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D.Va is best girl edition!

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I can't even play QP to get away from Mercy and DVa that plague ranked

Shit edition

You must become the cancer.

Here comes T.Racer!

Nice fucking game Blizzard.

post reaper memes

*eats your delicious ult*

what happens to this TF2 meme team when they run into a real team?

>genji and tracer will never be nerfed

nah i played like 2 hours of dva at the start of season 3 to get reaching GM fast out of the way and i still feel dirty about it

mercy i have played total like 1 minute out of the 450 hours i have in OW and i intend to keep it that way

git gud

>pharah will be nerfed before Genji or Tracer

t. Ana

>expecting people here to discuss esports
this general is for autistic waifu discussions

i think i should try filtering the word "girl" in these threads

why would you nerf the dps when it's dva and winston who make the dive meta work the way it does

if winston and dva were weaker you could counter dive comp with more varied team compositions instead of just running dive yourself

is it just because you are a retard that only pays attention to what kills you? could that be it?

You sound really mad, genji

Mercy scale figure when?

>d.Va players now spam "I need healing" more than Genjis

What the fuck happened? Am I the only one noticing this?

>Genji gets triple jump back to reach Pharahs more easily even when Genji can make Pharah kill herself youtube.com/watch?v=bHv2M1T2ZAw

Neither need to be nerfed.

>Queue for Total Mayhem
>Prepare to Atta-

very rarely play him in ranked, projectiles are just not my thing

tracer is more my forte

if dva and winston weren't so opressive mccree for example would work much better at countering genji and tracer.

well dva is tank so she's taking more damage than dps heroes. what the fuck really? how?

Jamison Fawkes!


The tanks aren't more guilty of this meta than the DPS. Dive existed before with Zarya replacing D.va.
What truly makes 0 sense whatsoever is Blizzard decision to remove one of the only hero able to bypass Defense Matrix.

git gud srcub

>be winston
>go beast mode and knock a low health D.VA off the map
>get kill credit for her mech
>lucio swoops in and boops the falling D.VA at the last second and steals the kill

Does anyone just feel incapable of playing genji? I play tracer just fine but I lose all spatial awareness when trying to play genji. It's just...too fast and wacky for me. Anyone else feel like that?
I feel totally useless outside of my ult

You're just not used to the verticality.

the aiming feels so weird. it's not like playing other projectile heroes...his movement affects his shots so much

>tfw no new Summer skins for heroes doing summer things
Give Widow one pls.

>tfw hard work doesn't pay off
Torbjörn buffs when?

I got what I wanted in HotS ;_;

>be banana winston
>get hooked at the end of a jump and dumped off the side of dorado
>jump, ult, jump back up and knock the hog and half his team off the cliff while spamming OH YEAH as fast as I can
>spray paint a banana next to a genji I didn't even kill myself
Gorilla life is good right now

With Tracer you move in two dimensions horizontally. With Pharah you move in two directions vertically. With Genji you move in three dimensions. You'll need to get used to three dimensions at all times and leading your shots because Genji isn't hitscan.

this is another thing, I only hit like 30% of my shots so I feel like I'm just...not doing anything.
Basically I play him and it just feels like I'm waiting for my team to get someone low and then I swoop in and take credit with a dash and I basically do that till I get my ult.
When I get dragon blade I feel useful but basically any point before then I feel kind of disoriented and useless. I like...can't track with genji, it's really weird

Never because a Torbjorn buff is a Tracer nerf

>Turrets now do more damage to airborne targets.

the tanks are the reason why you can't counter dive with the sort of stuff that in theory sounds like it should be strong against dive

So I guess I have to explain to you autistic faggots why GROUPING UP is a good idea...

Lets say one person runs on the point and gets killed because they're the only person on the point. That one person now has to respawn, while the other 5 MIGHT be grouped up or scattered all over the map. Those 5 hear that the point is being contested and run to help. One by one, dying on the point. But by now, the first teammate has already respawned, and is now running back to the point. Now, you're all dying one by one on the point, or at the very least its 3v6 at any given time.

Ad infinitum. So if someones spamming "Group up!" Group the fuck up. Don't PAIR UP in the wings hoping to Rambo flank 1-2 people. Group the fuck up, with your entire team.

that is basically how to play him, swoop in with dash to kill confirm, or if you have an Ana or something like that far away from their team you 1v1 them

i cant stand playing him desu

too complicated, how about a straight damage boost with lowered range

How about gas all builders
They don't belong in this game

You need both tracking when you're deflecting hitscan and leading by predicting your enemy's movement with your shuriken plus other projectiles you deflect. When you learn his burst combo you'll see that squishies will drop pretty fast. It's really about practice.

Ana is for intense breeding.

>still playing Overwatch

>get paired with a 5 stack against 6 stack
>my team is terrible, I hold 3 gold medals as winston
>I got 2 kills and my team failed to win 6v4, half of the them died immediately when they tried to push
>on defence they got baited, over extented and got punished
>lose 48sr
yea thanks, probably should have just carried and killed all of them 1v6

You may be on something. Blizzard actually knows how to solve the dive meta but that would threaten their precious cunt.

Just imagine having sex with her ...

that's actually a good situation.

I mean, sure it sucks for your Potg. But the Lucio will get Ult charge for that boop whereas you wouldn't get any charge with Winston

You're a paranoid little bitch, aren't you? If Blizzard balanced everything around Tracer they wouldn't have let the 3 tank meta go on for as long as it did.

Yet none of the other tanks do it nearly as much

I'll keep practicing him. Honestly I feel like I wouldn't have half the problems I do if the FOV were just a tad higher

>Mercywatch general

Total Mayhem is fucking concentrated cancer.

