/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Long Sword edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Livestream 6/20: youtube.com/watch?v=fvKE9iVz-Ig#t=34m

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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I want some real discussion for a minute /mhg/, what's the best way to get friends into MH without making them shitters that rely on multiplayer?
With World coming out I got a few friends interested that haven't played before, but from my experience playing previous games online, people who only play multiplayer tend to be shitters that never actually learn the monsters.

Unless the game has some madnatory stuff locked behind single player like Wystones, what do I do? Is it possible for me to play with them without carrying them and making them shitters?


Best couple

What was his name again?

Monster Hunter World!


that art is fucking god awful. never post that again.

First for Lagi

Gaijin "Impact phials on my right hands" Hunter

Monster Hunter XX hub!

Stop it I don't need a bad dragon

why is clemps fucking that cat?

Richfag here, what MH related shit can I buy? Bored at work and want to spend some money

Buy Charlotte a Switch with XX

Charlotte said she isn't interested in Switch or XX.

>242,766 burgerbucks

a high end rig and an mhfu iso

That's just my "only used for buying random shit" money. I already have a high end rig.

you don't need anything else, faggot. now get to playing the greatest mh game.

Just the statues afaik
Some aren't sold outside ebay anymore, I think Glavenus/Tama are still around on amiami.com

She (He) should come back to 4U.

I already beat it, faggot. I am not a newfag, I've been part of /mhg/ since it's inception. I also promised to buy 2 copies of MHXX to random anons if Crapcom localized MHXX.

Pariapuria is fucking garbage.

there you go. you dont need to play anything, go buy a yacht or some shit.

Is that the best place to buy MH figures?
Already had one, got buyer's remorse. JUST

You need to be over 18 to be on this site kiddo

What's wrong with yachts?

Buy a powered parachute, they're pretty fun.

If you're all having fun together, who cares if they're bad?
You might be missing the point.

Just gear down and have fun with your friends, user.

That's not exactly a controversial opinion

Sure but like I said most were limited and are now only on ebay if you want Raths/Zinogres or whatever

Nothing, just not my thing. Maybe I'll "grow into it" when I'm older.
Looks gay as fuck and impractical AND waste of money

H-hey guys... I'm a monster hunter newb. I made a post to ask you veterans if there are any videos I can watch of excellent bow hunters... I would really love to learn this weapon. Thanks..

There you go senpai, I think Kelbi bow is available in all games so it should work for all games

Stop typing like a fag

holy fucking lag, teleporting monsters. Sorry bro, I can't play like this.

First for actually liking the idea of optional damage numbers. The calculations are getting a bit retarded now when you add crit averages, skills, stacked buffs etc. I'll use it solo for sure, beats pulling out a calculator and crunching numbers to find out you are doing a shitty 2hp difference with thay shiny new wep.

They didn't change

it's ok, it is pretty bad between us, and I'm about done too (´・ω・`)

>actually running the numbers
Leave that to the autists, man.
Just play the game.

Implying I'm not an autist

If you're an autist, you would rather do the tedious calculations yourself, shill.

>farming lava fish
>random smoke bombs all the time
>even has a shout out
>it's only one monster
>3 minute hunt

Oh dear.
I really put my foot in it this time.

Zeno? more like Kino xD

O-okay... I'm a bit hurt from these comments, but deep beneath the hurtful feelings I can definitely feel the "tough love treatment"... and it's working which I think is good too.

The first video... I guess I would be seeing myself use this weapon, and what you're really telling me is not to succumb to it. Okay.

The second video... Wow, that is a very helpful channel!


>Silver crown
>still using a high rank armor
What the fuck with this randoms?



at least it has relatively low HP, that's a positive


Did he get hit?

Goddamn this new Akantor event quest.
People are just carting left and right to everything it does.

Every single time I find a room willing to run it someone leaves mid hunt as soon as they cart.

>MHX and MHXX are spin-off tit-


He died two times?

Gaijin "Woman make me a sushi roll or pay the toll" Hurter


I don't know why I put a question mark at the end

I wasn't there, man.
Why you askin me?

Not sure what ur (your) argument is


It's sad that Vita got shafted so hard for no reason. Well at least they're making the PSP3.

Source? Other than that nip site with the controller attachment for smartphones.
*sips tea*

naviru is really cute

It's Nabil, you fucking idiot.

