World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

One cold bitch.


>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to Gold:


>Invasion schedule:

Old Thread:

1st for shadow priests are worthless because movement fucks thier dps up too much


Ok wowg, you are in charge of succesfully reviving vol'jin by the end of the expac.

how would you do it?

Every single random heroic I queue for is Court of Stars, Arcway or Karazhan

No fucking way this shit is pure rng. Blizz is front loading their dungeons nobody does into the system. Fuck off Blizz.

I won't lol
I always disliked him, if anything he desserved a worse death

the ebon blade raise him :^)

as some kind of loa/spirit


who the fuck cares

t. cowman

I revive him so he can immediately cede the throne to Thrall

there, done


the only legendary i have isn't even listed in the top 10 legendaries for my class

not cool

t. garrosh cucklet

>Garrosh anything

>Faggot McJesus was banished into a life of solitude with his family for cheating
>Nobody respects him anymore
>Elements won't help him any longer
>Doomfist bailed and he has to watch you wield it now

Thrall is the cuck my dude

thrall got cucked hard by everything he loved for being a cheating bitch

if you've got people to play with you can gear up pretty quickly through spamming mythics, though I'm casual as fuck and managed to get to get 890 in a couple of days just playing solo in the broken shore + world quests and a bit of LFG
getting caught up on AP doesn't seem to take too long now as well, especially if you had another character with 30 AK so you can get the insta-25AK item to send over and get your rank 26 quest straight away, though either way it's reasonably quick since each level is only a couple of hours now and once you get to AK40 you get up to ~50 points pretty quickly from just doing the same stuff.

1-2 mage
3-4 warlock
5-6 paladin
7-8 dk
9-0 hunter

I'm just gonna farm mounts/pets/transmog for the rest of the xpac 2bh. Group content is too stressful.

mounts and pets don't go away, gear does

good call

Lads? I think I'm in love...

When does warlock get fun? I'm lvl 38 and I have weak as fuck abilities that deal 0 damage in pvp on a long cooldowns with annoying cast times.

>ancient elves
>always talk and sound like airheaded bimbos

Anyone got any decent hunter mogs? been trying to make one for hours now but always end up not liking it.

>every elf talks the same

time to watch dragon ball

why are you doing pvp

>never physically age
>potentially never mentally age

Probably why Tyrande is an annoying cunt, Malfurion is a lazy sleep faggot, and Illidan is perpetually stuck in his "this is not a phase Cenarius!" phase.

it is a phase


just a quick 23 hours and 56 minutes until I can use that second legendary haha


>mage with lock mog


i also have this as one of my mogs for my holy femGnome priest

Why doesn't the Shaman mount talk?

Abnormally large belfs

hey homos

>those luscious lips

all my characters except, paladin,shaman, druid and warlock are fem gnomes


did an rbg and got put on horde side, popped my alliance flag toy and it got converted to a horde flag, i still have the horde flag on in my class order hall afterwards
i am now a #hordemissle

Finally got 4 pieces of the second sight set from heroic NH wew.

how do you like my attempt at an undead, risen mountain king

pretty poor. Doesn't stand out enough.

may I ask: why?

Quick rate the Tier 21 armors in order of most favorite / coolest / best to least.

Hunter (Naga Helm only)
Demon Hunter
Warrior (though the mythic shoulders may potentially look good)

This is the gayest UI I've ever seen
>all that tryhard in one screen


forgot pic

thanks is this better

>Raiding with all those elves

no cause you're guild is shit

no cause you are the same fag as the last screen just less ui


so why are invasions so good? are they worth doing?

The Death Knight and Paladin ones make me want to role alts for them

they give lots of nethersharts for barely any effort
ya we are but we're somehow more progressed than 95% of /wowg/
so we're slightly less shit
ye I turned the whole thing off just for you

Is it cool or pleb to use your class mount?

