H-Hewwoooo /ow/ ^.^

H-Hewwoooo /ow/ ^.^

cwan i dwiwe youw cwar? oWo

Other urls found in this thread:


>no fuck off

Look, I know he may be a furfag, but he's absolutely nothing like this.

Also, why are you all so infatuated by this furry boogeyman? He does a great job making one of a kind comedy videos which involves cars. No one else (but Brain Cooley) can top this guy.

if your definition of comedy is fart jokes and obnoxious references no one understands then sure

I get his references :(

Because the more mental diseases that get normalized, the further down the path to hell out society is

Wait he's a furry

>This is the car you ___ drives
>This car is like _____
>fart joke

To be fair, you need at least 200 IQ to understand Regular Car Reviews. Without a rock solid understanding of English literature and 20th century history, 90% of the jokes would just go over your head.

Not my kind of taste for comedy, but someone out there gets a kick out of those.

>implying Veeky Forums humor is any funnier or has even a hint of wit


I'm a dummy and I find his historical references both heartwarming and funny

You're one of the few of us, then. *tips fedora*

he literally fucks dogs

I have never heard this before and I would actually like some proof

just look at him

dog fucker is written all over his face

"Hey can I have proof"
No just LOOK AT HIM he fucks dogs

What did he mean by this?

The goose man is a better car autist



I don't know why you're so upset

>Which __ is best __
>*le epic funneh engine mouth noises*

His body is ready for the BAD DRAGON

You're a total brainlet who didn't pay attention in high school if you don't get most of his references

>Ask for proof that he's a furry
>Get jack shit
>"You're so mad bro lol"

dude just look at him

This isn't proof though, it could be anybody's shitty oc

It's literally from his old site's index.


t. PA resident

Leafy-tier tbqh senpai desu

protip: curriculums aren't the same all over the world

I like rcr because he talks about the quirks of cars and the tiny little problems about the car that any normie wouldn't notice.

>he talks about the quirks

I just want to hit him I'm the face with a 2x4, is that too much to ask?

Yeah but doug does a shitty job of narrating.

Doug my ngga

Why would you hit him? He is such a cutie desu senpai.

Yeah he's cute desu

There's tons more hate threads than fan threads, I don't understand if this board is obsessed with him for some reason or it's just a few autists spamming non-stop. If you don't like him just don't watch. There's other car channels.

If you're a the old disgusting witch from Snow White maybe, he's ugly as sin and his face is shaped like a speed bag

Veeky Forums never forgave him for asking for money to buy a new car.

KutzTravels was his old youtube channel name.

Fuck off Brian, furfags like yourself should be genocided

t. kutztown dragon himself

I did not know this. His videos are still good though

Wasn't that SubaruWRXFan?

They both did it, RCR crashed his Echo and set up a kickstarter to fund a new one. Veeky Forums started screaming JEEEEEEEWWWWWSSSSS and reddit gave him like $8000

No, he's always been a faggot to Veeky Forums

>reddit gave him like $8000
reddit keeps on proving it's the anus of the internet.

the only subs I frequent is /r/watchpeopledie and gaming-centric ones anyways.

>he says on a website that used to have a lolicon board and has daily loli threads

no user

YOU are the degenerates

>Outs self as redditorio

>reddit keeps on proving it's the anus of the internet.
What's weird is Veeky Forums never talks about the episode of RCR that was written by redditors and is literally jsut twenty minutes of tired stereotypes and memes.