/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

Origin Edition

>Links and Resources
pastebin.com/DSnHZ3EC (embed)

>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
pastebin.com/sCR1qRtB (embed)

>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
pastebin.com/qwVAhNkb (embed)

>Voting War Score Tally


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Is Celica a good unit?


No more Fates/Awakening/echoes characters when?

Is summer frederick as good a unit as he is an husbando?

why does this image exist

Yes. He's a shit unit and a shit husbando too.

Y-you did get her, right?
You didnt throw her into the trash right?

Post your infernal team
He is tanky, i've seen him tank bridelia, he then kills her on player phase

Is she good?


Why do people do the Hard mode? you just fill your barracks with clutter and you can still get the 3* from Hard when it rotates back later if you need it

yes, give her gronblade

>Cuervo jade

only in a horse team she's shit alone


Whats gonna be wednesday's GHB? Xander rerun?

Pic related

Ike carried me. I wish I had more excuses to use him but even though he's +Atk I haven't much reason to slot him into one of my regular teams.


Mae is cute

I'm so fucking happy, /feg/!

rate my roll

>gray orbs balance at 5*
>5 bows
>3 daggers
>IS thinks is a good ratio for grays

The same company that also thought a banner of fucking 8 fucking healers on a banner separated into two was also a great idea and would get them money.

Fucking idiots.

Good job friendo, I really want to roll for him but I need to save my orbs. How many orbs did you end up using?

>unironically posting in an early thread with shitposting OP
/feg/ please

Uh, my wife is not old okay?!?!? If you further imply that she is older than 25, i will consider that as slander and i will sue your ass in court.

if only fucking mods would do their jobs

>kill off Lancelot off-screen in season 2
>do a Camelot arc later
>turns out Lancelot survived
>have him in one episode and then he's completely forgotten and never mentioned again

The writers fucked him up so hard

only if she is bonus unit in TT

>niggers in medieval england

You can't make this shit up.

Congrats. Eldigan is great.

Colorless is actual shit and I regret having rolled for Faye

You can't sue for slander when the "slander" is fact.

Is Roy good or is he just a TA3 fodder?

Reddit please leave

Butthurt cockuralissamistcillaria fags BTFO

Shut up Boey

I hope you get him too
It took me three summons, from the same session though. I had been saving up after trying a few times about a week ago. So I got to 15 orbs a while ago and kinda felt like at least trying one summon. Three red orbs came up: Cain, Hinata, and on the last one I just tapped to summon and closed my eyes.

Fun fact. It is possible to sue for slander and win, even if the slander is 100 % true.

Don't mind if I do.

Well damn, all 3 of those rolls are incredible, good job user. I'm debating on whether or not I should use hin along Xander or not. What are his ivs?

The new banner is pretty shit lads.
Should I save my orbs?

He's ok if he's +spd

No one is mad that Tharjlise won. It was never a balanced competition. Nice projection btw Reddit.

Perfect. Mine is -hp +spd.

I have 2 Bride Caedas that I've leveled up during the weekend to take advantage of double SP. I'm planning on merging them since her bouquet isn't really that useful and atk/res is not something groundbreaking that needs to be inherited.

Now comes the hard part: One is +atk/-spd, the other one is +res/-def

Can the +atk be useful with that shit as fuck IV? I'm leaning towards using the +res one since sit might be useful for dueling other mages and she already has shit def, on the other hand she is speedy enough that a -spd bane doesn't seem to be affecting her that badly at 34 spd, one darting blow inherited and she'll be back to doubling most of the cast. What would you guys do?

Sure thing Reddit, hope you enjoyed your tardbonuses, go to sleep, the gauntlet is over, no need to wait for the 3 am bonus

Camilla is shit.

Here's your summer roll today, user.

Low energy reply. Sad!

Summer Roy leaked for Summer Banner 2

Use the +res and give her blarblade. Better capitalise on her strenghts (spd/res) and fix her attack with a blade tome than try to patch her noodle arms with a bane on her best stat.

I haven't played Echoes yet, answer me this, does it have good husbandos?


