/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1802

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/14 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Join 中出しの幸せ!
We are comfy.

Dem Bois is Recruiting! We are an A-league 114 average rank 26/30 crew, looking for new members to join us with winning upcoming GWs. We are casual, you are not required to play the game at all, though we will only go for easy wins during the finals (2 wins this recent GW, with 3 break days). We have an active discord (mandatory), and are usually available to help each other out with raids.

Requirements :
-Minimum rank 101
-Participation during prelims (finals optional)
-English speaking
-Follow the rules no exceptions will be made(pastebin.com/g7TEXuMY)

Strike time : 9am and 11am JST
Crew buffs : 2 green potions 30% ougi charge 20% drop rate
If you are interested to join us, pm me! IGN: Fuji ID:13032389


What's a good grid to farm before starting the omega weapons?

how do i join

Link is in the pastebin!
We are looking for active people that would like to progress through the game and such.


小さな女の子 is a dedicated, Tier A HL guild looking to recruit like minded little girls aiming to rank and grind with us for the upcoming water and wind Guild Wars. Have you had issues of looking for people to run nightmares with? Feel like you are carrying but the rest of your guild isn't? Or how the fact that you're 2k MMR only because your teamates drag you down? No worries! Join us and you'll find plenty of dedicated lolis like yourself aiming to rank. We are a guild that aims to win as many fights as autistically possible. A good number of our members are based in Japan with a few gaijins. Our average rank is 151. We welcome people from all time zones. Our preferred method of communication is through our own Discord channel. If you are looking for additional guild activities, guild members run primarchs and other raids now and then. Members can even choose to receive pings for specific raids instead of being @ed here/everyone all the time.

Crew profile: game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/432330
ST: 9 and 22 JST
Guild Buffs: the usual

Requirements to Join:
-Rank 175+
-Complete grids for all elements
-Join the Discord/IRC/Facebook/NeoGAF

Interested in joining? Please submit your information through the google form here: lmfao who actually uses this shit

If you have any additional questions about the guild or how we operate during GW, please PM mommy. No need to feel shy about questions.

Start with Omega SRs if you are in one of the four main elements. Keep on leeching, getting 6 of an useful Omega SSR ain't that hard.

You sound like faggots.

Foxhound is recruiting! We aim for Tier A every GW and went 4-1 last GW. We're looking for one person to join us.

- Must use Discord
- Minimum rank 101
- Be active every GW

Our strike times are 7am and 11pm JST. If interested, contact 10398742 or just apply.



I'm stepping into Dark now.


>You will never make Apollonia smile
Feels awful

Should I uncap those six or is it better to use 6 level 30 of them?

>no Orchis in the main

That's a nice team.
Now you just need to luck roll Zoi next month.

>all these guilds recruiting
Are a bunch of people quitting?

Who the fuck is that slut

The most important thing are skill levels so they can boost your characters, the amount given from 0* to 3* doesn't change. The only gain made is in raw attack/HP stat. So yeah just use them at 0*.

This is assuming you're talking about SSRs. SRs are plentiful enough you can afford to uncap all of them.

>only 2 fists

Summer Gacha is nearly upon us. Hope you're prepared for fun in the sun and Bonito's sister coming to get revenge for the death of her brother.

I am ready.

>tfw you missread luck roll with fuck roll

Time to sleep i guess

My dark grid is also suffering.
Tfw was level 78 last RoB

It's very hot today

Poorfatg here: started almost a year ago and ready for my first spark.
I'm aiming to get S.Zoi but my grids are not to the top yet (just one tia gun and 2 cele claws).
Should i still spark her?
It's not like i don't like her aside for esport (wich i don't care that much in first place), i like little cute chocolates but still.
I'm starting to have some doubts...


>started almost a year ago
>one tia gun and 2 cele claws

Man, what are you doing? lol

You can always spark mahira if you really want to. Also there might be a summer character you like for this year.


All of the discords for Facebook/Proboards, GAF, Reddit, and Xiei.moe are public. If you search each channel for "gbfg", it comes up quite a lot and people often joke how people here are stupid, like we do about ourselves anyway. . It's the same with the Lum2 IRC channel. People act as if they're not a associated with /gbfg/ or Veeky Forums, but constantly refer to things said here. You see the same names appear across different communites too. Someone in Xiei's discord will probably also be in Reddits or even Lum2. The real joke is that these people act like they aren't a part of /gbfg/ when they have a name attached to what's being said, but they are the ones browsing this thread enough to joke about it and probably shitposting too

Like it or not, /gbfg/ is one of the central pillars of the western GBF community. The only place that doesn't really engage in cross-community shit talk is GBF.wiki's channel, they just seem happy with their own lot.

If you plan to steal mvp it's useless if you don't live in japan, even if you has good grid

she is still useful for solo content/ story tho

She's more than worth it.
I have 5 0* claws and 0 unknowns as you can see here and she can can carry my damage all the way to MVPing Apollo HL and Chev HL.

