League of Legends General - /lolg/

Soraka is the most fun champ in the game edition.


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dead game, dead thread

Soraka is best girl. Stfu


Post nice art

I just had a game that felt so lost like holy shit... I was playing Hecarim and I got invaded 3 times with no one responding to my pleas for help. But good fucking thing, I camped the hell out of botlane and got our adc somewhat fed. All we had to do was stall, and protect our ADC and we won after 45 mins of hardcore defending. Jesus, I was sweating bullets at how intense it was.

fruit flies like a banana


you have to ward yourself then surrender camps if you anticipate your laners will be the ones getting pushed in

say your doing topside and your top laner is facing galio and your mid is facing taliyah, theres no fucking way they are going to miss a levels worth of xp just to -maybe- save your wolves AND get no kills or assists

>ban zac
>no one bans cait

>ban cait
>no one bans zac




>Kindred is still literally unplayable
Why make a champion with such a great concept/design and then make sure it's always in the fucking dumpster? Kindred is STILL not doing enough damage, and the biggest issue isn't even that. The biggest issue is that you have to be playing against people that don't know what the marks in the jungle are/do or else you don't get to do anything the entire game. The marks should be sort of like the champion marks, where when you're next to them you see the mark glowing. The enemy team shouldn't be able to see it on their map. You're playing with an insane disadvantage every single game because of it. I know someone is going to say "THAT'S PART OF THE POINT" or something retarded. I'd get the marks maybe being on the enemy map is Kindred was a fucking powerhouse and the marks only made Kindred stronger but Kindred isn't a powerhouse to begin with.


> lemme ban every single champion
no fuck you

The issue with this is that you still get fucked. You can not feed but if the other jungler is cucking you and 4 camps ahead it's still a problem.

Meanwhile, in top lane.


>mfw I'm a Riven and Renekton main

ADC junglers aren't allowed to be good, because it turns out when they are they're turbo cancer and literally break the game. Who knew.

I agree the marks thing is stupid though, that should definitely be changed so it's not a find kindred here mark.

kindred was an awful design, and that's exactly why she's in the dumpster
>be strong early, there's no counterplay to the marks and she has no weakness
>be bad early, get no marks, has no strengths except dickloads of mobility
not even mentioning the thematic issues with kindred either.

>Riven main

lol I wouldn't help a hecarim in the jg either, it doesn't matter how many times you "need help", it's never going to end because hecarim is shit compared to most meta junglers at the moment. All you're going to do is put the jg AND lanes behind. When you pick those weak clear junglers you hope the enemy jungler is shit, that's what you're basing your entire success on. If the enemy team picks a meme jungle I punish the fuck out of them

>thematic issues with kindred either
you are not one of those guys that says kindred is a "she" right?

>agressive sups like blitz, thresh, nautilus are OP
>meanwhile defensive sups like soraka are fucking useless and garbage
what did riot mean by this meta?

>2 halves champion
>one half does next to nothing
kindred's thematic design is a garbage fire

also zyra

> doran's shield is meta so passive lanings are everywhere
> you need a support that forces an all-in

They meant ADCs should stop being little bitch boys who farm up for 20 mins before fighting other players

> laning vs katarina
> teamcomp is strong overall but has no targeted cc
> so long as kat doesn't get ahead we're fine
> jungler forces an invade at enemy raptor camp level 3, kat immediately hops the wall and kills him before i can even get halfway there
> "haha whoops xD mb"
> then attempts to dive kat with his ult and dies
> "oh wow she's strong xD mb"
> kat takes over the whole game
> nobody on the team can stop her
> "wow this mid xD wish we could swap with their midlaner what a boosted xDDD"


>riot does honor update
>game is more toxic then ever
lolbabs????? what happened?????

>>game is more toxic then ever
since when

Its sad how the game has come down to who can outcancer the other one with their picks. Theres no 'skill' anymore because every fucking game these cancer no counterplay champs like zac, cait and other blatantly overpowered champions like kassadin, vladimir, etc make it through champ select and it just feels awful to play the game when you have to go up against this shit every game. like fuck how can fucking hard can it be? zac has 100 % pick/ban in compettive and solo q, maybe he should be fucking gutted? cait has been OP for god knows how long, only now are more and more people starting to realize it. like fuck, i dont think ive ever played a game this frustrating before.

