what's the most entertaining mighty car mods series to watch?
What's the most entertaining mighty car mods series to watch?
The early shit. It kind of got less interesting as time went by.
I legitimately enjoy the Civic build. No real production to speak of, just two guys doing dumb shit to a shitbox in a driveway. It's Veeky Forums incarnate.
God i wish they would fire that moog faggot, makes it completely unwatchable
Which one is moog?
Moog is such a big part of the show (note im not saying he isnt a fag) - i think it wouldnt do so well without his personality in there.
Maybe he makes you feel insecure about your beta status?
The jew
None, two ugly and annoying manchilds ruining cars.
>not knowing about moog's meltdown on Veeky Forums
lurk moar
quick rundown plz
>beta status
jej, if moog is considered an alpha then i'd choose beta anyday
his knowledge in mechanicals is slim to none, his faggot music doesn't suit the clapped out jap shitboxes they work on and his constant interruptions of marty to explain shit in an oberly basic way is infuriating, i know the majority of MCM fans are 17yos but its just too much.
show would be infinitely better without him
You've insulted me, my show, my friend, and my wife.
I've had enough of you mate.
Lol please tell me there's screencaps
Don't talk to me or my wife's Subaru ever again
Fake and gay
Project Binky
lmao at falcunt pretending to be moog
everything after s3 is shit
early seasons are gold
No one
Watch scotty instead
Legitimately this and maybe the drift 180sx
>put them in their places
>sperged out and cried when people didn't blindly suck my dick
Pick one.
Can we just drop the Moog VS Veeky Forums thing already?
it's been like 5 years, people change.
Nobody here likes aussies, even moot hated them. Why spend so much time sperging about how bad moot is? It's not like any of you were here during the happening anyways.
SO stoked Project Binky is back.
This is the first I've heard about the moog drama, and I'm never on Veeky Forums, but jesus that's the lamest "meltdown" ever. Literally not even news worthy. Stop jacking yourselves off for the ebin tollin, yo.
I bet people would still get banned from their forums or beaten up at a meet up if you mentioned Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums
I hate moog purely because he fucked up a nice looking Saab 900 with MUH JAY SEE EMM
Marty is cool though
Had an half chub at the china reveal
we can always make a thread where we say:"it's been a while, let's be friends"
It sounds a little redditish but at the end, it's not going to hurt anyone
Those yellow gloves off to the side in a shot or two had me like "w-whaaaat?"
That one where they put the Turbo Barra into the toyota shitbox was neat
Only like 30 mins though, not a series
fuck off falcunt
I don't know why you want to make up with Moog. He's horrible.
Some people have to stroke their ego and feel big headed.
Because we all want to see Marty out of their toxic relationship
Their Japanese feature specials. Chasing Midnight was actually chill as fuck even though I don't really like stance or drifting. Just chilling in the mountains in some old garage. Pure bliss.
Their early low-budget shit was pretty comfy, Supergramps will always be cool because tarbo sleeper wagon, and the Double Unicorn and Skid Factory series on their 2nd channel are great because they contain very little to no Moog.
You must mean Nis'n.
>his knowledge in mechanicals is slim to none
That's literally the original basis for their channel.
I like moog. And I like MCM. And luckily I’m also smart enough to know when others are wrong/their opinions don’t matter. I’ve been on Veeky Forums a while. Some shit never changes.
You keep on posting that shit but what caused "moog" to be that pissed in the first place?
Well seeing as moog directly said “you disrespected my wife” my guess is they disrespected his wife. Which case he has every right to be upset and angry. Of course If you’re some kind of virgin autist who’s jealous of moog you wouldn’t understand that concept.
I take it you've never seen a picture of moog's wife.
Post it
Any user with gaydar can confirm that they are a gay couple?
He just keeps remaking old videos at this point
The upcoming one where those 2 wallaby fuckers and their entire island of didgeridoo sucking bogans sink into the sea and the world is better off because of it, as Australians have contributed nothing of note to the world
I'm not doubting the possibility that this is legit, but I've been on Veeky Forums for 5 years and nothing I've seen leads me to believe this wasn't just some user namefagging as "moog".
Ther's no tripcode or any way to prove that was actually THE moog shitposting.
I really don't know how you're all so gullible, when you consider the sheer number of DAILY ruses we have on this fucking shithole of a board.
What about the fact that he posted on their forum talking about how he went on Veeky Forums and "put them in their places"
Literally 10 seconds in MSpaint to cut and paste ANY post made by ANYONE next to Moog's Avatar.
Just the wording and the posts - they seem too cringey and obvious to be real.
Then go on his forums, mention Veeky Forums or o and watch the permabans pile in
This. Literally just click on their channel, sort by oldest to newest, bam.