/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 3rd of July:
324 – Battle of Adrianople: Constantine I defeats Licinius, who flees to Byzantium.
987 – Hugh Capet is crowned King of France, the first of the Capetian dynasty that would rule France until the French Revolution in 1792.
1035 – William the Conqueror becomes the Duke of Normandy, reigns until 1087.
1849 – The French enter Rome in order to restore Pope Pius IX to power. This would prove a major obstacle to Italian unification.

CK2 DD 55 - Nurture vs Nuisance

EU4 DD 20/06

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 02/06/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:




white men

Is there a way to outlaw slavery as the confederacy in vicky 2? These slave niggers are wrecking my economy.

What are you playing?


Yes there is.
Like any other country.

What mod


How do you get that in KR?

>that horrendous map

>Kaiserreich makes Hoi4 somewhat playable and fun
>it keeps crashing
>its wholly unfinished
>no submods
>Germany and Austria get basic bitch tress

You fucked up the OP. That isn't the old thread, someone should make a proper thread.

>it keeps crashing
my Poland-Lithuania campaign is CTDing everytime in October 1939

probably some broken event but who knows

For some reason the "the slavery debate" is permanently present in my confederacy, so I cant reform.

A Game Of Thrones for CK2. Great Sickness is Black Death.

I'm also using Westeros only for performance purposes.

I don't think KR for HoI4 fixes the game at all.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>creates a duplicate thread
>encourage thread wars
>gets your thread delete
>you and your group start raiding the thread
is great sickness canon?

What the fuck is up with Vicky 2? Every time it crashes (like just now as I was trying to start Napoleon's Legacy), it doesn't crash like normal programs do, it just gives me a black screen and I can't do anything about it. No ALT-FT, no CTRL-ALT-DEL, nothing.

Who coded this shit? Some evil, deranged leper in some Gotlandish cave?

Why is tea so based lads?

It makes it a little bit better and drowns out some of the pain with alt-hist feels.

Yeah, though mine started up 150 or so years earlier than it did in proper lore.

Then again, Aegon also conquered Westeros 60 years ago in canon but he got his ass murdered in this run.

Forgot to ask. Is Venice user still ITT? I want to see how your game is going my friend.

just wait for Victoria III

any rgo that can't be put in factories is an rgo not worth having

How does it make it better?

Don't say such things to me, user. You and I both know that it'll be shit.

r8 my future puppet

>no Yucatan

would also like to know this

I asked last thread, but this is still an issue. How do I make AI Britain surrender in KR for DH? My AI allies are too retarded to do a naval landing and Turkey is not exactly the kind of nation capable of singlehandedly taking over England. I'm seriously considering modding in an event where if England, Japan, or Ireland are nuked, they instantly surrender if they don't also have nukes. (Would it be possible to instead make it just apply to any nation that doesn't have nukes? I don't know much about modding.)

I bet the Wildlings are regretting conquering the North now.

Of course the plague's hit every province in the world now except Lonely Light and Norcross (it's died out there.)

bumping to see if Venice user has made it to India across land yet and to see if every Ottoman province is now gone

Enrico Dandalo

pic related Armenia I think


how would a plague even spread in such a sparsely populated place as the shit beyond the wall

This perpetual civil war probably would do it.

bump for EU4 screenshots especially Venice

sorry forgot image

What's the best KR faction and why is it Italy?
>4 flavors of deus vult + monachy route
>lotsasteel and alluminum
>carlist broship
>delicious italian tech with none of the drawbacks
>get to cleanse italy of syndicalists and support Entent
Too bad KR crashes in 39 now.

They had a +5 attack general to my +3 defense. I don't even have gas attack yet

>Threads made with infopic have lots of shit posting and eu4 screenshots
>Threads made with historical picture have good posts and no eu4 screenshots
Made me think

how into modern Crusader Kings II?
>border gore
>the de jure system is literally broken expanding the border gore after first 100 years
>no peace conferences (you only take what you claimed which is historically incorrect)
>Karlingblob is undestructible
>even more border gore

I don't feel like king at all - everything I do is either limited by game engine or earns infamy & negative vassal opinion

I don't remember having fun in CKII since Rajas of India



>Paradox removes content because more combinations makes it harder to bug test
>Over 2000 different combinations of DLC


Remove those red cancer growths and give it Yucatan for a perfect score

I don't think it's a conquering clay sort of game. If you start the game up you will get a quick screen telling you what the objective is.

you mean CKII+ or something else?

Nice. I like it. You're going to puppet Mexico too, right?
There's your problem, don't play on starts with Karlings.
Also, this should help with the worst of your bordergore

try them all and see which you like the most, or make your own

>There's your problem, don't play on starts with Karlings.
I would kill for a mod making Charlemagne and Old Gods starts go historically correct through events and forcing AI to do historical stuff

Sounds like a fun game. Maybe you should just sell a map of Europe along with printed out wikipedia pages on what actually happened. You might be on to something.

