 250 casino coins each which are a joke to get from arakuma slots.

I don't see why they would be any different to obtain in episode 5 it's not like they're particularly hard not it can just be a lengthy period of time between certain files due to it being gated behind an EQ.

>250 casino coins
Wow, and the blog I read was talking about doing Zieg weeklies or something... thanks, user.

I mean I can be Lilith for you if you like Hu/Brs

I play force so I need multiple pot3 for the same weapon, I don't have a lot of choice.

>July 7th
>Xie will sell them
>They'll be 5 badges each or cheaper
I have no proof or anything to base my claim off of but it's going to happen

Zieg weeklies are 11 lambdas per character for like 5 minutes of work

I'd say 10 badges each is a more realistic price.

>waaaah shitters everywhere why aren't they as pro as me??
>solo? lol i'm too shit for that :)

Orbit/Austere stones were 20 badges each at the end of ep3.

so you gonna post your character or what
this general is for people who play the game
not shitposters

>Strawmanning this hard
Just because you can't solo doesn't mean you aren't contributing more than everybody else on your team. Go to a non expert block and join some PUGs and take a look at their gear. If you think an average player can carry a bunch of nox users with 20 element ungrinded weapons through the LQ than you're delusional.

Then don't fucking carry them and do solo? What's the fucking problem, this lq is unbelievably easy

>Just solo it lol!
>Just solo it lol it's easy!
Way to miss the entire point

This general is half shitposters that just want to make other people mad, if you wanna survive here you have to learn to pick your battles.

You're complaining about having to carry shitters and yet you can't even carry your own fucking weight solo. Maybe you're the shitter that's being carried by all these 20 ele noxes.

Go back to your hole, Fazz.

Yeah I know I'm just trying to make a point because I know he's not the only one saying it.

You're actually retarded

Jesus fuckin christ Lilith just fuck off You're such an unlikable cunt who's so shit at the game you tout yourself as "Lazy" no different from a tumblr speshul snoflake just fucking kill yourself you piece of garbage even the cunts that inhabit the shitty general's discord are more likeable than you


Have the devs mentioned anything about 12* unit trading even in a passing "not happening any time soon," kind of way? I don't care if I get half of what I spent back, I'm tired of looking at the izane set I made.



lmao umad


I can see it happening though, since we already have so many 12*, I need to get rid of dupes

>gets called out for samefagging
>can only respond with "UMAD"
when are you gonna fuck off? no one in this general likes you especially after died in the starfox segment in mother 20 times with your trash 100/5 units

Your point is fucking asinine. You've no right complaining about other shitters in a quest that scales to the amount of players in it, if you can't even fucking solo or duo it. git gud, gear isn't everything, you fucking shitter

While I know you're just stirring shit, it's actually harder for some classes to carry a group than to do it solo. Provided, if the group is halfway decent a group is better but 20 ele nox dead weights would make it worse. The 4 man boss LQ months back was faster for me to solo than it was to pub it.

>lost an argument

Something a lot of people don't seem to realize is that there is actually enemy HP scaling depending on how many people are in the quest. So if you're carrying people hard you're going to end up going slower than just going solo, thanks to having to take down that extra HP.

>Scales with the amount of players in it
I had no idea. Maybe I actually can solo it then who knows. You're still an actual goon though.

I know that faggot shitposts here and called two discord shitters scrubs but are you guys this starved for drama that you give a low level shitposter attention?

How hard is the scaling? For example 1 player versus 4 players?

Show me your affixes that you're ashamed of, user. Here's mine, but I'm not ashamed of them..

I'm not ashamed of them, it's the standard 5s astral package. I just don't enjoy playing melee any more so my most expensive unit set is gathering dust.

>I don't enjoy playing melee anymore


We don't know how they're actually going to play out yet so affixing s-atk exclusively might not be the way to do it. Considering bossing is what matters most in this game there's a good chance it will but who knows, talis might cause an upset and be better in longer fights.

It scales down but not by a ton. If you're outside of expert blocks it could be faster to solo but if you have access to them probably not. Certain classes handle it better than others. If you play Su, Fi or Katana Br (and maybe sword Hu, haven't tried) you're in a good position. Bouncer is ok at it but nothing to write home about. Anything else I wouldn't really recommend it.





I wish I was popular enough to be the boogyman of the general.

>when all you need is a brain and test the PAs

are you a masochist?