It's Navirou you fucking autists.

The recent patent reveal and sony manufacturing job ads


>*Hanako is really cute! Cute!
I believe that is what you meant to post sir.

>cute! Cute!




w-what happened to hanako

That's Floof.

Playing 4U, is it possible to solo Rusted Kushala? It's such a bullshit monster

bring water, lots of it

Annoying, but doable.

dead body lootin

Use the bots dragon db set and flinch it all hunt. ez. pz.

"You can trust us. We have been making these games for over a decade.", not really the kind of thing you want to hear from the company that screwed over Mega Man, bombed with Street Fighter V, and is shaping up with poor impressions of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. Especially since, if you discount the G-rank expansions and only look at the games the "main team" has made, they've made all of 4 games (MH, MH2, MH3, MH4). Not really an impressive resume to bring up as a reason to trust them to make a good MH. Actually, when I put it like that, my expectations are even lower than they were before, since out of all the games they've made, the last half introduced some of the worst implemented features in the series, from UW gameplay, to charms, to ledges and mounting, to railroading offline by locking quests behind story progression (for stories that aren't even that good). MH was pretty rough around the edges and while MH2 isn't something I can really comment about, it also marks the start of when a lot of players started expressing dissatisfaction with the direction the series' world was going (from non-Wyvern monsters suddenly becoming plentiful, to properly establishing the concept of Elder Dragons and destroying any sense of "realism" the series had), so from a world-building standpoint, it was pretty controversial. It was like MH3, except with its world undergoing an identity crisis instead of the gameplay.

Basically, none of the games they've produced can be called a highlight of the series' history. MHFU is the one most western players are most familiar with, and generally held in high regard by those familiar with playing it. MHP3rd was the best selling MH by far and the most popular one in Japan. MHX is the highlight of the series' TA scene, and the most suitable for competitive players. The other team is the one responsible for the most successful games in the franchise. They're the guys I would trust to make a good MH game, not these guys.

That is a joke right? It looks like utter rubbish.


Where is this from?

What? I wrote that

HR6 in Generations is the most comfortable level to hunt with randoms. No one carts and hunts don't last more than 8 minutes even with no armour skills.
This is what MHW should be like all the time.

Agreed. I can read enough Japanese to make do, and what I can't make out I'm sure is on Kiranico and various wikis.

I'm not gonna be stopped from playing the final real Monster Hunter just because Capcom can't take the time and effort to translate the final third of the game. If people are vocal enough and actually somehow convince either Capcom or Nintendo to translate the damn thing, I'll just have to buy it and play it again to show support for the correct move.

No one would be upset about World being different if we had just gotten news that XX was being localized too. But it isn't. Capcom have flipped off all the 3DS/Switch owners who helped make MonHun big in the west in the first place. But I'm not gonna let that stop me from getting my ass handed to me by massacre Diablos or whatever it's properly called.

If they won't support us, we'll just have to support ourselves on this one.

>hunts don't last more than 8 minutes even with no armour skills.
Go play Dark Souls instead you casual.

Are there really people here who haven't already played the English patched XX? Really? Why?

X and XX are shit though. They made the game easier. They should just go back to building the MH series from MHFU or P3rd.

sweaty, some of us have enough moral compass to not pirate and others are waiting for the Switch version

It's only worth it if you can easily solo G rank or can stomach playing with japs

Soloing G isn't hard to do besides the Lao urgent, and jap randoms are better than the western randoms for the most part.

Go kill yourself already, shitposter

Any 4U room?

No! Monhun is finally catering to my level. The future of monhun belongs to people like me now! I get the feeling that Capcom will get MHW just right in the difficulty department.
Not too easy like low rank.
Not artificially difficult with monster moving at the speed of light bouncing around everywhere like G rank.
It'll be just right like HR6 Gen.

>jap randoms are better than the western randoms for the most part
With the western audience, it's easy to corral and sift through the idiots, but with them you risk dishonoring your famiry, doubly so with the language barrier
In the western release, you play with baguettes, but in the jap release, you are the baguette
It's too much pressure

Last time I played it there was always a mhg hub up. And even the occasional english hub made by some random piggu could be found. If not there's always brave cheating to get through any hunt solo.

>No one carts and hunts don't last more than 8 minutes even with no armour skills.
If it takes you more than 10 minutes and carts on a braindead MH game then there is something wrong with you.