AMG or M? Which is the better performance division?

AMG or M? Which is the better performance division?

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None of the above.

>implying anyone here has ever driven both an M and AMG car for any length of time sufficient enough to form a valid opinion on either one, let alone compare the two

>limited slip standard
>still offering manual gearboxes
>cars are finely tuned for great handling
>beautiful sounding I6 engines and turbo V8's

The current run of ///M cars suck.

Also, BMW has never won F1.

oh this guy says we aren't allowed to bench race

How bout F1s using BMW engines?

bench racers are the scourge of the car community.


But they’re usually right
>twins too slow

Also new bmws sound like sloppy farts
Amg wins by exhaust alone

If AMG offered manuals they would be much more relevant. The cars they make are outrageous monsters. Truly European muscle cars.

unreliable overpriced yuppie garbage

The amg V8s sound fucking horrible, get your ears checked

unironically polestar


>The amg V8s sound fucking horrible

What did he mean by this?

//M because they don't make FWD cars unlike AMG.

AMGs make better muscle cars. M makes better sports cars

>AMG or M?
top kek

Yeah right

Go listen to a C63 in person and tell me it doesn't sound like whiny, raspy shit

he's right though.
I cant believe mercedes was building naturally aspirated v8 engines that sounded so shit

AMG is like euro muscle cars - they just throw in the biggest, most powerful engine they can and call it a day while BMW M actually cares about how the car handles and feels.

But AMG make a better noise.

>bench racers are the scourge of the car community.
Yes, look at the retards who whine about the 0-60 of the twins.

>fwd cars are bad
I see you're driving pic related

AMG should not be building fwd cars.
It is embarrassing for AMG

>better than anything

>>beautiful sounding I6 engines and turbo V8's

That's because the noise in the cabin comes through speakers and is enhanced to make it sound better.

AMG enhances their V8, V6 and i4 sounds through cabin speakers as well.
M3/M4 with Competition pack and M2 still sound good in real life
t. someone who has driven the new M4, new CLA45, new S63, new G63

Go for NVidia, mate.

///M makes one good car and it's the M 2.
AMG drops ridiculously powerful engines into heavy luxobarges for drug dealing turks but their super cars are genuinely good.

While the whole idea of cabin enhanced noise is incredibly lame, in practice it's kinda nice.


Both are total sellouts.

Posted from my CLA 180 AMG or 316 M-Sport.

>turned into an electric car brand

M-Sport package has been available on non-M cars since the 80's.

TRD tuning

>still offering manual gearboxes
somebody should just make dct with clutch pedal, and knob. akin to gr-hv. so manualfags finally shut the fuck up.

>cars are finely tuned for great handling
at least benz gives you fairly easily available option to turn off all assistance. without taking off fuses

>muh 787B

but aren't amgs basically eqivalent of old day's high powered luxobarges, which is basically what Americans want (if they could afford it)?

kys turk

>at least benz gives you fairly easily available option to turn off all assistance. without taking off fuses
What? You mean you can't disable traction control on BMWs?
You can't fully disable traction control on the majority of AMG lineup (and t/c is permanently enabled on all non-AMG benzs) but T/C can be fully switched off on any BMW, M or non-M.

Nope, that's because I6's sound amazing to begin with, fucking clueless idiot


But Cadillac used BMW as the benchmark.
That makes BMW the best even in Cadillac's eyes

the new m5 is going to be awesome

You mean BMW?

They seem to be the ones constantly overheating.

sounds like a dragunov shooting at you when it backfires


Considering AMG couldn't beat HSV in V8 Supercars can be very good.

Have to agree The V's are the best performance cars out of M, AMG,and whatever Audi uses, but sub par interior. Overall still the best drivers car out there.

They're pigfat as fuck and don't have the same handling capabilities. The only thing they have going for them is the high displacement V8 and if that's what you want then you're better off with an M5 or an AMG


Why does her stomach skin look like a potato skin?

Would fuck that potato silly

You have never driven an ats v have you? heck even the cts v has better handling than any of its european counterparts.

Shut the whole board down.

u wot

I work with a guy who drives one. Sounds fucking nice.

>American shit

AMG makes better engines M makes better cars

Williams BMW was good with Big Juan and Ralph Schumi desu.

Not really, no. The Ralf/JPM pairing only lasted for four seasons between 2001-2004 which was during the height of the Schumacher-Ferrari domination of the series. Their best season was 2003 when their total points scored was 91% of that of Ferrari. The other three seasons they struggled to match even 40% of Ferrari's points.

I guess Williams was good if you pretend that Ferrari didn't exist and just ignored all their victories. They were just best of the rest, really.