/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General

Leika RO 15x 15x 10x (3rd Jobs)
Guild: CuteNotLewd
Location: Stationed near north portal of Lighthalzen, slightly northeast
Ask anyone for an invite and state that you're from Veeky Forums or /rog/ or discord

iRO Ragnarok Restart
Get your character to level 80 and post a pic and we'll contact you for induction into the secret club.

>The Leika RO wiki has a shit ton of guides as well. Also has an in-dept introduction for new players and players who have not experienced renewal yet.


Other urls found in this thread:


if i never played this game before and i tried to start how fucked am i and how long does it take to git gud

already have a thread at

You don't. Game's so easy you need to be mentally disabled to be bad at it.

i can't even go have sex without you fucks letting the thread die


also classic server when? no re:start keknewal iRO shit.

>leika ro

fuck off faggot.


iROs classic never moved
if you mean classic classic, make it yourself lad

>Guild: CuteNotLewd

daily reminder do not join those faggots, they ruined /rog/ and also /tosg/ with their faggotry.

meanwhile in nova
>Guild: nice mem

daily reminder do not join those faggots, they ruined the internet

>leika ro

Not /rog/ fuck off.

Reminder the official /RoG/ guild is playing in nova ignore the shitters.


That's funny because CuteNotLewd is filled with mexicans and brazilians lol.

No it doesn't, fuck off beaner, nobody cares about your shitbox.

Yes it does you fucking beaner now fuck off my general.

Nobody in their right mind would touch nobba, try again shill.

this is me irl and I play on Nova RO


>Guild: CuteNotLewd

haha you faggots never learn, kicked of /tosg/ for allowing reddit shitters and now trying to kill /rog/ lmao.

meanwhile nice meme is a /b/ guild?

I would be glad if this rotten general died for good but those smelly nobbashills on a payroll won't let that happen so we must fight back.

/b/ > reddit

now you can fuck off faggot

>Ask anyone for an invite and state that you're from Veeky Forums or /rog/ or discord

confirmed not a real /rog/ guild.

You need to go back

Reminder that the very first /rog/ guild which had the most players and lasted the longest was a Renewal guild

yes sir I'll go back to my shilling on reddit this very instant

fuck off pedopanther

Anyone got an armor of Airship heir willing to sell on the Nova server?

Also are you will to sell it eventhough I'm not


It's not worth shit, I'll hunt you one right now if you're that desperate for one

If you're serious sure.

@go lighthalzen and trade the green gx


That beaner is sure full of himself lmao. The only reason anyone would join his server is the population.

yup i am going to talonro. Going to play with pinoys

Come on user, I wanna go back to being afk

a monster just water balled me on nova and it did 300 each hit
guess that thing about monsters doing no magic damage was another polish lie.....

Might as well be 1 damage per hit with the amount of super saiyan hitpoints you get.

yeah I too once got lost as a level 1 novice and somehow ran into the drake

it's was okay once I had hit a poring on my way back and put 5 points into my vit, he couldn't hurt me at all

>water balled
you're not playing on nova then
on nova they either "!!" or "Water Ball !!" you

There's supposed to be a joke here somewhere but I can't find it

The joke is nova

pic related btw XD

wheres your 300 each hit picture

the 1 represents leika's population

It represent the IQ of nobba players.

/rog/ server when
chase reddit out

wow fug man you're fast I was taking a shit

The amount of nobba shills right now is disgusting.

I'm there but it says you're in a deal sorry man.

where else are they gonna shill?
banned from reddit
told to fuck off from irowiki
ratemyserver is dead

also doddler is playing re-start

You want the "nova shills" to go away yet you keep remaking the thread when it dies?

How else can we legally shitposting?

He's been at it for over two years and he still never managed to break the triple digit barrier?

Does anyone have the image, the one with the leika logo shooped to lelkek?

We want /rog/
Just with no Nova shills/Classic shills

Just no shills, especially shills promoting absolutely unplayable garbage like nobba.

>the people(?) who go on about shills never ever mention lelkek
really oblongates the medulla

It's not shilling when you're promoting a good server


So the leika shills are indeed shilling then.

It is though, sure it's dead as far as population goes but the server itself is top notch and the best keknewal experience I had. Meanwhile all nobba has is the population, the server itself is terrible in every way. Shilling nobba isn't any different from shilling something like talon and you can't prove me wrong.

>server itself is top notch and the best keknewal experience I had

and you're basing this on?

Can this nobbashill please leave

Having played other keknewals like nobba, limit or iro.

what makes lelkek so much better than the others?

No super saiyans flying around dropping hydrogen bombs on porings for example.

I think I'm a retard because I can't find the info, is iRO Restart pre renewal? 1x 1x 1x rates?

It's RE:start, means Renewal. And yes, it's 1x/1x/1x, but 1x in renewal isn't as unforgiving as pre-re.

Are there any decent pre re servers floating around still?



Fuck off Nobba shill


>nova randomly crashes while vending over night
um ok?

You're mentally ill and your server is a complete joke that nobody sane would touch. Go back to licking the sweat off those brown balls.


>he doesn't play re-start as a merchant
lmao what are you, gay?



>nova has enriched shit for 1 dollar
>iRO has enriched shit for 1 dollar
sometimes I get lost and confused because the servers feel exactly the same
the easiest way to realize what server I'm playing is to get hit by a magic damage spell or to look at my ASPD

>restart took all the good things from renewal with none of the bad

Give me one reason why we aren't playing restart right now

300ms latency

iRO is refusing to pay me money for shilling in my philiphines shack so I have to call nova daddy and shill the server here and on reddit to get a paycheck of 1 dollars per month

>ping matters in RO

This is my favorite meme

>300ms latency
from a scale of 1 to 10 how third world are you
is it mexico/10

Not with that faggot Boreas still around. Is he still fucking garbage at coding and banning players for finding bugs in his events?



Play AbraRO

It can't even compare to Leika

It's ded user, even the spic guild left because they couldn't stop those ddos attacks.

We need no to bring no fun allowed with their original members to revive and bring glory to this general.

i miss the korean ninja

No Fat Chicks > NFA

Fat chicks killed the first /ROG/ and the second and the third and also those faggots only brought shame to this general

pretty sure they didnt bring nova here

/rog/ was getting along so well in Leika but then Nova shills came along and started stealing new players from Leika by spamming the thread with lies about Leika.
Nova is literally the worst thing that has happened to /rog/.

>so well in Leika but then Nova shills came along and started stealing new players from Leika