Your car does have NOS installed, right Veeky Forums?
Your car does have NOS installed, right Veeky Forums?
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>using nitrous oxide
>not using the self-oxidizing nitro-gasoline
holy shit are those nitrous powered sub woofers?!?!?
>painting your car in swedish flag colors
Sweden is the greatest country on Earth. Sorry your shithole isn't a humanitarian superpower like us :)
Yeah if anything that volvo should have the chinese flag painted on it
Cuck, 50% income tax, more people in welfare than off, cold, rape rates skyrocketing, a mostly socialist shithole
Let's be honest, only two good things come out of Sweden. It used to be three, but then Saab died.
And even Volvo is slowly going down the drain sadly. At least the polestar is still neat.
IKEA is pretty good too
>ignoring ikea
Nigger pls
that man is an american tho
Sweden is deff the best country in Yurup for car enthusiast
>no extra taxes on most cars
>lots of car culture
>modifications are sort of legal
I thought Britain was. Can't you do whatever you want there?
It's in the continent of yurop. Learn to read a map.
Yea except buy a car that's gasoline powered after 2040.
>Not intensively modifying classic cars
Big if true.
no, it has 362bhp from the factory instead.
we sure can but like most places we have lots of red tape to wade through once finished
Literally not true
why do we let these people breed
>shooting a gun without any earpro
>being surprised someone who has never shot before screams in pain as his ears get fugged
He was an idiot for not wearing ear protection, but that reaction is to be expected.
It's Britain lad. If most cars are electric by 2020, they'll move it up to 2025 and pass it. If 2040 looks unachievable, they'll delay it. It means absolutely nothing.
> t. Ahmed
Truest statement ever
>not supercharging your engine with compressed air
I wonder if you could isolate O2
he has plugs in
Should I swap a gallo 12 or a gallo 24 into my gtr?
I never cried when shooting shotguns on hunting trips when I was a kid though, the guy is just a giant pussy
>you can literally step on the gas
no but sometimes I inhale nitrous oxide while driving, at highway speeds even its quite fun
Should i?
Go for it. Don't let your dreams be dreams
just the drink. everywhere.
>Best country for cars in Europe.
That's like being the least gay in a pride parade.
It's from a skit