If it came down to it Veeky Forums

If it came down to it Veeky Forums

Would you be able to drive this in an emergency?

I drive it every day, why wouldn't I be able to drive it in an emergency.

of course, the left and middle pedals are for left and right brakes user

I actively work towards geting into emergencies wher I have to drive a manual

It'd be pretty cool if that was a thing

>initiate left brakes for a doriftu

I doubt it. I can't even manage manual in video games and there isn't even a clutch to worry about.

The left pedal is called Tokyo Drift.

You cant learn driving a clutch from a video game, its a certain move you have to get in your system by doing it a million times. If you can drive a manual flawlessly you are 1 with the machine you are driving and feel the cars every movement.

Cmon user, it's not that hard. I used to play manual + clutch on a keyboard.

You can't learn the clutch because there's no force feedback pedals, but everything else carries over to an extent if you play vidya with a wheel.

Obviously, never driven autotragic though.

you only really need to use the clutch for setting off, otherwise just change gears when it sounds right.

Is it just me or are we getting these everyday until you like it threads more and more often? And Veeky Forums is so filled with normies nowadays that only browse once or twice a week that they don't notice that they're troll threads so they always get replies. Does Veeky Forums even have mods anymore?

That's how older tractors work. It's an odd thing turning with a brake

some clutches are just awful though and give very little feedback - like more recent manual fords


sometimes there is decent discussion even in troll threads

>drive stick
>realize if I was having a heart attack or something, my passenger couldnt take over driving and get me to a hospital

in bongland most people learn to drive manuals

>tfw no friends to drive around with anyway

Go to /p/, never ending threads of
>Analaog vs digital (Also DSLR vs MILC)

Go to /g/ never ending threads of
>Linux vs Windows (Also Apple vs anything else)

Go to /oi/
>This shit.

Just to answer your question of course, around here if you get your licence in an automatic car you receive a limited licence,

Which part of your left foot sits on top of the clutch pedal the most, the ball or the heel?

Officially sick of these threads now.

Is it just me, or is the quality of content on Veeky Forums dropping by the day?

yes, i had a dad

Sure thing, my daily has MT

I would probably have a harder time with an auto. The last time i kept stomping into the floor to hit the nonexistant clutch.

If it came down to it Veeky Forums

Would you be able to drive this in an emergency?

I had a way easier time learning the manual on a bike than i did on a car. Using the clutch with my hand felt way more natural, although i feel like its harder to take off on a bike without stalling.

piece of a cake.

I started riding motorcycles way before cars. and my first, second, third and other cars were manual (except rented cars in US, it's fucking impossible to a get a manual there unless it's a viper)

Go on

I seriously dont get why you amerilards consider it such a fucking feat to drive a manual car?
I mean god dang it, here where I live 17yo girls with minds occupied with their next dicks can fucking drive manual cars, so what do you have to say for yourself?

Yes, I'm not a millennial

no because im lame

>clutch pedal
>brake pedal
>reverse pedal

If it came down to it Veeky Forums

would you be able to drive this in an emergency?

>I seriously dont get why you amerilards consider it such a fucking feat to drive a manual car?
They don't, its just faggots on Veeky Forums that come from many different countries. Project your jealousy somewhere else.

thats pretty dumb. Or just average american.
If you're having a heart attack, makes more sense the passenger call emergency while do CPR instead driving around

Don't worry it's totally different
You can feel the car getting upset when leave it in a high gear or when you hit the rev limiter

Only people with the brain of the size of a peanut, or worse, americans wouldn't be able to drive it

There is a point to be made that an automatic is better for traffic and using a car as an appliance. For performance and driving enjoyment however, a manual is always the better option. Excluding expensive supercars with dual clutches.

dedicated bong and aussie board

No :(

>most people
I think you meant to say "everyone who isn't a paraplegic".

Yeah, but it would take me some time to get used to.

Considering how fast it goes
I'd rather carry who eve's dying

Yes and Yes. I don't own any automatics. Aside from that scooter.

>owning only one vehicle
hah, I'll avoid the bus by any means


I'm assuming
>get the rear end out
>oh fuck an emergency
>emergency averted

is it even possible to get an automatic only license here? never thought about it desu

>If you can drive a manual flawlessly you are 1 with the machine
I live in a country where manual is the default and automatic is only an expensive optional, and literally my 88-years old grandma can drive manual flawlessly. You don't have to be a genius, it's just muscle memory

yea except it would be difficult with my half disabled left leg, I could manage tho.

Why didnt you get a scooter from a decent brand user?

Yes. If you take your test in an automatic, you get an automatic licence. Although i'm pretty sure there aren't even any instructors who have automatics in my area.

>drifting in a FWD shitbox

Oh, please.

>not the green demon

>drifting in a FWD shitbox on roads that are 90% dirt and gravel
Oh, yes.

>1.8 tubro Audi

Mein Negger

> its a certain move you have to get in your system by doing it a million times

It's really not hard at all, the clutch connects tranny to engine, be gentle in connecting the two with the clutch pedal, shift up in high rpms and down in low rpms by first disconnecting the clutch then reengaging once in the next gear... just explaining this takes up 30 seconds of the 2 minutes. Everyone can drive a manual, even I can and that's saying something

but what about when you want to spin your tires for ultimate driftu power

It's not like I bought a sportscar from a no-name brand, it's a scooter bro. It's cheap, reliable and looks nice. I bought it like 7 years ago and it's been serving well so far, currently have it in pieces because it needs a carb clean.


Bought a race wheel and shifter for forza.
Car wont outright stall but you get the idea and it gives you the feel to make your learning fast af

These type of threads have been popping up for years. They are never going away, this board is mostly pretty shit with some good things here and there.

Personally I can't leave just yet, Veeky Forums has been with me through so much shit in my life i can't just get up and leave.

Is this some sort of online database of your vehicles?

Visible to the public?

Yes, I don't have a disabled driving license.

I could, it wouldn't be a smooth ride but I could.

>Tfw practice on customers cars, don't want to go through the shame of asking a co-worker to pull a car in for me. I'm actually decent at putting around in a parking lot but I've never driven a stick shift on a road

Get Dirt Rally if you want to learn manual through video games. It's the only sim racing game i've encountered where the car actually stalls. Better yet just buy a manual car and spend ten minutes learning.

No, it's personal. It's just Trafi's registry, shows all the vehicles that are listed under your name when you log in. It's surprisingly handy despite the 1984-type vibe, it has all the basic information about your car, VIN, engine type, accessories, how it's registered, when it's due to an inspection, when the taxes are due, etc.

The government already knows which vehicles you own, having a place where you can see all the data of your vehicles is pretty handy.

Reliability is exactly why i would not get a scooter from Taiwan. Although i guess i shouldn't talk since my scooter is an Aprilia, which isnt exactly reliable either.

Yeah, exactly. I just get bad vibes from it because there have been times people in power have suggested that every car get's GPS-tracking so that they can tax you according to your driving.

Its an emergency, can you do it?

Let's hope the cargo is light, pray to the tork gods and gun it.

How does that work?
Is it like, instead of one gear on top and one on bottom (like a standard shift pattern), you have two on top and two on bottom?

That looks like it works like a bicycle, in that you have 1-X on one side, and another lever that doubles whatever's on the other. Simple enough. It's just a really complex range selector.

shouldnt the rival car be the yellow car?

My daily driver is a manual.

Its your standard shift pattern but doubled. You go through it once, put range selector in high, do it all again

damn dude nice

I could but it would take some getting used to. I have never driven a motorcycle, but I have driven 4wheelers with a hand clutch, just not for a long ass time.

probably not, autos better anyway

i drive