Tracer still had a decent pickrate, especially on KotH, where she still had an 80%+ pickrate.


You mad because you can't reach GM by just maining Mercy?
Poor little male player. :*

Best night of my life.

>implying male traps don't do the same shit

When will the "Genji is hard" meme end?

Genji literally has zero techniques to master other than extremely basic combos which will develop over maybe a dozen hours top thanks to muscle memory. His shurikens are slightly difficult to aim, but like any projectile, their hitbox is huge. Also, since they're projectiles, there's a bunch of other characters that can be claimed to be "hard" for having projectiles but nobody calls Hanzo or Mei hard.

Furthermore, Genji has the most busted kit in the game in terms of damage, mobility, and survivability.

>Double jump which fucks up his hitbox and makes aiming shurikens easier
>Dash which is one of the best mobility abilities in the entire game while also doing impossible-to-miss damage easily combo'd with one or two shurikens/a melee to kill any squishy in a few seconds
>Deflect which allows you to completely decide the tempo of a 1v1, forcing the enemy to stop firing; upon the end of deflect you can dash to completely disorient the enemy, deal damage, and close distance so that you can right click while they're still trying to adjust to your new position
>One of the best ults in the game which has a giant cone of damage; the only way to flub genji's ult is if you just ult at a bad time so game sense is all you need to literally decide a fight
>All of this is to say nothing of the fact that CDs are reset on even a fucking 10 damage assist, allowing him to very safely engage a target even if they're at a range he should be ineffective at; he can spam some hail mary shurikens, walk at them with deflect, dash to disorient/free damage, then spam right clicks

Fuck this character and fuck the people who think he's difficult. He's one of the safest characters in the game with a kit that gives him so many advantages in 1v1. The only hard thing about him is running him against a Winston because you have to be extremely conscious of where he is and play around him at all times.

Pic unrelated.

>Poor little male player. :*

This is why I hate this general

>constantly reinstall the game when i have an urge to play again
>constantly uninstall when I keep getting games with idiots going 4 DPS
Why can't they just add a filter list that does the opposite of "prefer this player"?

On pro play maybe. No one played her on regular comp. Her pickrate was shit at the start of S4

>implying Mercy(male)s don't exist

>he doesn't know blizzard removed that long time ago

You must be new here.

You basically have to think on your feet while pretty much watching how things flow and planning things out (well, for me anyway since I'm flanking and guarding the healers on my team all at the same time). You have to use your eyes and ears and try using high ground to formulate some movements, but like another user said, Genji's the full 3D movement.

>>All of this is to say nothing of the fact that CDs are reset on even a fucking 10 damage assist, allowing him to very safely engage a target even if they're at a range he should be ineffective at; he can spam some hail mary shurikens, walk at them with deflect, dash to disorient/free damage, then spam right clicks

Totally fucking lost my train of thought here, but my point was that he can dive on a target that should be undiveable thanks to his retarded kit, then get out when he should be punished for overextending because his shit gets reset. It should be a trade, but it's not.

>Twice as much damage
>Twice as much health
>Half as much range
There. The perfect Torb.

Looks like it's time to pick up Genji then, fag

>tfw you main mercy and look/sound like a girl

Am I a stereotype?

Because high level players abused it.

I got the game in October on PC, played PS4 on launch.

Why would they get rid of it? Don't want to be too hard on the garbage players?


So fucking hard to get genji because I don't have Overwatch on an SSD and my internet can be a little slow, so genji gets instalocked 9/10 games I play.

I wonder why genji is in every other game at Master+ MMR? Oh shit probably because his kit is a skullfuckingly good and super easy to use after like 10 hours of practice.

Post vocaroo, unless you're actually a girl(female).

>Girls are only good at Mer-

twitch tv/barcode_ow

blizzard wants his players to be able to find matches
ppl abused it on (good) "x mains" which couldnt find any matches anymore

Found the Mercy main.

I stopped playing since dive meta started, it's just so fucking unfun to play against d.va and genji.

Is that you?

>preferred to stare through a Reinhardt shield all game

>tfw team refuses to group up the entire match
>Lucio main, AoE heal is all hes good for
>no group, switch to DPS
>get payload .37 away from finish line
>enemy team pushes PL all the way back to last checkpoint
>match ends

I'm the only one on the payload at any given moment. I can only carry so much weight. If you're going to collectively refuse to group up with the LOW DPS AOE HEAL, then you're rendering that player fucking useless. You only had to push it a little bit farther and you couldn't even do that. I had 3 minutes of objective time and you couldn't even muster up the strength to push it .37m by yourself like a big boy. For fucks sake stop being a pussy and physically put your fucking body on the goddamn payload.

Because you are dumb.
Understanding this spontaneously is not rocket science.

solo queue is basically pray that you get less retards than the enemy team

Better than not being able to deal damage/defend yourself while Winston or Genji skullfucks you because d.va clicked right mouse button

>the link words
I don't want to open this. Pls be fake.



shhh u r the only constant bro, just carry harder ow matchmaking is perfect, you are where you belong ;)

It's not really very fem I think, I've just been mistaken for a girl a few times. I think it's probably just because I play mercy.



At least when you hit Rein's shield it does something, reduces it. DF is full retard because it doesnt matter how much damage it absorbs it works on a meter.

>he can't mind game D.va into thinking her defense matrix is useless because she's still getting damaged by him

it's not fake

Anyone else only QP here?


lmao nigga you are trying way too hard bitch boy

I refuse to give a shit if my teams not even trying anymore.