Yeah, those should be the final FRCA borders(Yucatan joins through event, and since they already own part of Chiapas the AI is more likely to add an wargoal to complete that state)
I'm still debating whether I should keep the Panama canal or give it to them after it's finished.

Keep it.

Partial Mosley or Maximum Mosley?

Why the fuck is there so much shittery involving new threads?

I'm an oldfag who's been away for a while, I don't get what's going on.

Pretty sure that's someone custom work. I think I saw it on the forums. German Empire can't really go NatPop. Not an AAR, but someone's something.

Hold on to it so that you can return it to them in the 1970s when it's no longer strategically necessary

fuck off newfag

This shouldn't be

Maximum Mosley

Direct rule from Mosley

This is my first time making a navy, I used an anons guide but it's still my first time.

Is it any good? Will it defeat the UoB? These are all new ships.

Actually, hang on. The Mosley - Blair (George Orwell) double-team is real. Go for that.

I don't know.
I just spam subs and make lucky landings.

Is army management supposed to be hellish in DH?

its suck a slow clusterfuck trying to organize shit as japan in kaiserreich

>not linking the old thread
Are You fucking retarded?

Its too late, Full Mosley ahead.

Carriers are OP so you are good, the only thing you need to look out for is that in snow your detection is shit so an all battleship fleet can get the drop on you. You have some modern BB's so it should be okay.

Also Marines are god tier at amphibious assaults.

*takes suggestions*

Non-shit trade nodes in EU4 when

Update from yesterday:
It's now 1960, the USSR surrendered, but to Japan and not Britain. The USA managed to have most of their troops escape to Vladivostok and are regrouping there.
Everyone is running out of manpower except Japan.
The US is down from 500 divisions at their peak to 350, Britain from 1000+ to just 400
Japan actually benefited from being trapped in their home islands for 5+ years, and are actually up from 250 divisions to 300

I can see an end to the war at this point, it's going to come down to who runs out of people to draft. The Allies are winning for now but they'll soon run out of people, especially since they now have to garrison the USSR to prevent revolts.

Jesus Christ man, that is way too many carriers. Are you the same lad from the other day? Remember, TWO CARRIERS, with two light carriers. Where are escort carriers? No Heavy Cruisers too? This fleet is not only gonna be slow as shit, but has shit detection. And where the fuck are your attachments?!? At 1940, ALL your capital ships should have ALL attachments possible, and in good configuration.

Look user, I don't want to be mean, but this isn't hard at all. What are you doing?

If you take Blair with Mosley, Blair eventually coups Mosley after the second weltkreig I believe.

Genoa and Venice

lad you have bigger things to worry about than a navy.

>max hawk

I mean the trade node system as a whole is fucking dumb

>Can't destroy CoTs

I think I understand trade now. Basically I want to dominant every trade company so I get shitloads of merchants, then I want to transfer trade in each node I control down into my capital?


If you don't have a merchant in a node, it will always automatically pull toward your home node. Use merchants (backed up with ships) in nodes where you have little control.

Once you have all the trade companies you'll have too many merchants.

Sup, reman?

>feel like playing some EU4
>Remember le balanced for MP design decisions

shit game


>The Polish–Lithuanian–Muscovite Commonwealth was a proposed state that would have been based on a personal union between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia. A number of serious attempts, by various means, to create such a union took place between 1574 and 1658, and even as late as the latter part of the 18th century, but it has never materialized due to incompatible demands from both sides.

Wew, it took decades and in a province that only had like 6k pops to begin with, but we finally have our first majority European African provinces

Can anyone reupload this for pedophiles?

That's a Plurality, or is the other 20%ish Flemish?

France, Germany, Spain, the British Isles, Russia, America and the middle east are all Commie.

We're currently kicking islamic gobbunism out of Algeria. I wonder if Nippon can come help us out?

And if anyone is curious, no, the North hasn't gotten any better.


hey does anyone here have the blank HPM map with all the ocean filled in? thanks in advance

>Beyond the Wall
>it's on both sides of the wall

please respond

pretty based

>you will never take a qt aztec for gf and convert her away from savagery

Hi, I have recently purchased Hearts of Iron 3, along with all of its DLC because Ive been told its a better game than Hoi4. However I am at a loss with most of the game's mechanics (thanks to the simplicity of Hoi4). Any tips?

If you bought through steam, get a refund and pirate it all instead.

For tips, play a medium power for your first game, to get a feel for the order of battle, creating divisions, assigning commanders and then start a small scale war to practice commanding.


look up some guides and tutorials on YT, that will get you much more info than anything we can give

And in the end it happened anyway, as Russia took 90% of the Polack land.