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STELLARIS > Pastebin: pastebin.com/YHdisqem > WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1: pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh > Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5: www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/ > Wiki: www.stellariswiki.com > The Development of Stellaris www.gamasutra.com/view/news/274018/Postmortem_Paradox_Development_Studios_Stellaris.php > Steam group steamcommunity.com/groups/vgstellaris
You're more pathetic than the mod spammer. Kill yourself.
Brody Murphy
Hi mod spammer.
Robert Miller
Don't bully spiderbro
Gabriel Bailey
I don't know what's going on but I'm taking the OP's side because you sound like you're twelve.
Jacob Perez
OP here. I just added the tags that another OP removed.
It's a REAL community request.
Cooper Martin
You made it early. Go back to /indie/ or kill yourself
Eli Collins
>mfw the pirate beggar made his own thread to keep spamming requests while pretending to be someone else Is there a limit to how pathetic can someone get?
Thomas Powell
At least this one doesn't have the modspam in the OP
Someone did last time, it's not going to stop him.
Jaxson King
Fuck off, spammer.
Ayden Green
I can't, because I'm on a phone. I would if I could.
No, it did stop him.
James Ortiz
Yeah, we all see how well you were stopped, spammer. And yet you're back again.
Isaiah Perez
It didn't, he immediately started asking for the current mod he's begging for.
Leo Lewis
How about /civ4xg/ buys him the game? It would shut him up.
Why do you lie?
Jaxon Russell
I second this.
Jaxson Stewart
Dominic Gray
Carter Gutierrez
You're pathetic, EBR.
Bentley Rivera
Did you bring the moddo with u?
samefag liar
Wyatt White
>How about /civ4xg/ buys him the game? How about you fucking buy it yourself instead of spamming for civ4xg to buy it for you?
Juan Lee
Ok, gift then.
Blake Brooks
To the mods : there's a brazillian spammer who's samefagging requests for someone to upload him a mod. Can you ban him?
Jaxon Perez
We have our very own case of coffin henry
Michael Bailey
Sure, just tell us your steam account
Jackson Phillips
I don't give a fuck about stellaris and I could care less about your stupid drama. Just give him the mod so we can all move on already.
Carter Butler
>first good OP in ages >made by the spiderman >and ruined by EBRBR
William Barnes
>good OP >early OP pick one
Adrian Williams
avatarfag over modspammer, it's the lesser of two evils
Zachary Baker
>I could care less So you care a lot, okay.
Gotcha, beggar.
>early thread >last thread has 754 posts Are you dense?
Tyler Green
I can't beleive that spideranon is the only person around here who can be arsed to make a proper OP.
Cameron Rogers
last three ops were perfect though clean, on topic, related images
Cameron Gray
Tags were deliberately removed
Henry Sanchez
He made it at 744 posts. You're the dense one. Then again, the OP that was made at the correct time was the mod spammer. We're fucked either way.
Jeremiah Thompson
He made that one several posts early too
Angel Phillips
Jeremiah Davis
>>early thread >>last thread has 754 posts >Are you dense? It has 754 posts as of the latest post in the thread you moron.
13 posts before that this was linked, so it was early.
we're not gsg we can do better
Ethan Bell
Samuel Rodriguez
>we're not gsg we can do better We clearly can't. We had a choice between an ebeggar and a spider this time, and previous 3 OP were so obsessed with pushing their view of the general on everyone here they started a shit flinging contest over 10 symbols.
Jacob Cooper
How the hell do you play Vodyani if you get unlucky trying to find someone to succ?
James Mitchell
Blame the Stellaris kids. /civ4xg/ was kept alive by RTS and city-builders after they abandonned it, and now that Stellaris is trendy again, they're trying to reclaim a general that they all left months ago. That's ungrateful, and I won't stand it.
You'll see that as soon as Stellaris dies again, they'll all leave, and we'll have to talk about SupCom and Cities Skylines again to stay desperately alive.
Jaxon Walker
Aiden Wilson
oh fuck you spider, you're a needy avatarfag that started spamming rts in a thread that you had no business posting it since you don't even play 4x games
Justin Martin
If only 4x games could reasonably support waifus, then we'd be able to replicate the countless generals that should have died years ago but are kept alive by the unholy power of waifus
Jaxson Thomas
Rage of the newfags.
