Can I consider myself a TRUE Shin Megami Tensei if I never beated Nocturne on Hard Mode or never defetead Demi Fiend in Digital Devil Saga 1?
James Murphy
>Fem Demifiend We should have stayed dead.
Juan Baker
Bentley Watson
geez what's taking so long to link this back at the last thread
Jack Perry
So after you kill Merkabah the plan is that everyone from Mikado move to Tokyo.... why?
It's completely retarded. Why doesnt everyone move to Mikado instead? Mikado has lush green plains, mountains, lakes, forests and pristine architecture and agriculture and cattle. Not to mention NO demons outside of Naraku and Kiccigiorgi Forest (even in the endgame the citizens are only just discovering demons exist). On the other hand Tokyo is a rotting city with destroyed buildings, several unlivable poisoned areas, no reliable source of food and water besides scavenging, pollution, and of course fucking demons everywhere. Even if Masakado can fix Tokyo to an extent it's just a no brainer that Mikado is a better place to live in once the Lawfags running it are dead.
It's stupid, this game is stupid. Seriously I was 'mirin the gorgeous backgrounds and architecture of Mikado so hard before the ending, such a shame it literally gets all rekt for stinky Tokyo.