Shes the yoda for mid-late tier. So still worth the spark unless another broken character gets introduce aka Summer Medusa.


Niggas are so lazy that can't even put another slash in there, lmao.

Atelier has 2 open slots. We are aiming for world first clears of new content and consistently have all HL raids on farm status. In guild wars, simply superseeding is not enough. We consistently partake in 2 bil shitflings to ensure 4-1s at the least to safeguard our reputation.

If you need a guild, please send an application and schedule an interview in IRC. You will be asked to provide screenshots of all of your elemental pools as well as your character and summon boxes. 5* GW characters are not required but as long as you are making sufficient progress towards one we will take your word on good faith.

The acceptance process usually takes 1-2 days, but in light of the upcoming guild war we will leave acceptance up to the sole discretion of the guild leader.

Link: gbf.game.mbga.jp/#guild/detail/418206
Profile ID referrer: 6420935

GBF: Epic of Whatever when?

>We consistently partake in 2 bil shitflings to ensure 4-1s at the least to safeguard our reputation.
>new content
>not having something about providing bank details and income to prove you can spark at least once a month

>2 spots
more like 15

For real now, how have you started almost a year ago and are still at this level? What is your daily GBF schedule? Do you leech raids at all? Cap pendants every week? Clear your hards/magnas? How's your character/summon box?

There's something very fucked up if you only have those as a grid. I can get that in a day if I'm lucky, a week if I'm not.

Trade in gbf when? I want to be able to trade stuff with my guildies


Silver Centrum is a guaranteed drop for the host of a Grand Order raid, right?



This face sexually arouses me.

>Two open spots


>tfw still use IRC
You kids and your newfangled discords.
Get off my lawn.

RNG has been very cruel with me..




bullshit, youre either not trying or not a year. Whats your daily routine? `

Every time.

gee KMR, why does wind get TWO summons?

Its too bad NONE of them saved wind

Wind is the roach F2P element.

they probably realized setekh was so bad that wind effectively didn't have a bonito tier summon at all

There's poor RNG and there's not playing. In 11 months, you could have gotten 28 weapons from the pendant shop alone. That's not including double cap magnafests and giveaway weapons. If one Tiamat Gun counts as a 'pool' to you, so should the dagger, claw and sword given away by the anime.

Even if you play extremely casually, like I do, and only wanpan magnas two or three times a day to empty BP, you can stll get at least a weapon per month in pendants alone.

Is that cat okay?

What if every race is going to get a true Bonito? Water, Light and now Wind has one.

How often do pubbed Grand Order raids fail?

Only during magnafest.

Still mad I pulled that trash twice


I mean Element, I need sleep.

>roll everything i have during legfest for yugu
>don't get jackshit
>do some magna yugu
>get lots of shit
I still love you baby

no what if the next step was making race teams across elements more viable

>groan when I first pulled tezcat twice
>now considering seriously to sunstone him if I don't get thighsworn next legfest

I still want my thighs

I forgot to bring Dispel, please save me /gbfg/.


You sound cute. Post ID please.

Stop giving him ideas


>drew her the day she came out
>don't even play earth

Thanks. I guess I don't have to worry about pubbing my first.

>mfw i was literally just thinking about them MLBing the bonitos



>flb bonito

>Bonito FLB



Shut the FUCK up Selesia.

>We will relax the challenge conditions of specific multi battle and add new weapons.


Get back in your wheelchair slut.

>SSR buncle weapons
Oh boy

Every element (except wind who already has) will get another summon with special conditions.

Ougi damage cap break.

New weapons from SSR buncles.


Ult Baha and Omega weapon. Call from new main quest island.

New RQ weapons.

I hope they fix the character's titles instead of everyone being [skybound] soon.


Can't wait for gbfg to fail Ultimate Baha(Normal).

>New RQ Weapons
>Fire Bow
>Water Harp
>Wind Axe
>Earth Fist

Does this mean they'll nerf the battles? Too bad, they were the only somewhat challenging content in the game.

Fucking shit! Gets me every time.

>Bonitos FLB
>New weapons
>New abilities
>Arcanum remake soon
>Xeno Vohu made even EASIER
>Two Difficulties of Baha Ultimate

Holy shit, they're cranking out the content now, must have heard all the complaining.

>Every element (except wind who already has) will get another summon with special conditions.
Just give us shivas

After people start massively failing them, yeah

>In addition, "Omega weapon" is newly added to special weapon strengthening. This can be created by gathering treasure etc. that you can earn in the Ultimate Bahamut match.
>inb4 they add an atk up skill to colo katanas or guns and fire has to grind their grid all over again

Maybe then people shouldn't be shitters then.


is "limit bonus ability" mean 5 star?