/dsg/ - Dark Souls General

>App 1.14, Regulation 1.35 patch notes


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First for begging for help with monk's head collar, SL 184.

Tell me, are you capable of making a thread without Priscilla as the OP image? She's probably the worst waifu throughout the series, even counting BB and DeS

That is way too high leveled. The meta is 120 or 125 AT MOST. Lower would be even better because it would allow people to start a new character and catch up quicker.

Lucky for you, DeS is the one game where you can actually lower your level. Also you need to let people know which version of DeS you are playing. Each region version is limited to connecting to itself.

Oh. Okay. US version. Everyone I've seen on here was way higher, not way lower.

Xth for kys Luci.

Yeah, my PvE character was way higher too, but all of those people/characters are long since gone. The only people still around are the occasional PvPers. Just delevel yourself to 120.

Also if someone's a HIGHER level I'm cool with duping some soul items to get in your range.

How does Lucy live with himself? How does he live when everybody hates him?


>faith builds aren't meta viable

>Lucy is the shitter who keeps making threads before bump limit to post his waifu

What are the melee weapon/builds with most dps on each soulsborne game?

how much Attunement is that?

>ctr+f 'luc'
>7 results

People need to start posting webms of themselves bullying Priscilla to death.

I will never understand the appeal of that Court Sorcerer Hood. It looks like part of a costume out of a poorly done film, maybe some lowbrow comedy/sci-fi thing

What's this?

It looks like a hood of someone from the senate in Star Wars.


You know what, I think it was in there somewhere. I can picture the guy who wore it or something close to it in my head, but couldn't give you a name.

Quality followed by dex usually. Str tends to be more about burst damage.

Last thread is over 750 replies. 1000 posts hasn't been the bump limit in years.

10/10, best character :)

post stats

It wasn't when you made the thread, retard. How could you possibly think that I was assuming the bump limit was 1000? Are you fucking retarded?

You made the new one at 748 replies, yours being number 749

>lucy could be somebody you see everyday and you would never know

Lucy's here all the time, and I don't hang out with autists, so probably not.

I'm not a PvP person so I'm looking for pic related alternatives for das2 and das1. and even BB

>implying I wouldn't know a massive faggot when I see one

12 IPs
7 of them talking about the tripfaggot

im done with this thread

This is my base stats without prisoner's chain equipped but I always use prisoner's chain. It's not perfect obviously because it's low sl but I really wanted to hit 27 (22+5) vig and 30 att. I might mess with different stat distributions tomorrow.

If we are talking about PvE then I would say:
DeS: Life Gouging with NR
DaS: Quality with Claymore
DaS2: Str with Craftsman Hammer
BB: Str with Whirlygig

Is Nameless King a Chad?

post fashion


Tumblr is triggering my autism. Stop calling Gwyndolin trans.

dude I posted "tongue, but hole" again aren't I funni XD

Thx. I still can't run DeS on rpcs3 but will try your suggestions on other games.

is this one okay?



don't forget to rbaise the soup XDXDXDXD

is there any way to make a sorcery build work at ~sl60-80 without being a glass cannon? is having only 40 int useless?


You could make a mean MLGS build at that level

that's... kinda sorcery

>host takes 510 damage from my dark orb
>npc phantom takes 86
>has 4000~ health

Who the fuck balanced dark souls 2

I heard it's possible with mangrub staff. Never tried this but build was something like (SL70) :

VIG 25
ATT 18
END 22
STR 10
DEX 12
INT 23

Anri's SS as melee weapon, Scholar's CS and other rings for your taste and you can deal some respectable amount of damage with even GHSA

in dark souls 2 if you change covenant do you lose progress towards the next rank?
i'm 25/30 dragon stones and kind of want to just do some coop instead, but want to switch the sunlight memers to do it

the resistances on things in ds2 is ridiculous.
>hit turtle knight with bastard sword +3
>takes 4 hits to kill
>hit turtle knight with mace +0
>takes 2 hits to kill

They can't make anything interesting in DaS2 so they just put a lot of stuff in it then call it a day, NPCs in the game are also fucking retarded so they had to make up for it by giving them fuck huge numbers and letting them cheat.

>complaining about DeS mechanics

>slashes are not effective against heavy armor
>hmm, i wonder why CRUSHING damage would be better at caving it in

You're a flamboyant retard. Fuck you for being stupid.

Well, after an afternoon slogging, I got my 30 vertebra shackles. What a pain in the ass. I spent 2 hours getting ganked to shit at pontiffs, only got 2 or 3 shackles. Switched to Dreg heap and it's been much easier. A couple of shackles were within seconds of spawning. newfags literally murdering themselves.


Baggy pants are cool

Don't expect one weapon to work on all things, and you won't have this problem.

On point.



Strike/crush weapons are overpowered in DaS2 since most enemies are weak to them.

