Other urls found in this thread:
>Non-glitchess runs
May as well watch TAS
>he has a favorite controller
berkele xD
*only plays 10% of the game because i keep fucking up*
*passes it off as "practice"*
what's the best gdq meme of all time?
it might just be greetings from germany
>first time detonator
Simplee Yashi
Who or what are bits?
first time detonator
donations except twitch take a cut by making you buy their currency
HOw fucking long can it take to switch the game
when you're cool_fatty, taking the disc out of a PS1 is a daunting task
No idea but at least we're not being forced to listen to an interview.
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
The streamer gets more of a cut but it costs the person donating more.
The interviews need to tighten up, either have something planned or at least outlined or just keep reading donations.
streamer gets all of it when you use anything other than bits but then I guess you don't get to fag up chat like an attention whore trying to impress substitute friends
any good memes yet? been at work
can someone explain to me why Jymotion deleted everything on his twitter
Did he quit speedrunning or did he get evicted
They are basically Chaturbate Tokens. You buy them directly from Twitch and they then pay the streamers 1ct per Bit they get gifted.
Basically donations except instead of Paypal taking a small cut Twitch takes quite a big one. Only positive for the streamer is that assholes can't refund Bits like they do with Paypal donations, they see less from the actual money the viewers put in than with actual donations.
>Relying on Artificial Excitement
>Every few months Le Epic New Strats bring fake excitement to games
fuck off
Became born-again and moved onto the next chapter of his life, it is mentioned on his youtube channel.
You don't have to watch it if you don't like it, user.
Religiously or sexually
This fatty fat is too soft spoken
spyro is ez
Not as a speedrun.
I couldn't imagine wearing cargo shorts at a social event like this
Why? Ashamed of your legs?
that doesn't explain anything but i liked him and will assume he got a real job or something
are they not sponsored by something artistic anymore?
where am i supposed to get my evently something autistic jokes?
Cargo shorts are practical
Cargo shorts are perfect for staying at a hotel away from home. They keep you cool, and you can carry a bunch of shit in your pockets.
The alternative is a a fanny pack or even larger type of bag.
[distant bird laughter heard even higher above it all]
You really don't need to be carrying anything around other than your wallet and also it's an air conditioned hotel this shit is just excuses
Man, Twich Prime sure is nice to have, I recommend you get it if you haven't already :^)
Air conditioning can only do so much in a room full of sweaty nerds on HRT
You suck.
It's way better than Crash at least.
>Needing excuses to go full nu-metal
I bet you don't even wear black band t-shirts
I actually don't, they always make me get way too hot in sunny weather
n i c e
>Bullshit 3D glitches & out-of-bounds movement
This is the shit I watch for
spyro fags are degenerates
common trait with sony runners, lot of furry avatars in that community
Goddamn Playstation OCs
PS1 Spyro games are legit good speedgames irrespective of the surface level bullshit.
so how is mike's mono nowadays
word. YOTD is definitely the weakest of the 3, though.
He doesn't have mono, it was a misdiagnosis. Turns out his thyroid is turbo fucked or something.
There's nothing degenerate about wanting to suck a cute purple dragon's cock~
Do these runners or announcers get paid for their time/travel?
>I'm not fat!! I have thyroid issues
nice try mike
can't wait for super monkey ball and tetris
rate my taste
Even when I was a kid I noticed that the worlds and stages felt less consistent in their themes compared to the other two games, the first game especially. I really preferred the straightforward gameplay and loneliness of the first game.
No. They're volunteers. When they choose to volunteer, they know what they're getting themselves into.
The first one has by far the most depth in its movement mechanics, at least in the context of a speedrun. The top two runners are mindbogglingly good.
Damn they have a good racket going on here then
wait a second, there's more to ape escape than just the first 10% of the game?
ook ook eek
>runs that rely on glitches rather than skill
It's shit.
>it's a twitch chat gets BTFO episode
>he thinks glitches don't require skill
>he thinks runners who run categories with glitches still couldn't beat you in a race without glitches.
>thicc jungle instaban
>TriHard monkey/escape instaban
toppest of kekeroonis
bug abuser detected
Time for OC
you know this racebaiting and geopolitics shit has jumped the shark when twitch chat are doing it
racist much?
>implying Twitch chat doesn't have the spiciest memes
The runners want to go to for all the other parts of the convention. Almost none of them care about the stream and almost all of them leave the stream room immediately after their run and never go back.
The stream is the most vapid and boring part of GDQs and only stream monster retards actually give a damn about it.
Fixed that weird bit
It is highly racist against robots
twitch chat is literally the meme graveyard
>yet another """run""" that heavily relies on gamebreaking bug abuse
ugh... yawn.
speedrunners go there in droves. there are scores more speedrunners off stream than there are on stream. all the actual fun shit happens in the tournament rooms. and hotel room parties, etc.
why doesn't squid run this game?
Their use of "we wuz kangz" thoroughly disproves that, retard.
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.
TriHard TRIHARD TriHard IS TriHard AN TriHard EMOTE TriHard OF TriHard PEACE TriHard
>nigger escape
holy amazeballs who came up with this term?
literally loling my ass off xD
I think you're missing the point there buddy
Oh, you were being ironic. Hard to tell over text.
lol twitch mods banning more and more words to combat the TriHard memes
it's brigaded by /v/ right now
what do you expect
besides you're just mad that it's not your shitty memes being forced
lol that's epic for the win haha niggers
This is very problematic. Please delete your posts.
lmao he said niggers
that is hella friggin ep*c
the underwater controls are so fucking awful.
where's caveman
Stop hating black people you disgusting faggots.
why is the thread full of you retards? Are bleeding heart redditors in these threads now? Is it just ironic trolling? What is going on?
He has in the past. Do you even obsess?
Get out, /pol/.