Post automotive merch

post automotive merch

That logo is HIGHLY problematic.

probably the main reason why Swedes don't want to have anything to do with that brand anymore

why? i dont see a problem so why should there be

>And almost all are BMW.
how pedestrian

You not being raped is highly problematic

Sorry, deleted my post for poor grammar.

I’m not any better, I like JDM cars. We give each other shit about which I6 is best.

I’m sure your car shirts are a lot gayer

My backpack, fresh from a mall in Moscow

>an argument about the homosexuality of shirts

7th grade-tier insecurity


I can't get over how Polestar sounds like something out of a cheap and moldy strip club

>not comprehending the irony of saying sorry to you and calling you gay in the same post
I’m just taking the puss dude

Yeah or some kind of cheesy porno from the 90's

>taking the puss
This one too

Lurkin this thread, for I need new threads


Idc what you think of RCR, but I’m a big fan of brown cars, so if I start driving a brown again, I’ll need one of these

all garbage

>calls others garbage
>posts actual garbage
>like literally the shit homeless people would wear
I mean come on. You could have at least posted Iketani’s knockoff NISMO shirt for weeb cred.



Bully ain't so tough when Renault bullies him and his brother back

posting a dog with Mitsubishi merch on head



idk if this counts


Posting a dog with Ford merch on head. My dog likes hats.

I guess when you like literal faggot shit like in your pic everything else is garbage

Your dog looks so much like mine, adorable. Boxer mix?

Oh yeah I'm wearing some right now

t. tasteless niggers

I don't understand the Volvo logo. Was Volvo supposed to be a masculine brand when the logo was first designed or what?

>posts a garish fag jacket
>posts something that looks like what a literal autist would wear
Lmao, please tell us more about taste

It's the symbol for iron, implying strength

>still using the word fag in the year 2017
>not liking colorful jackets
>not knowing Top Secret

Decorate your wall with your brains my man ;)

Sometimes there is no better word to describe something, you fag. Keep behaving like a retarded child though, I'm sure that'll make everyone like you and your shit-tier clothing.


My Ford licensed tool box to match my ECOBOOST truck.

I want some GReddy merch

what about faggot?

>And I ran, I ran so far away. I just ran, I ran all night and day. I couldn't get away.




No wonder mazda is shit all the engineers act like giant kids.

those rims though