Tfw cars are literally the only thing that brings you any sort of contentment and pleasure

>tfw cars are literally the only thing that brings you any sort of contentment and pleasure
>only thing that keeps me going is driving or daydreaming about doing something to my car

I don't feel like I can keep this up much longer

This but I also enjoy fucking asians but I think I like my car more. Think Ill just cold start in my garage and wait.

Can confirm. Went back to college, sold a bunch of my cool car shit to do it, can't afford to do any cool car shit while in school.

Feel like dieing.

Welp, go to a psychiatrist. OR a brain doc. IDK. I'm medicated now and no longer feel like you. I have schizoaffective disorder.

Get a proper diagnosis. The bitch doctor I saw the first time I went in prescribed me an antidepressant after talking to her for like 15 minutes and it caused me to have psychosis and landed me in a mental hospital for 5 days.

If you start taking medication LISTEN to your body and LISTEN to your friends and family. I was too strung out on the shit drugs they gave me that I wouldn't listen to anyone.

Good luck senpai

Yeah well you're gonna be in trouble when they ban drivers and rape your wife with Muslim cock

I did the same thing, I lasted about 2 months before I couldn't stand it anymore and bought a new car.

I've already tried a number of drugs and they don't do much of anything concrete. I don't have friends or family I only car.

>tfw I can't share my interest with anyone because car guys don't seem to like me

i like u


Literal cages you stupid cucks lol

>I don't have friends or family I only car.
This feel

Take your roastie back to /dbt/ or

>implying that native american whore is mine

Lol cage cucks btfo as usual

Should have known you'll never have gf.

Cage cucks btfo as usual

Atleast I can't get btfo by a distracted mom in an SUV.

this is how everyone feels about everything friend

>graaping at straws
>he says while locked in his cuck cage


fuck i made a typo you win im a loser car owners win as usual someone please run me over

t. too poor to own both

i already admitted defeat stop bullying me

>tfw cant share my interest in cars because "car guys" that live near me know jack shit about anything to the point where they ask me if my boxster is FWD unironically

>liking cages on wheels


>wanting a huge plastic vibrator between your legs at all times

>being you

Fucking asians is ok. Kind of a letdown though.

Cars though....Never really that dissapointed.

I know that feel. I actually hope that when I die it's in my car. Maybe a semi runs a red light and slaughters me, or I wrap my car around a tree, it sounds infinitely better than dying of some disease while laying in a hospital bed or something.

this but with a bike, not some shitty commuter car like you delusional cage cucks. Lol. Strap yourself in cucks! It's da LAW!

Never disappointed by them just disappointed I can't find a gf that can understand why I do my own work on my shitbox.

Stop making riders look retarded

Before cars
>Monday to Friday - Go to work in an econobox, come home in an econobox
>Saturday to Sunday - Game, masturbate and lament the lack of meaningful social experiences in my life.

After cars
>Monday to Friday - Go to work in a miata, come home in a miata
>Saturday to Sunday - Backroad hoon, wrench, masturbate and lament the lack of meaningful social experiences in my life

It's the lesser of two evils I guess

>This but I also enjoy fucking asians but I think I like my car more.
Cars are definitely better.

Plus you can still get cars if you're socially autistic or ugly.

>implying riders don't already look retarded by making regular use of public transportation anyways
You are limited by your own two feet and beyond that, you can only going where you can pay others to take you. Your life is one of beginnings and ends, departures and arrivals, but you have no control of where you stop along the way. Choosing your own journey is liberating, and having a machine which grants freedom over the journey is something to be cherished. I truly am sorry that you must rely on others to provide your journey for you. Now choke on THAT, you pinko-commie hipster FUCK!

It's okay to just like cars because you like them. No need to suck your own dick so hard you puke up some self-righteous pseudo-philosophical rant.

>Choosing your own journey is liberating
>Implying only motorised vehicles allow you to choose your own journey
>Implying no other kind of machine allows you to travel long distances under your own control

INB4 cycling is hard. Well no shit, it's almost like cars and bicycles are different machines that fulfil different needs and this whole thing is apples and oranges.

Are you me, OP?
I just feel like a spoiled bitch. My life is decent but I don't appreciate it like I should. My only goals/desires are to upgrade my car

You can get girls if you are autistic and ugly you just need insane amounts of money.

Before cars:
>loving gf
>good grades
>physically fit

After cars:
>the same but with a 1JZ instead of a 1.3

I love cars.

Looks like it may be time to kys, m'boy

>missing the point
It's a deliberate bullshit philosophical rant in response to the bullshit philosophy behind a car being a "cage"

Holy shit you are the biggest faggot on this board right now. Kill yourself.

cuck lol

> i was only pretanding to be retardet! Trust me guys!

But you have to talk to people at the motor registry, the dude you bought the car off, mechanics, etc.

>called someone a "pinko-commie hipster fuck" waxing lyrical about the "journey" of life
>being do autistic that you can't detect a dramatic tone in that

>haha guys look how silly i was being i was totally only joking lol who would say stupid things like that not me lol!

>tfw only car guys around me are
>mexicans with AAP flame and skull stickers
>lifted bro trucks that run loud as fuck at 2AM
>90s/00s holdovers (Dundalk MD is like a weird time capsule where time stopped at this point, wiggers as far as the eye can see) that still rice out civics and cavaliers
I unironically wish I was friends with Mr regular

Try getting another hobby?

You don't have to jump through hoops with them. Generally people will put up with awkwardness if you have cash to flash.
>inb4 women are the same
You need a lot more cash for that

He seems like he’d be a breddy his friend. But I’m nowhere near Penn.

>like cars and guns
>its a controlled explosion operating a sequence of mechanisms in which a chunk of metal is propelled forward
whats not to love

Tried many times

>tfw no Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums friends in Baltimore

Kek I like this guy
I like this guy too