MANGA >Scans
Thomas Watson
Kawakami a kawacutie
Joseph Harris
robot is forever!!
Jayden Adams
She's mine /pg/
Sebastian Gonzalez
>muh artistic choice That's the excuse. It makes no sense at all within the established lore.
Brandon Reyes
Another shitty day on /pg/. Come on, hit me with your best shot!
Christian White
How do I make arsene good? He looks cool but he sucks :((
Adrian Foster
Claiming this sensual, sensational, sweet, sexy, stupendous superwoman. Best model. Most compassionate. I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Aaron Rodriguez
Best woman, best cake, best wife. Claimed.
Add more dates to P5! Teaching Sadayo how to make infiltration tools, coffe and curry! See Sadayo go pray at the shrine for Joker! See Sadayo cry when she finds out I turned myself in. Go on a hot springs date with Sadayo where she washes my back and I wash her hair then we get in a mixed bath together! Go on a formal date with Sadayo where she wears a fancy dress and gets all dolled up just for you! Joker moves back to Tokyo after finishing high school and is living together with Sadayo! Eating Traditional Japanese breakfast with Sadayo! Ask Sadayo for lap pillows! Go fishing with Sadayo on Sundays and catch the Guardian together! Visiting Sadayo at her place! Going home together with Sadayo! Sadayo visiting Joker's family! Joker visiting Sadayo's family! Joker proposing in front of all his friends! Traditional wedding "Happily Ever After" timeskip event!
James Diaz
That's fascinating and all but Makoto is the best girl
Lincoln Harris
I love Ann!
Ayden Roberts
Don't they talk about this after the fight is over too where he cared more about using his power for himself
Michael Scott
Do you think P6 will come out next year?
Jaxson Barnes
Use the gallows and gather your autsim/patience. With that, anything is possible
Wyatt Wood
Obligatory Makoto post
Wyatt Mitchell
no, that's a dumb thing to think
James Garcia
Jaxon Murphy
This is the best Arsene shooting everything to death in a 2 man group with Haru as your only support is the toppest tier
Elijah Hernandez
Seems highly unlikely but I guess it's possible. There was only two years between P3 and P4 after all.
Aiden Garcia
I have a huge crush on a anime boy and i'm not even gay
Cooper Anderson
2019 in japan, if we are lucky enuff.
Jack Miller
Where are my Pixie doujins?
Oliver Fisher
Oh ok. Don't think I'm going to make it to 2020 so hopefully I'll see it translated before my health declines too much to play videogames.
Angel Jenkins
Thomas Sullivan
They only just started hiring for it two months ago. It'll take more than a 2 year development shitshow like the one P4 got to make a game better than P5 which is what they're trying to do.
Bentley Lopez
liking boys is gay
Alexander Green
>Not repel bless and repel ice
Carson Taylor
Do you not think it's a bit silly to dismiss criticism of something just for a being a game?
Noah Cruz
I wonder if P6 will go out to the country again, or maybe just leave Japan entirely? Would be nice to see a Persona game set in Italy or something.
Jack Phillips
I understand repel bless, but repel ice?
Joseph Kelly
only if its sexual
Mason Wood
>nothing negating phys >luck isn't maxed >doesn't have a crit rate booster
Jordan Smith
This is amazing.
Camden Richardson
P6 will be Raidou 3, they will just use an older Tokyo and go ham with the style
Brayden Allen
/pg/ I would like to hear your honest opinion about Haru__________________
Jonathan Nguyen
I was super disappointed when I finally realized that null phys doesn't block gun as well.
Robert Parker
Logan White
doesn't need to be sexual, having a "huge crush" on a guy is gay
Christopher Cox
2nd best girl.
Tyler Bell
God what shit taste you have, There are far better boys in P5, and if you have a thing for pathetic faggots Mishima is always a better choice.
Landon Moore
I was never really sure what her character was supposed to be. Like they start off with her being the naive idealistic rich girl, but then as soon as she joins the party that is mostly tossed aside and she tends to be one of the more mature and subdued members of the group.
Angel Bell
I love Haru.
Christopher Morgan
What should I do with this information?
Justin Rivera
*Giggles* Felt bad for turning her down but that's life. She'll get over it.
Grayson Barnes
Ice is his other weakness.
Caleb Barnes
she is cute
Brandon Carter
Christian Brown
She's not my waifu but I love her
Caleb Richardson
Who is the most controversial character and why is it Morgana
Justin Morris
Loved her. Sadayo, Anne and Haru are the three best girls in the game. The day Haru becomes the #1 girl in the series is fast approaching.
Cooper Reyes
Slingshots hurt.
Gabriel Morgan
What if P6 takes place in space?
Jeremiah Turner
Aside from Shiki Ouji snapping at you, I honestly don't remember any enemies using gun attacks
Henry Taylor
Do you think Sae would resort to sitting on Joker's face in the middle of her interrogation?
Sebastian Myers
Cute but not my type at all.
Luis Morales
You are more autistic than Yusuke.
Samuel Nguyen
she's not great, it seems like they were just meeting a quota with her and didn't actually have anything they wanted her to do she desperately needs more characterization, as of now the only personality she really has is being a passive doormat
Blake Carter
It is, but repel reflects the damage, drain heals it. Is that better or something?
