Who else here /sip/ n drive?

who else here /sip/ n drive?

please decorate the interior of your car with your brains. kthanxbai


>Orange wrapped wheel, shifter and dash

The Virgin Sipper vs The Chad Chugger


distilled water is fucking dangerous dude
and no urine could ever meet EPA standards for drinking water

its a bit gaudy mate

Thats the joke.


>all that black ice
literally memes irl

it's just a tribute to a great sip

Does anyone actually use the door pockets for storing anything? I have literally never put anything in them, especially drinks.


It spells 666 in Hebrew.

I think that's more of a clever marketing or graphic design technique than anything else. Like imagine what's one thing that sets a design for a fucking drink can apart? The number of the beast but in a different language and disguising it to look like an M it's really fucking clever of them especially with the slogan of unleash the beast

>implying the NT means anything to Jews
>implying any non-Jew gives a shit

So (((monster))) took over Veeky Forums with this garbage meme. Don't let them take over Veeky Forums.

the white monsters are by far the best

The company is owned Jews so they do give a shit.

3 more unopened in the glovebox :^)

You make me happy

Yes. I ironically for sips because tallbois are the only thing that fits reasonably in there. Also napkins.

I would do it for memes sake, but I think that shit tastes nasty

Fucking monster energy is like a laxative. This is much better.