Hi I was just wondering if you guys can help me, I'm looking into importing a GST25T into New Zealand but there seems to be quite a few variants like the Type G, Type M, Type M Spec I and Spec II. Hopefully you guys can help me make sense of them all. Would also appreciate any other related advice or knowledge you might have on the car. Thanks!
Skyline GTS25T Variants
>Basically all R33 GTS25T's are Type M. Type M designated a OEM sports pack which included a leather trimed steering wheel, bigger brakes and a few other items, but not the LSD. All R33 GTS25T's left the factory with the Type M trim level though, so the distinction is academic and should not carry any price premium.
I know you can't be bothered to Google because you posted this on /r/skyline as well but at least try.
Yea i googled and found out about the type m's but not the spec I or II or the type G. Posted on here after no one on /r/skyline helped me
Type G is GTS25, no turbo. Spec I/II is probably trim or refresh model.
You sure? cos its still titled GTS25T
Spec 1 and 2 distinguish face-lift
I'm pretty sure. I'd bet that they retrofitted a turbo to a GTS25 if they list it as a type G.
If you're after something that really looks nice, the GTS25t 40th anniversary with GTR bumper option is the way to go.
Yea i agree, i just dont know where i would find one though.
Oh, also, do you guys think its worth getting a R32 gtst with a rb20 instead of the R33 gtst with the rb25. For the wheat reduction and looks ect.
weight** oh my haha, i cracked up reading over that.
>unironically admitting to being a leddit faggot
If you're after just reasonable amounts of power, no more than about 300 to the wheels the RB20 is sufficient. Any more than that and you should go for an RB25.
The R32 GTS-T is a fun car. Noriyaro uses one as his drift missile. If you want enough for it to be quick then that's the way to go. Just make sure you have something else for daily use.
wow it's almost like people want to see something other than alphonse shitposts.
Why cant you daily it?
I mean you can, just be prepared to hope for death if you get into a car accident. These are not modern cars, they aren't designed to handle ramming into your average crossover with a bored teen texting at the wheel.
There are no airbags, the safety cell is weak, the roof will collapse like cardboard and you will eat the steering wheel with your face and the A-pillar with your skull.
On top of this, you're talking about a car that's 25 years old. There's a lot of shit you're going to have to fix/replace all the time unless you can commit to a full overhaul/rebuild of the chassis before you drive it. The list of shit that can go wrong goes on and on.
People bought these cars, especially in AUS/NZ to skid them with little regard to preservation. A lot of them have been wrapped around trees. Pretty much all of them were ridden hard and put away wet. If you're unlucky you will be sitting on a time bomb of an engine that will need rebuild.
A daily driver is something that is meant to get you around safely. Fun is just a nice extra. If you want a daily, get the V35 or V37 Skylines instead. If you're getting a GTS-T they will be comparable in performance and way more practical considering they haven't been beaten on for 25 years.
Id rather not be a homo with an infiniti, are the r33s safer?
Yeah, they're getting there. Chassis isn't as stiff as modern cars but you have airbags.
Again, if you want a daily driver really reconsider buying something this old. It's not like the R32/R33/R34 are unsafe like the era of 50s/60s/70s shitboxes, but it's rather that modern cars weigh two tons and have far better crash protection.
I personally drive a 2000 LS400 and that's as old as I'm willing to drive as a daily driver. It was highly rated for its time and added side curtain airbags as well.
The number of retards I see driving on the road is high. I keep my distance but I see driving errors nonstop.
I would still advise against driving an R33 daily unless you have a backup car. Don't be another bogan driving a shit-tier GTS25t with faded headlights and a fucked front bumper.
yea well im not too concerned with other drivers making mistakes, i live in a pretty rural area so the roads are really quiet
Are you willing to put a few thousand NZD right away into maintenance? Can you drop the engine and replace all the major accessories yourself? Stuff like fuel injectors, coilpacks, timing belt and associated pulleys, cam angle sensor, water pump, turbos, seals, gaskets, fuel pump, fuel lines, fuel filter, idle air control, O2 sensors, coolant temperature sensors, spark plugs, coolant hoses, vacuum lines, engine mounts, HICAS rebuild, suspension, brakes, etc. Here's a good example of what I'm talking about: thegarage.jalopnik.com
I feel like every week someone has the "bright idea" of driving a 90s Japanese sports car as a daily. You're not the first, you're not the last. They are a lot of work if you want them to be truly reliable. Like a 300ZX, these things will be a pain in the ass unless you do a lot of work to make them reliable.
probly being a bit over the top there bro, my safari is 27 years old, done 400,000ks engine and drivetrain is mint, only thing iv needed to do is a swivel hub/kingpins and a coolant flush. old cars go sweet as if you dont get one thats been utterly raped
Sure, but were you there for those 400,000ks? That's what really makes the difference. Most of these R33s are skidded to death by bogans that had the same idea as OP.
The only reason why I don't do something similar on my LS400 is because I was there for the past 16 of its 17 years. I know what maintenance has and hasn't been done.
I'm planning on getting an R33, but I have no illusions about it. I'm planning on doing a bare frame restoration to ensure that it will last.
Daily drove a z32 300zx for 2.5 years straight. Literally no issues outside of a blown o2 sensor due to shitty aftermarket mufflers. Once that was replaced i had no further issues that would require "thousands of NZD right away" how about not being a retard and wait/shop around for a clean example?
If you have to post on Veeky Forums to ask about what the differences are between three models that takes maybe five minutes of Google I don't have a lot of faith that you'll be able to find a clean example where the owner did appropriate maintenance.
gtst is one below the GTR in your case its the on fitted wth the 2.5 engine not the 2.6 fitted to the GTR.
robbie ward runs R.I.P.S. (roto-vegas import performance shop) what he doesnt know about the skyline isnt worth knowing.
True, but just because you arent aware of the differences between model variants doenst mean youre incapable of finding a clean example. Maybe he just isnt versed in the skyline range? Before i bought my 300zx i couldnt tell you the autistic differences between the 90-94 models etc 94-00 so on and so forth but that didnt impair me from finding a mechanically sound example. Props for the blunt approach though, skylines here in nz need to be carefully examined since they are skid hacks abused by kids. But theres clean examples if youre patient enough, no need to frighten the kid into thinking they are all rusted to shit death traps.
The ones im looking at importing are in pretty good condition, im not gonna buy one locally thats been launched and by some poly.
Don't be so sure, lots of them were ridden hard in Japan as well. Get a proper inspection before it gets put on a boat.
>wheat reduction
Only if you have a gluten allergy