Alexander Lewis
Not many do, I first discovered it when one of those employee robots used triple down and fucking wiped my protagonist right after I said "oh I don't need to save I can retry if I die in the boss battles anyway" and I couldn't reload and had to redo the whole ID segment from the start when I was almost finished and I was hella upset
Liam Sullivan
More in this case that I'm not taking the crticism seriously. And am making a reference.
Juan Roberts
Can i hit you with a slingshot?
Julian White
Do not fight it and accept it as the truth
Jackson Bennett
No u
Samuel Jenkins
I feel like it's weird that most people are going to be doing the majority of her Confidant during and after Shido's Palace... when Joker has to sneak around the school. I wonder if Haru was supposed to be in the game sooner.
James Edwards
If I get to shoot you with a gun afterwards. We have to figure out which hurts more, it seems.
Hunter Mitchell
She's cute and if Ann did not exist I probably would have romanced her.
John Cooper
A slingshot would actually be more powerful than a gun if used by someone with supernaturally boosted strength, wouldn't it? I mean a gun will only be so powerful, it's not going to change no matter how strong you are, while a slingshot will shoot with as much force as you are capable of pulling back the string (as long as it doesn't snap). Wouldn't a slingshot or bow actually be the much more sensible weapon for people with superhuman strength for that reason?
Nolan Robinson
I'll just live in denial then
Juan Walker
>passive doormat Does a passive doormat bathe in the blood of her enemies
Ryan Wright
Haru is a Beauty Thief!
Justin Morris
Only in her chuuni delusions.
Samuel Hall
They're basically interchangeable. It's just that if Joker gets knocked down it's basically a confirmed loss.
Joshua Brooks
Her skillset makes her basically a party staple for dungeon crawling. She's got one of the best confidants out of the party members, along Yusuke and maybe Futaba. I don't get why so many dialog options have you call her name out when you're already talking to her, but I found that cute.
Liam Miller
she sure doesn't act like that in the real world
Austin Walker
does anybody have the art book designs of Haru during production? I wonder what alternative character we could've gotten
Cooper Russell
It's a good thing that doesn't describe Haru at all, then.
Brayden Roberts
1. No one in Persona has super strength besides Elizabeth.
2. That's not how a slingshot works, its power is limited by the strength of the band.
3. I think you are actually retarded for asking this.
Julian Robinson
> if Joker gets knocked down I completely forgot about that, my bad. I guess I just prefer drain skills over repels, but that does makes sense
Logan Diaz
She gets like one or two lines alluding to this in Mementos. Thats it
Mason Davis
I want sae to give me a footjob under the table, and see her embarrassed reaction when I find out!
Isaac Gomez
But isn't the most important thing that the enemy shadows see him pulling back the slingshot and think "oh my god I do NOT want to be hit by that, it's going to hurt like hell!"? It should be fine.
Benjamin Martin
I really think Haru and Shinji would get along great.
Dominic Wilson
Personas give you super powers, no? Otherwise Joker could never jump higher than a NBA player and everyone in Arena would die from one hit from Narukami.
Liam Lopez
Just be careful, if you endure it too long it is possible she could die of complications from pregnancy.
Ryder Gonzalez
Pretty boring and forgettable desu. Came into the game way too late
Dylan Garcia
>TIL shadows are more intelligent than /pg/
No they don't. Personas have the powers we see in game but they really only apply to the persona, not the character who uses it. Joker's jumping abilities are entirely for show.
Owen Baker
Basically if Makoto didn't exist I'd waifu her
Daniel King
>Joker's jumping abilities are entirely for show. What does this mean, exactly? The team doesn't jump massive heights?
Jonathan Cooper
P3 movies literally state that your personas amplify your physical abilities. Also shown in game otherwise stuff like en would be useless, and desn't st buff your sword arm as well?
Asher Young
I want to give Makoto a weapon that boosts all of her stats by +10 and an accessory that boosts all of her stats by +5!
Kevin Anderson
>People now talk about Ohya more than Takemi and Chihaya.
I never saw that coming.
Carson Hughes
Thought I would hate her, actually really liked her. Second favorite of the PT girls behind Anne.
Daniel Bennett
Sae's not that old! She's still a healthy young woman!
Joshua Howard
Anyone else think guns were kinda useless besides for enemies specifically weak to them? I mean I guess Haru's grenade launcher was good but I still didn't use it much due to the limited ammo supply
Zachary Robinson
Ohyafags are unproductive members of society confirmed.
Joshua Perez
The movie states that the Dark hour amplified their abilities, not their personas
Hunter Martin
nah, stupid high crit chance, bullet regen and resistance pierce on Joker by the end makes them far better than melee
Christian Collins
That's an asinine distinction, the dark hour amplifies their abilities because that's when they can use their personas. Look at how winded Ikutsuki got when pedaling over, did he seem to have super strength to you? How you get bullet regen? I never got that shit.
Chase Carter
Oh goddamn it, I'm not gonna get the "read all books" trophy because I can't go to the library anymore.
Ah well, I rotated my saves, we'll see if I can do it on one of those.
Nolan Ross
Why do all MegaTens have fucking abysmal NG+? Persona 5's is pretty fucking bad. Not DeSu1 bad, but bad.