Colton Jones
That's not a good existence to have.
Xavier Collins
>realise waifus let a thread stay alive longer >must be a newfag Hmmm
Did anyone play Battleforge back in the day? A couple folks seem to be going the way of project revive for it.
Adam Gonzalez
Oh no, fuck you. Stop with that Horatio sauce meme.
If it makes it to the football team, I'll pop a nerve.
Henry Howard
What's Battleforge?
Blake Garcia
You're the one making it relevant. Keep going and Horatio will be our main striker.
Brody Butler
I'm going to war against Horatio if that happens.
Once I find how to mod Kumo in the game. Already I failed to add the spider to Stellaris.
Cooper Wilson
You could keep shoehorning an autistic spider anime into a 4x thread, that's much more pathetic.
Jackson Howard
So how do I git gud at Tropico?
David Stewart
which one
I've only played 4, it's braindead easy to me
Asher Ross
Reminder, Civ4XG is a proud and noble general, it does not negotiate with spammers!
Luis Hughes
>If only 4x games could reasonably support waifus
Dominic Cooper
I find "exterminate" offensive. Couldn't we replace it with something nicer? Like "exciting"?
Nathaniel Hill
Sorry but edgelords are a major turnoff.
William Lopez
Alexander Brown
I agree wholeheartedly. We are a progressive general of peace of enlightment. It is only fitting that henceforth we shall be known as >Envision >Explore >Expand >Enrich
Jordan Wood
Not enough to waifu off.
Zachary Turner
>>If only 4x games could reasonably support waifus
Brayden Morgan
How did you fail to add it to Stellaris? It's so easy to use custom portraits , all you have to do is make him that annoying fanatic befriender AI type and call it a day.
Thomas Howard
She is the most waifuable. Not that it matters to you guys. This king is claimed.
Kayden Thompson
>green Into the trash.
John Rivera
>tfw best waifu the queen is either a giant obelisk in the center of a glorious city or is stuck inside the giant obelisk in the center of a glorious city >instead we're stuck with lame space-people, lizard nerds, and bdsm freaks
William Hughes
Lizard nerds are true patricians.
Jacob Russell
Grayson Anderson
>yfw you realize the drakken leader is a female
Justin Kelly
Thomas Brown
She still has a long, stiff staff.
Nathaniel Davis
The second one?
Does that also applies to the second one, or just the third/fourth ones?
Couldn't export to .DLL, got a blank file.
Cooper Scott
Terribad RTS EA made, you would use a deck to spawn units and buildings and use spells for pvp or pve.
Levi Gutierrez
>deck >RTS I'm trying to imagine a mix between Hearthstone and Supreme Commander.
So I say : "What?"
Hunter Smith
How terrible is Supreme Commander 2?
Samuel Brown
>only enjoy playing UE in ES2 Help
Adam Scott
It's kinda unique I can't really describe it well, you would unlock units/buildings/spells as part of a f2p model as cards. These could be summoned/used using mana with the required amount of orbs of a certain element: shadow, nature, ice and fire.
Each card would have it's uses ie being able to paralyse or heal units.
Nature would have crowd control and healing generally, Fire would be raw damage, ice was for turtling and shadow was sacrificial for extra stuff like double damage at the expensive of that unit's life after x seconds. Shredding units for extra mana and so on.
I'm struggling to find a video that isn't absolute cancer to watch.
Nathan Foster
I started conquering Craver systems in ES2 and they're all full of shitty cravers that eat up planets, how do I get rid of them?
Jack Russell
You wait for Planet Crackers before attacking Craver systems
Brandon Allen
That reminds me of Age of Empires 3.
It's not a good thing.
Jose Green
I never said it was good.
Mind you, AOE 3 isn't a bad game, it's just not a good AOE game.
Kayden Rogers
>AOE 3 isn't a bad game No, even without the legacy, it's not good. The maps are too small, the heroes are too limited, the card system is unbalanced, and the armies are too easy built.
Nathan Walker
Up to you really. I vaguely remember having fun with it with my shitty taste.
Jonathan Hughes
It's a limited amount of fun, really.
Ethan Turner
abandon the system
it's pretty worthless anyways if it's depleted already