...please tell me you're wearing some costume and that isn't your actual mog.

the big dog is raiding right now I can't change my NEW 950 helmet when we're killing bosses

depends on if you like it

You get bonus points for troll deathknight but you better change that mog as soon as you can. Or we'll all feel embarrassed for you.

Is Frost good yet?

Why is tanking so great bros?
>instantly accepted into groups
>can watch a show or browse Reddit on the other screen
>all you have to do is press taunt every now and then


I thought frost and unholy are basically on par?

No frost is in the gutter now. Unholy's in a good spot though.

do you like my transmog? I tried a bdsm transmog but it didn't look good

honestly if WoD wasn't so rushed it would've been remembered as one of the better expansions


>if WoD didn't have almost nothing to do in it besides raiding for 2 years it would've been a good expansion
Yeah that's like saying a blank piece of paper could be a nice drawing if someone fucking drew something on it

>cover up sylvanas belly because le what do i tell my daughter ;(
>this model makes the cut

>what do I tell my daughter

This was the worst thing I'd ever heard. Its a fucking video game, who cares what you tell your daughter

Sylvanas is a degenerate, Eonar is based

>90% of the mythic bosses are downed in the first day and the remaining one or two take a week
has it always been like this?

Been like that since vanilla, minus the mythic part of course

>frost mage is absolutely broken and braindead to play

>shadow priest is solid but alot harder
>cuck status in m+ outside of 10+

what do I do

the last 1-2 bosses have always been overtuned or unintentionally hard since the start of the game
C'thun, Kel'thuzad, Lady Vashj, Kael'thas, M'uru, etc

play mage, it's what I'm doing.

whats the fun rogue spec atm?


If I were to return to the game with a brand new account, how much would it cost to get all the expansions? What if I just wanted to try it out up to Panda or Draenor?

love this meme

you can play for just the base game and sub fee up to Pandaria, then you have to buy WoD and Legion

it's about $70 if you buy it from blizzard
you can probably get grey market keys for much lower though

uhh, because you get to teleport? otherwise it's pretty convoluted. and ass is just boring

outlaw is fun as hell when you get to aoe and much less stupid rng-wise than it used to be.

C'thun was more difficult than about 80% Naxx.

because they overtuned it so hard that he was mathematically impossible to kill for months

same with Kael'thas

WoD is in the base game now, how it always works

lady vashj was another impossible one
I'm glad I wasn't in one of the guilds that wasted hundreds of attempts on these

Yeah, I remember when they changed it, that's when a floodgate opened and people were downing him like crazy.

I was referring to how mechanic intensive C'thun was compared to most of Naxx. Shit didn't get difficult in Naxx until you hit 4H. Or your guild had local retards that couldn't do Thaddius.

>reddit spec

WoD was rushed?

Why are Blood Elves hated and mocked on Horde, but Night Elves are perfectly accepted?

It's not fair dudes, I just want to be an Elf on Horde.


time for pastas?

Why he fuck are dks so shit?

Because Nelfs aren't cock-hungry sluts that need cum in every orifice (including all over those pointy sexy ears)

Because there's nothin else on the alliance. Horde you can be a big green Bloke, a cow and Rasta man. But instead you chose to be a twink fuccboi

Alliance has Human, Dwarves, and Draenei for good races as well.

NE are elves, they should also get shit on like BE.

>most Horde race
>it isn't unusual for a realm to have 1/3 Horde be Blood Elves
>it's pretty normal to enter a dungeon and find that 4 of the other players are blood elves
>only Horde race where females are the majority
>not all Blood Elves wear slutmog but nearly all slutmogs are worn by Blood Elves
>same issue with players that have an unwarranted ego

The reason why night elves aren't hated on is because they don't perfectly showcase all of these issues. While they may be prevalent among Night Elves, the issues are found across other Alliance races like Humans (most popular, slutmogs, egos, etc) or Draenei (the race with the highest female percentage in the game, slutmogs).