>not NuFE

>just noticed that I have a 3* +spd/-def nino
things are looking up boys

The only 40% bonus unit I have is 4* Booey. How do you make him good?

I can't see Earth Boost working at all in TT so I was thinking I'd just make him a Green M-Robin.

Weapon: Gronraven (don't have access to +)

Special: Bonfire

B: Quick Riposte
C: Whatever

Would that make him useable? Is it better than just giving him QR with his stupid Owl tome?

It's quite a lot of investment for a character I'll never use again...


Do it

I don't have LnD 3 for a bridedelia to quad with (I do have LnD 2, but fuck spending 20K feathers for +1 atk/spd) would she benefit from something else on the A slot instead? I don't have Swift Sparrow either so Darting Blow to make her quad, or Death Blow to make her hit harder are potential options.

>19 Total votes


>Tempest Trials on weekends

seems like the logical choice
>tharja will abuse your kids
>elise is literally 8 years old
>lucina might as well be a man
>camilla is built for breeding and will take good care of your kids

>no 40% bonus unit
>18 stam pots.

That seal (?) we can get better be worth it.

Camilla is also a basket case that need a few years in a psychologist chair user, don't let just your dick chose for you.

>no seal
>don't have to grind to 50k without bonus unit
make it happen

her mental illness is beneficial to her husband though

>acting like camilla was overwhelming voted #1 when it's only 1 more vote than Lucina
She's the most fuckable but also fucking insane. Marrying her is just asking to get murdered in your sleep randomly because she saw you talking to a maid or something.

>Have to do TT with 20% units
>New Alm+Celica stuff/challenges teased
>Chain Challenge and Squad Assault modes confirmed in new updare

Muh stamina...

I sure hope we get a shit ton more orbs out of this. I just spent like 80 orbs trying to get Eldigan.

Are those four shitters the only 40% bonus ones?

>Chain Challenge and Squad Assault modes confirmed in new update

Que? Could you elaborate, user?

She's pretty functional, actually. If you don't actively shit on her brothers or sisters you're probably fine. Especially as the husband. She's like a mob wife.

Reminder that the last time there was the same arena bonus units for more than 2 weeks, they specifically mentioned it on their twitter post. They didn't mention anything about next arena bonus units with the summer characters lasting more than the usual 2 weeks this time.





>There are people spending orbs now instead of saving for CYL

welcome to fuk


Where's the option to shit on her.

Good observation user. Maybe they're establishing a new trend of these event banners being a month long while they run a new banner alongside it?

I want a Triangle adept banner for my FemRobin Gronnraven build

Camilla is the type that would say "your son calls me mommy too"

CYL is going to be a bait banner for the second hero fest

>have two Fae, one is +res
>with fury and +1 Fae hits 37 res

this is going to be fun

We have at least a month to save anyways

>Saving orbs for a banner made up entirely of red swords and meme characters

I wonder why people are spending?

>Wake up and open Heroes to catch daily orbs
>SoV banner
>Mae's is now a focus unit
>just blew all my orbs trying to get summer Tiki

I got baited lads. I need to roll on this to try and get merges for my waifu,,,

>CYL versions probably won't be on a horse

I'm saving, but not for that trash.

*pokes with falchion*

you know what you have to do

Still sounds better than any of the nonsense now, desu. I already have Eldigan, so what's there to roll for.

Please respond

Go away Schlomo

Who should I 5 star?
>xander for horse memes
>Michalis or Cherche for my desperately lacking green units
>Roderick to give Firesweep Lance to someone
>lol colorless

time to pay up catposter

*unzips Gravidus*

Camilla is fucking insane though

Well, if you know you're not gonna use him after that, why sink so much SI into him? He's not bad as is. Select a team that can cover his weaknesses and roll with it?

>I already have Eldigan
Yeah, you do.

What about the people who don't you random internet chucklefuck? did you think of that?

Unless your Cherche is +Atk, go with Michalis.

You can also try and give Xander Hone Cav and give Olwen Fortify Cav

Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!