/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing, unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Guides, guilds, Olvia Channel FAQ, and other info

>New /bdog/ Discord

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
If you don't know if the game is "worth it," ask for a guest pass in the thread.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Female striker hype?

2nd for erp

Pretty sure it is a troll.

>Be Sardine
>Wandering around Valencia
>Start getting followed by two randoms
>Check chat and only find two lines of dialogue unrelated to me

I might've misspelt your name. Alternate spellings always confuse me.

Looks fine to me. I had a quick peek and saw the usual /bdog/ avatarfag names and guild people. Discord isn't really my thing so I didn't stick around though.

Crimsynn not Krimsynn

8th for Dark Knights.

>/bdog/ in /bdog/ discord

Just PM me.

Post your irl life wife.

Allergic reaction or something? What happened to your cheeks?

Not until I get to see it and it's costumes.

I didn't know I was married.

aha, they're now even working the elephant into their roleplay.



>finally spoke to my crush
>she already has two boyfriends

you can be her third!

I haven't seen you in a while;___;

What does this even mean?

oh what a cute spooker you have there, i might crush over

That's the exact opposite of what I want to hear...
Just go talk to her bro!


>trying to get a rosar staff
it's actually just impossible I've accepted it.

lmao u aint seen nothing

>run up to NPC
>press R
>prompt goes away
>move back and forward
>still gone
>Can't click UI

I just...I...

It's hit or miss, but since the steambabby influx the servers have been even worse. They were already desync prone before then too. You'd think they'd do something with all the steambux they've made regarding stability.

leave my elephant alone pls

they need to remove that fucking elephant

Remember, /bdog/, a hard day's worth of grinding deserves a nice, solid rest. Sleep is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, alongside a nice diet and consistent exercise. Don't let your guildies down by being unhealthy.


i agree be sure to get your sleep if you want to stay strong and cute

What kind of exercise?

>From -300k karma to -80k
Fuck you, it's grind time, nigger.

Wizard robe with hood when

Are you uh, seeing anyone right now?

She already has a boyfriend ;_;

the drow dates nana though. so go for it bro

All I'm seeing is a real money cash shop.

blood elf lookin bitch dont want

The crush posting gets stranger every day.

stupid clique avatar posters

What is the ideal accuracy for witch?



>-300k karma to -30k


Check out my clique.

That is a serious lack of wizardry.

I don't understand this node shit, how do i link them? They all say to link a previous one

How is it there is not a single attractive character in this guild.

>one pic with others
>out of dozens

all shit

no clown means shit group pic


you don't have any friends to take pictures with, user?
How is it that people are still getting upset over this guild?

where the fuck is that ugly clown-waifu?

>How is it that people are still getting upset over this guild?

>see people have fun
>get triggered cuz you don't

Something like that.

Because there's not a single positive thing about your guild. At least the other shit guilds were sometimes entertaining or involved in interesting stuff. Sardine is just boring as fuck and everyone that posts here from it is unlikable.

Not him, (or any of the people that replied to that pic), but unironically having friends is gay as fuck.

We're born alone. We die alone. We ought to spend our whole lives that way, without codependence and conversation bullshit getting in the way.

Just like you

What guild are you from?

Are you this guy?



1/10 for making me reply, faggot.
You are born within your family. Humans have been social since day 1. Only you will die unloved and alone in your shitcave because of your edgy teen behaviour. Grow up or kys

>-300k karma to postive 1k
We're all gonna make it bros. Goodnight /bdog/.


Is this footage of your birth?


Trolled hard.

But seriously having friends is gay as fuck.

shu-shutup! one day all this lonely grinding will pay off!


She's not ugly

she is, get over it

>don't care about pvp aside from going red on people for shits and giggles, definitely no guild war shit though
>really having a blast just murdering sausans for hours on end and building riches, reaching 200 hours played on a single character since last weekend
>could totally look forward to doing world bosses and future, proper pve content
What cash-shop items should I get?

Grinding alone is better anyways. You can play at your own pace and set your own goals to reach. Guilds are nice to shoot the shit with just to make grinding a bit less monotonous.

The explorer's pack has decent value. Increased weight and slots are really helpful as well.

god i fucking hate this game

it has ruined every other game for me. everything else just seems boring as fuck compared to the combat here. i have more fun grinding in BDO for 4 hours straight like a zombie, than playing a game with actual content.

What do you mean clique?

proud of you

>games with actual content
name one.
>protip: there aren't any

no she's not!

Same. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I haven't really played anything else at all since I got this a month ago besides mobage shit at work.

are you feeling okay, user?
if you say so
were you fucked around on by a girl with piercings, user?

Piercings are trashy

>same old pics

I'm perfectly fine. It's you people -- you people with the inclination to initiate and maintain friendships -- who are fucking sick in the head.

i mean even single player games, with a story and shit

i bought FFXIV like some cuck. i really wanted to like that game but i just can't suffer the combat.

i paid my WoW sub, but i can't do more than 1 dungeon run before i fucking Alt+F4 because it's boring as fuck.

downloaded B&S again, but something's missing there and i can't put my finger on it. the game just feels shittier than BDO.

even redownloaded TERA - nope, fuck that shit.

>not going red to kill everyone happy and with friends

FFXIV and WoW are the same shit. Bad graphics and repetitive.
Bot&S has always been shit, the whole concept is trash
And TERA has died years ago. It's either full blown autists that actually play it or a 50GB elin dress up simulator with chat.

i like the piercings, makes me want to suck on your big nigger lips

yeah I don't take new screens everyday anymore
I hope you find some sort of happiness, user. that's not a good way to be

oompa loompa tranny looking ass smhhhhh

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
t. (You)

>I don't like them therefore they don't have content

>using repetitive to downplay other games
>while trying to defend BDO


Can someone tell me about the other NA guilds besides sardine and what they are known for. you guys talk as if there is other vg guilds but there is fucking nothing in the pastebin. Preferably i'd like to hear positive things from someone in the guild as well as the usual hating.

This is not okay