How are you not pushing in Kat early and getting pressure on your lane, especially if your jungler is going for an invade. Also not managing to follow up on a simple post 6 tower dive, should be free af. Sounds like your jungler was right desu.

says all of my fuckin' games today

everyone is a raging shitlord


I honestly just come into these threads to see how retarded some people's logics are.

i was pushing kat in, that's the point. he invaded at the raptor camp and kat was at her turret, meaning all she had to do was e over the wall and she was already at the fight. and the dive happened well after i'd recalled and he saw me recall and decided to try to dive alone

i know you're playing devil's advocate here but you're gonna have to take my word for it there was jack shit i could do in this situation.

post the best feels in the game
>be akali
>hit level 6

i don't understand a champion therefore it's trash.

kassadin is better m8, dont put yourself at disadvantage

>my team carried me so that means the champion is good!

>this user is actually posting these shit games as proof that kindred isn't bad

>those shitty scores
this is suppose to mean anything?

kassadin is not cute

>i don't understand a champion but i won anyway so it's a good pick

i like that shit
i got a chest too so i'm happy

I literally miss spam ping everyone who dies and people get even more pissed of than before

how fucking mad r u order betas?

>solo carry a game
>0 honors
>say "relax dude" once to a teammate
>2 tilt-proof honors

>gives a shit about honor system

>solo carry
You're only fooling yourself.
Inb4 muh match history.

>fun and satisfying to play
>easy to learn, hard to master
>makes beta toplaner cucks mad

so when did you realize that darius is the best toplaner in the game?

I cant get over how cute Riven is in these icons. I really hope they implement them


>hard to master

RIP Udyr

What champion pisses you off the most?

>waste all your energy
>get dumpstered by literally any meta midlaner


where is this from?


>still mad about this
>even though it's obvious what you did wrong
Let it go, user. This happened years ago.

They'll be back




i like how shes brown in these


They said it'll be back 7.15. Something about not being complete.

Riot survey. They were talking about doing in-game emotes similar to poro one and it was asking about reasonable pricing etc.


riven is brown

>those games where you need both tabi and mercs

you should be able to upgrade your tabi or mercs into a tabi/mercs fusion type of boots

Riot sent out a survey thing and they wanted you to rate a crapton of character icons like these. I only saved a few, I should have saved all of them and uploaded a gallery somewhere. I'll see if I can still access the survey to save everything

Basically these icons are going to be things you can flash in game like your champion mastery. They'll cost some amount of RP though

I just want boot upgrades back desu

>40% at first 10 ranked games
>40% at next 10
>40% at next 10
>final 37.5% winrate at Elise after 40 ranked games
Should i give up?

What is the best Riven skin and why is it Arcade?

post your picks for champions

Damn I cant, Oh well

Animations too clunky. Battle Bunny forever and always.

r u duoing with a pro friend?


>lose a game due to a yi feeding first blood when he fucked up an invasion and then ignoring literally everything because we "didn't help him"
>lose another game because a kat gets superfed then starts going solo, dies 5 times in a row and refuses to get zhonya because it's little damage
>lose another one because a mid randomly afks
>another one because bot draven died once by overextending and decided to just walk down bot

All these in a row
how the fuck am I supposed to climb like this

Nope, but former pro player coached me.
Like this? D5 euw btw
But i don't want to ;c
My coach told me git gud at 150 rankeds at Elise or drop league.

>It's the player with the most deaths on your team keeps spamming surrender and whining about how the game is over episode

stop maining jungle with junglers that cant defend for themselves early on
pick up some tankier ones (early tanky)

I played. Coach said i can't carry games then at early. Like, while i farm my items for tanky junglers(i good on them), Elise can stomp all lanes.

It doesnt have to be this way, i had 20% winrate on jhin after 20 games

after another 30 ive got him up to 60%

>r u duoing with a pro friend?
well found your mistake, case closed

>support sona is 1/12 and trying to surrender since the 15m mark
>its 57 minutes into the match
>we're about to win and take the nexus
>dumbass thinks we'll win before the surrender succeeds and says yes
>lose one hit away from victory

Practice 110 more games of Elise, I believe in you fampai.

play skarner. call your coach a fag.
im silver and even i can see a problem here

post some of your builds for the elise

This is my boyfriend Kled! I love him a whole bunch!

You are the fattest most disgusting neckbeard in these generals, and it's not as if there's a shortage of fat disgusting neckbeards to compete with in lolg. Fuck you.

20 bans when?

>Playing on NA
>Chink links chinese twitch

A new low

late xth for breast metal waifu

secondary xth for reminding everyone that there are several Pentakill II previews on Praeco's twitter: twitter.com/praeco/media?lang=en

Reminder that you can only use these skins tomorrow

>not also team spirit anivia

Um okay? I'm not fat though.
I jog a lot, I don't feel the pain of not being with my husband Kled when I run.

you cant run from your faggotry forever

What are you gunna do about it cunt?