>invade someone with a password phantom in farron keep
>the phantom has smough's armor and some big hammer, I don't remember the name
>a direct hit from my fire orb takes off probably less than an 8th of his health bar
>he doesn't even bother to dodge them and just chugs estus after every 5 or so hits
>Probably has every estus flask available
>eventually run out of ashen estus and just run away and hide
>they chase me to the basilisks
>host immediately gets cursed
It's the little things that make invading worth it.


>10 character limit
>need to make room for 2 new builds
>can't bring myself to delete any of the current ones

Sounds like you've had too much and it's time to kys.

>mfw farming slabs in New Londo at max item discovery

god damn but Fallen Knight is sexy. Is there a better set of armor in the game? I'd be inclined to say no.

>he's farming
>in ds1


You are on ps3 or xbox right? RIGHT?

>playing through ds1
>it's like ng+5 or something
>someone actually invades me
>in the painted world
>i've been waiting my whole life for this
>wait near the boss fog
>when they come i cast undead rapport on the swole knight dude there
>he one shots the invader
i can die peacefully now


That took me a second to realize what this was

tfw das1 pvp will never be what it once was, years ago

Redpill me on daggers.

This thing has been amazing for SL80 invasions, I might actually bother going to 120 and get a Sage+2 ring.
It was ridiculously weak when I tried to make it work at lower levels.

whats good about it?

if i get invaded am i allowed to chug or is that considered rude?

Pic related. On another note, how the fuck are you supposed to beat the crystal sages without pyromancy? These faggots have way too much magic damage for when you're supposed to encounter them.

You're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want you absolute cuck.
When someone's kicking your ass are you going to message him on steam asking for permission to take a sip? He's not going to message you to ask for permission to fuck your wife, he's just going to do it.
Grow a fucking pair.

Just run up and whack the fucker.

Tried that. Got impaled on a crystal sword that I swear he pulled out of his ass.

Run at them and hit them. Prioritize the clones during the 2nd phase, everything but those soul spears is ez mode to dodge.

Kill the one that spawns in the middle first, then keep rolling around and use throwing knives on each clone. Clones despawn in one hit so once you've found the real one you can either rush him or clear the others depending on your DPS.

Pure bad luck can fuck you up, not a great boss desu

>Black Witch Domino Mask

>Antiquated Cleavage shirt
Fine choice.

>Slave K***ht Leggings
Honestly I don't like them even as slutwear, they're too bulky and don't fit with most other forms of slutwear.

>how the fuck are you supposed to beat the crystal sages without pyromancy
Dodge sideways, keep whacking at him until you see him do an animation that has hyperarmor. You can stagger him out of his casting attacks, but not the rapier swing.

Then just equip throwing knives in the second phase and toss one at each sage you see, if it doesn't instantly die run up and wail on him while using the surrounding ruins for cover from the other ones.

>Pure bad luck can fuck you up, not a great boss desu
>doing fine on a run
>get brushed by the purple hail of magic
>puts me in enough hitstun to get crystal spear'd

I fucking hate that boss. I really do, luck shouldn't be a factor. He not hard, just has a chance to fuck you at random

R1s combo into Soul Greatsword/Old Moonlight with max cast speed. Has mild hyper armor and piercing damage. And Steady Chant buffs the r1 damage as well as the damage from its spells.

R1 into Old Moonlight wombo combo is bae

But it's still kinda limited in a 2v1 scenario.

Does poise matter at all for axes?


How much one's playstyle should change in Dark Souls 2? So far I have fought 2 bosses, the stoned butthole face and the little fat bronze guardian in the drowned Londo place, but so far I have not used magic or pyromancy just the initial +1 sword the master of swords gets.

In Dark Souls 1 I was never able to get into experimenting with different weapons.

How do I avoid the same mistake?

Do you use that little shield to protect your little dick?

>Pontiff first attempt
>Princes second attempt
>Nameless King second attempt
>Soul of Cinder first attempt
>Champ Gundyr almost an entire weekend

What is it with that boss? Might be retarded but could never figure out his downtime, commit at the wrong time and get 5 hit comboed. Later learned you could parry him but whatever.

No, I use it to plug your momma's gaping hole after I'm done. The central protrusion is useful for more than parrying.

He has a very obnoxious attack pattern. So just parry him.

He's roid raging in his second phase, unless you have a super fast weapon GL killing him by not parrying.

Parrying is for fags, get a greatshield and just block all his hits.

That's even faggier.


>risk and reward is gay, get a huge shield and turtle

>he thinks showing that you're stronger than a giant is faggier than cheesing
I hope your boyfriend appreciates your dexterity in bed, homo.

Never used a greatshield ever. Would probably get staggered anyway, his second phase is relentless.

>he thinks that cowering behind a wall is somehow manly.
True men poisetank.

>holding something is cowering behind anything
If you're going to be like that then real men don't wear any armor, or even use any weapons.
